baonest All American 47902 Posts user info edit post |
for another Iran. I can get myself a passport. so would that make it legal to go? im damn sure I can represent that country is a lot of sports. 8/16/2008 9:29:49 PM
Ragged All American 23473 Posts user info edit post |
you have to ave proof of at least living there im sure if you had some bills sent to a certain iranian addy they will allow it. im sure it is this simple  8/16/2008 9:35:41 PM
djeternal Bee Hugger 62661 Posts user info edit post |
nah, there are some contries that pay elite athletes to change nationalities, and I am pretty sure Iran is one of them. If you are good enough, they will make you a citizen 8/16/2008 9:37:20 PM
sumfoo1 soup du hier 41043 Posts user info edit post |
dude dropping the n bomb isn't a sport 8/16/2008 9:39:32 PM
0EPII1 All American 42569 Posts user info edit post |
^^^^ so what are you that good at?
^^^ it is not a matter of living there. if baonest can get the passport, that is enough to represent his country. whether he is good at anything or not, is another issue.
^^ true. a lot of arab countries do it as well.
[Edited on August 16, 2008 at 9:40 PM. Reason : ] 8/16/2008 9:39:56 PM
baonest All American 47902 Posts user info edit post |
maybe ill wait until golf becomes a sport. ill make it then.
until then, lemme start training 8/17/2008 12:27:48 AM
aaronburro Sup, B 53289 Posts user info edit post |
speedwalking, man 8/17/2008 12:28:37 AM
djeternal Bee Hugger 62661 Posts user info edit post |
Golf will NEVER become a sport.
Golf is just something to piss me off and take my money, kind of like a girlfriend 8/17/2008 12:30:19 AM
baonest All American 47902 Posts user info edit post |
hmm.. well ive got about 4 years. im pretty sure i can train for just about any sport in the olympics. at least enough to qualify. but dont know about qualifying for a medal. 8/17/2008 12:32:31 AM
djeternal Bee Hugger 62661 Posts user info edit post |
i am starting up a handball league here in Greensboro if you want in 8/17/2008 12:34:01 AM
wawebste All American 19599 Posts user info edit post |
My roommate and I soooo wanna do sychronized springboard diving....i'm thinking gold  8/17/2008 12:35:13 AM
Scuba Steve All American 6931 Posts user info edit post |
10m air pistol
nuff said 8/17/2008 12:35:19 AM
EMCE balls deep 89902 Posts user info edit post |
internet nerding isn't an olympic sport baonest  8/17/2008 12:36:04 AM
wawebste All American 19599 Posts user info edit post |
...yet 8/17/2008 12:36:30 AM
djeternal Bee Hugger 62661 Posts user info edit post |
I am more of a winter olympics guy. I can totally do curling 8/17/2008 12:38:36 AM
wawebste All American 19599 Posts user info edit post |
so you're good at sweeping? 8/17/2008 12:39:39 AM
aaronburro Sup, B 53289 Posts user info edit post |
^^ he's definitely got the STONES for it, AMIRITE? 8/17/2008 12:41:56 AM
wawebste All American 19599 Posts user info edit post |
LOL 8/17/2008 12:42:44 AM
beergolftile All American 9030 Posts user info edit post |
golf is the hardest sport of them all
except for badminton 8/17/2008 12:45:54 AM
djeternal Bee Hugger 62661 Posts user info edit post |
Golf is totally not a sport. Seriously, the more I think about it it is worse than a girlfriend. It is expensive, gets me frustrated, and there is absolutely no chance it will blow me. 8/17/2008 12:48:06 AM
baonest All American 47902 Posts user info edit post |
so your GF is a sport?
maybe ill play her in the olympics.. oooh dagggg durrrrrrrr 8/17/2008 10:24:23 AM
NeuseRvrRat hello Mr. NSA! 35386 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Golf is just something to piss me off and take my money, kind of like a girlfriend" |
ahaha 8/17/2008 10:57:38 AM
alibaby All American 8217 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "im sure if you had some bills sent to a certain iranian addy they will allow it." |
right before they send you to Guantanamo Bay
[Edited on August 17, 2008 at 11:02 AM. Reason : ] 8/17/2008 11:02:41 AM