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 Message Boards » » Parents who bring toddlers to PG-13 or R movies Page [1]  
All American
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...should be put in front of a firing squad. I went to the X-Files movie yesterday and a couple actually brought their stupid toddler with them. The little bastard would babble loudly, get up and hop around, and play with his mom's phone. They kept having to get up and take him to the bathroom. Thank God they finally gave up and left halfway through the movie.

Why the fuck would you bring a 3-year-old to the X-Files movie? He's not going to understand or enjoy it. Follow the rating system. Not only is some material inappropriate for young children, it's also beyond their understanding or interest. Plan ahead next time and hire a sitter or leave him in his cage.

8/18/2008 2:48:43 PM

147487 Posts
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so how is that new movie? i kinda liked xfiles when i was younger

[Edited on August 18, 2008 at 2:49 PM. Reason : didnt find the first movie all that fulfilling]

8/18/2008 2:49:40 PM

All American
31924 Posts
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Some woman brought her 8 year old to Tropic Thunder the other day.

Kid would not shut up.

8/18/2008 2:50:21 PM

45912 Posts
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saw mirrors yesterday. lady brings in a baby and 2 toddlers. W. T. F.

8/18/2008 2:55:42 PM

All American
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I saw the indiana jones movie. Bunch of not-of-age kids in there too, acting up. Parents are idiots.

A testament to the public education system (and to their parents).

8/18/2008 2:57:00 PM

All American
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For that matter, theaters should ban all children under 13 from any movie except for certain times (Saturday matinees before 3PM, maybe). I think the Raleigh Grande doesn't let in people under 16 after 9PM without a guardian. Give adults a chance to enjoy G and PG movies in peace the rest of the time. If just one theater in the area did that, they'd get a lot of business.

The movie was OK, it played out like an extended TV episode. It was more of an update on the major characters (Scully, Mulder, and a little bit of Skinner). There wasn't as much going on as in the first movie.

8/18/2008 2:59:06 PM

All American
3526 Posts
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This is why it's worth it to pay the extra and go to the 10pm showing instead of the early ones. At that point most people have their spawn home in bed.

8/18/2008 3:01:06 PM

All American
7912 Posts
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your mistake there was going to see the x files movie

8/18/2008 3:06:26 PM

All American
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8/18/2008 3:08:40 PM

All American
2869 Posts
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i wonder if you could just say "fuck" and all that in front of these kids at the movie theatre.

and their parents really would not be able to say anything in protest without looking like a dumb ass.

8/18/2008 3:10:16 PM

All American
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I remember the Blue Ridge $1.50 theater was the worst. People who were obviously mystified by modern birth control methods would bring 8 kids with them, who would talk loudly, get up and go to the can repeatedly, kick the seats, or whine about anything & everything. Can't they just wait until it goes to video? When I saw "Bad Santa", a family sat right behind me with 2 kids who couldn't keep quiet for 5 minutes. At least their mom made an effort to tell them to shut up, instead of tuning it out.

^yeah, I often say swearwords and talk about sex within earshot of kids, in theaters, restaurants, wherever. I don't make an ass of myself, but I definitely don't cater to oversensitive parents who want to shelter their precious offspring from reality. I just pretend the kids aren't there and don't bother to censor myself. The world doesn't revolve around children, they have to learn to live with it.

[Edited on August 18, 2008 at 3:14 PM. Reason : ...]

8/18/2008 3:11:11 PM

All American
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sounds like you need to grow some balls and tell the parents to shut their kid's mouth

8/18/2008 3:12:49 PM

All American
48079 Posts
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if they built an arclight theater here

i would go to it all the time

8/18/2008 3:16:29 PM

147487 Posts
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i heard theres some theater in like durham that is a little more expensive but they dont allow children in it

8/18/2008 3:17:16 PM

All American
929 Posts
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I'm drooling over the ArcLight, I wish we had one here!

8/18/2008 3:23:12 PM

All American
1001 Posts
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my wife and i went to go see wanted and these people behind us brought their kids. the youngest had to have been no older than 2. we have three kids, so i understand the want to get out, but what the fuck people. you don't bring kids to see these movies. they won't get anything out of it, it's really loud on their ears and it's just plain out not appropriate. even if they can or can't understand the movie, they're still sitting there watching while someone on the movie screen gets their head shot off.

8/18/2008 3:24:51 PM

All American
3899 Posts
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I went to see "Iron Man" at like 9:40, and a little girl and her dad and granddad were in front of us. The dad and granddad kept passing some red mixed drink back and forth, and the little girl kept talking about how tired she was and trying to sleep. The granddad kept talking to her in a weird, quiet scratchy voice, asking her if she wanted to go to sleep.

Good ol' Blue Ridge cinema

8/18/2008 3:30:56 PM

Garage Mod
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I took my 5 yr old to see Batman

8/18/2008 3:32:36 PM

All American
4474 Posts
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Quote :
"I just pretend the kids aren't there and don't bother to censor myself. The world doesn't revolve around children, they have to learn to live with it."

In an environment that is adults only, i'd think it'd be acceptable to swear around children there, but it isn't necessary to swear and be obnoxious within earshot of others in public.

8/18/2008 3:33:13 PM

All American
7528 Posts
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Quote :
"This is why it's worth it to pay the extra and go to the 10pm showing instead of the early ones. At that point most people have their spawn home in bed."

negative. last few times I have been to the late showing (R movies) have had a bunch of rugrats.

Netflix + big screen + surround system FTW

8/18/2008 3:40:50 PM

All American
1721 Posts
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What color where they? 99% of the people I see doing this are black. It's even worse if you go to Blue Ridge.

8/18/2008 5:41:13 PM

All American
3526 Posts
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WTF, kids at the late showing?

Wow, did not realize it was that bad. Guess I have just been lucky avoiding rug rats. You have my deepest sympathy. Going to the movies is too expensive to have it ruined by someone who won't get a babysitter, I'd definitely say something.

8/18/2008 6:23:17 PM

All American
18902 Posts
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There were kids in 'Step Brothers' when I went to see it. I bet those parents were having to wash their kids mouths out for weeks!

8/18/2008 6:26:57 PM

76471 Posts
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It's just confirmation of how shitty their parenting is: they can't get a babysitter to watch J. Hellion Twatbooger.

8/18/2008 6:33:28 PM

All American
22435 Posts
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I thought they wouldn't let kids into movie theaters?

8/18/2008 6:39:06 PM

All American
7496 Posts
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I didn't even see Top Gun or Dirty Dancing until I was in college.

8/18/2008 6:40:49 PM

All American
16417 Posts
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worry about yourself for gods sake.

all this micromanagement of others cant be healthy.

8/18/2008 6:46:30 PM

All American
22435 Posts
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Wait I just actually read the original post.

You went to the X-files movie.


That kid was apparently the only thing interesting that happened to you that night.

8/18/2008 6:48:28 PM

All American
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8/18/2008 6:49:46 PM

All American
1580 Posts
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Quote :
"Follow the rating system."

If it isn't nc-17, a parent can bring their kid. A bunch of whiners in here.

8/18/2008 6:55:58 PM

All American
22435 Posts
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No dude, we're talking about the X-files movie.

Let me fix that for you


8/18/2008 6:57:28 PM

All American
713 Posts
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I've got a toddler, and I can sympathize that some fucking people never get out of the house, but I also understand that nobody wants to hear my daughter when she decides to be pissy. It's basic courtesy, and you should say evil things to them and their children.

8/18/2008 8:58:23 PM

All American
18332 Posts
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You're probably going to the wrong movie theater. Go to one out more in young professional suburbia-land like Morrisville, and you'll probably have more luck avoiding the kiddos that loiter around Crossroads and the like.

8/18/2008 9:17:12 PM

All American
10506 Posts
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good advice

8/18/2008 9:23:04 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » Parents who bring toddlers to PG-13 or R movies Page [1]  
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