EMCE balls deep 89902 Posts user info edit post |
The Tuskegee Airmen here at work today. They held a panel discussion for some of us while we ate lunch.
pretty cool 8/14/2008 2:15:34 PM
NeuseRvrRat hello Mr. NSA! 35386 Posts user info edit post |
that's pretty cool
[Edited on August 14, 2008 at 2:17 PM. Reason : srsly] 8/14/2008 2:17:20 PM
bmdurham All American 2668 Posts user info edit post |
interesting tidbits? 8/14/2008 2:17:20 PM
nastoute All American 31058 Posts user info edit post |
wait a minute...
you want to be an Airman? 8/14/2008 2:18:08 PM
punchmonk Double Entendre 22300 Posts user info edit post |
I want to meet them!! Discuss what was discussed!! NOW! 8/14/2008 2:19:46 PM
djeternal Bee Hugger 62661 Posts user info edit post |
that's awesome, i love meeting historical figures 8/14/2008 2:24:25 PM
EMCE balls deep 89902 Posts user info edit post |
well, they went down the panel one by one and related their personal experiences, life lessons, views on education, etc... I'll go into more detail later when I get off work.
It was one of their 92nd birthdays today. we sang happy birthday to him, and gave him a coconut cake....his favorite 8/14/2008 2:24:27 PM
djeternal Bee Hugger 62661 Posts user info edit post |
When I was in 8th grade I went to space camp and I met that guy that "allegedly" walked on the moon 8/14/2008 2:26:18 PM
Skack All American 31140 Posts user info edit post |
Was one of them from Raleigh? I found some homemade posters and stuff from an event honoring one of them here in Raleigh one time. 8/14/2008 2:28:11 PM
EMCE balls deep 89902 Posts user info edit post |
another one of the panel members was present at The Freeman Field Mutiny 8/14/2008 2:28:47 PM
EMCE balls deep 89902 Posts user info edit post |
not sure about raleigh. I'll post who all was there when I get home 8/14/2008 2:29:58 PM
SaabTurbo All American 25459 Posts user info edit post |
Shit son, I organized a flight for a Tuskegee Airman locally. He was in his mid eighties and I got him a flight in the aircraft he trained in back in the day. The news even got that shit on camera y0. 8/14/2008 3:17:34 PM
EMCE balls deep 89902 Posts user info edit post |
here is who was there (honorary airmen omitted):
Mr. Floyd J. Carter Sr. (LtCol, ret) Mr. Wildred R. Defour Sr. Mr. Clayton F. Lawrence (LtCol, ret) Mr. AUstin Mckenzie Mr. Eddie D. Monroe (LTC, ret) Mr. Dabney N. Montgomery Mr. Victor W. Terrelonge Mr. Spann Watson 8/15/2008 5:39:21 PM
redwop All American 1027 Posts user info edit post |
That would be cool.  8/15/2008 6:16:07 PM