Perlith All American 7620 Posts user info edit post |
How does your Net paycheck break down in terms of percentages?
23% --> Short-Term Savings for House 20% --> Rent 15% --> Debt (Credit Cards, Student Loans) 10% --> Utilities (Water/Cable/Power/Phone) 10% --> Car and Car Insurance 10% --> Food + Gas 12% --> Float/Misc.
(Btw, I haven't been on TWW in a good year or so. If this topic is a duplicate, lock it and point me to the original). 9/18/2008 7:53:54 AM
synapse play so hard 60941 Posts user info edit post |
Whats up Travis, long time no see (virtually at least )
So do you have different accounts set up for these different areas?] 9/18/2008 9:14:29 AM
tkeaton All American 5775 Posts user info edit post |
24% Rent/utilities 20% Long term savings 19% Extras/Misc./Fun (this category could also be named "girlfriend" lol) 17% Short term savings 14% Food 6% Fuel 9/18/2008 9:16:00 AM
David0603 All American 12764 Posts user info edit post |
Mortgage (PITI) = 44% Electric/Gas/Water = 7% Roth IRA = 7% Long Term Savings = 7% Shopping = 7% Entertainment = 7% Groceries = 6% Eating Out = 6% Cable/Internet = 4.5% Gas (Car) = 4% Health Care Spending = .5% 9/18/2008 10:36:32 AM
synapse play so hard 60941 Posts user info edit post |
where are you guys getting these numbers from? 9/18/2008 10:40:10 AM
nacstate All American 3785 Posts user info edit post |
28% Debt (credit card, student loans, trying to pay them off quickly) 19% Rent 15% Auto (car loan, insurance) 13% Miscellaneous (going out, gym membership, other car stuff, etc) 12% Food & Gas 7% Utilities (Water/Cable/Power/Phone) 7% Short Term Savings
^ Budget spreadsheet
[Edited on September 18, 2008 at 10:43 AM. Reason : .] 9/18/2008 10:42:30 AM
David0603 All American 12764 Posts user info edit post | + simple division 9/18/2008 10:48:38 AM
synapse play so hard 60941 Posts user info edit post |
yeah i was thinking mint, quicken/money etc, or spreadsheet 9/18/2008 10:49:30 AM
David0603 All American 12764 Posts user info edit post |
I mean, some of the #s I know offhand so I just took their averages. I need some more data in before I can completely rely on it. Right now a few large purchases are skewing the %s. 9/18/2008 10:52:04 AM
OmarBadu zidik 25083 Posts user info edit post |
my best guess without running the exact #s - mortgage/utilities/car insurance/savings are probably the only ones that don't fluctuate - groceries/gas/fun/incidental all fluctuate a good bit based on the month and if we have ppl in town or go visit ppl
24% mortgage/taxes/insurance 9% utilities + hoa 4% car insurance 7% gas 9% groceries 16% savings/investment 10% fun 21% incidental expenses / shopping / misc - what is left over goes to savings 9/18/2008 11:01:42 AM
NCSUWolfy All American 12966 Posts user info edit post |
my 3 month avg
mortgage & hoa: 38%
savings/investments: 15% (not including roth ira or 401k contributions)
travel: 13% (this number is a little unfair bc it includes plane tickets for a trip to chicago in sept, home for thanksgiving, a ski trip in dec and home for xmas)
shopping: 7%
food & dining: 7% (this includes groceries as well as fast food & restaurants and bars)
utilities: 5%
peronal care: 6% (gym, haircuts, mani pedis, sports equipment)
student loans: 4%
healthcare: 2%
everything else: < 1%
* i dont pay for a car or gas
[Edited on September 18, 2008 at 1:08 PM. Reason : dsjfsdjf] 9/18/2008 1:04:56 PM
JohnnyTHM All American 18177 Posts user info edit post |
25% rent 25% gas 15% bills 10% beer 9/18/2008 1:11:41 PM
scud All American 10804 Posts user info edit post |
House shit alone taps me out pretty badly: 40% - mortgage 15% - Property Taxes 12% - HOA/Water/Gas 6% - Utilities | Electricity/Cable/Phone/Internet
27% - Whatever-else is left, food/drink/clothes/etc
I need a raise =\ 9/18/2008 2:38:35 PM
wolfpack0122 All American 3129 Posts user info edit post |
32% rent 23% groceries 11% gas for car 7% Electric/Water/phone 4% Car & Renters insurance 23% on whatever else 9/18/2008 5:37:08 PM
UberCool All American 3457 Posts user info edit post |
rent - 19% phone/cable/dsl - 5% insurance - 4% gas - 5% groceries - 6% saving for eventual house - 32% miscellaneous fun stuff - 4% other (eventually into roth, etc) - 25%
boo/hiss for being single and living in the middle of nowhere... 9/18/2008 7:13:19 PM
qntmfred retired 41010 Posts user info edit post |
18% mortgage+insur 15% health insur+dr bills 14% etc 11% household 11% food 8% auto+insur 7% utilities 6% debt 5% gas 5% taxes
[Edited on September 18, 2008 at 9:17 PM. Reason : thus far for 2008] 9/18/2008 9:17:13 PM
Queti All American 13537 Posts user info edit post |
after tax income basis 15.7 House, Ins, Tax 3.9 Utilities 4.7 Transportation inc gas, ins, car 4.0 Food 0.9 Health, inc ins 7.5 Misc, inc entertainment 63.3 Savings 9/18/2008 10:56:33 PM
lafta All American 14880 Posts user info edit post |
80% entertainment 5% Gas 10% food 3% short term savings (change jar) 2% retirement fund 9/19/2008 12:33:57 AM
joe_schmoe All American 18758 Posts user info edit post |
50% --> EVERYTHING ELSE 9/19/2008 2:44:46 AM
nacstate All American 3785 Posts user info edit post |
I've tried using mint and while I like it for the most part, I didn't like how it lumped all my purchases made with credit cards and stuff in with my bank accounts. I like to keep track of how much money I actually have separate from money I don't have  9/19/2008 9:52:52 AM
David0603 All American 12764 Posts user info edit post |
You can disable certain stuff so it doesn't show up.
Anyone ever heard of
12 Promising New Web Sites and Services
GreenSherpa; click for enlarged image. Economy of scale: If a workable budget is your own private Mount Everest, maybe GreenSherpa is the guide you need. Lots of financial services are good at telling you what you've spent in the past and how much money you have right now. But few online systems so far have attempted to tell you how much you'll have next week or next month, especially if you decide to buy a new iPod after all. Making contingent cash-flow projections is tough, but GreenSherpa's system seems as though it could work. It lets you account for regular bills, but it also simplifies the task of entering one-time expenses or factoring in a bonus check you're expecting. 9/19/2008 9:59:31 AM
nacstate All American 3785 Posts user info edit post |
it also doesn't connect to all my different accounts I'd like to keep track of. 9/19/2008 10:02:08 AM
David0603 All American 12764 Posts user info edit post |
That's weird. I was able to connect it to all of mine including my 401k and my stock purchase plan at work. 9/19/2008 10:12:02 AM
nacstate All American 3785 Posts user info edit post |
with more time I'm sure they'll be added. 9/19/2008 10:18:11 AM
robster All American 3545 Posts user info edit post |
10% to ESPP (actually, thats 10% of gross) .. but estimating 30% to Mortgage 20% to food/gas 15% to utilities 20% to savings 5% to misc
[Edited on September 19, 2008 at 12:27 PM. Reason : .] 9/19/2008 12:24:58 PM
MajrShorty All American 2812 Posts user info edit post |
looks kind of weird right now %-wise
Note: I've got a healthy emergency fund and no CC debt
rent and utilities - 40% gas - 4% food - 7% student loans - 13% insurance - 4% savings - 5% cell - 3% car payment - 14% spending/misc - 10% 9/19/2008 1:15:03 PM
BobbyDigital Thots and Prayers 41777 Posts user info edit post |
far too quickly 9/20/2008 11:49:53 AM
Noen All American 31346 Posts user info edit post |
I don't track my savings in with expenditures, but for expenses:
31% car/insurace 19% rent 16% food/beer/bars 11% student loans 8% shopping 5% travel 4% entertainment 3% utilities 9/20/2008 7:18:00 PM
spooner All American 1860 Posts user info edit post |
40% taxes 12% retirement savings 12% mortgage and HOA 8% student loans 5% car payment/insurance/gas 3% utility bills 20% i have no f#cking clue. crap. lot of bar tabs and dinners, i guess. 9/21/2008 8:02:17 PM
Mindstorm All American 15858 Posts user info edit post |
So you're either doing really well for yourself or getting ass raped by the government.
As for my paycheck...
I think it's about like this:
33% rent 24% utilities 12% gas 12% food 19% whatever/savings/oh noes
I don't have much money at all. College working part time (but making decent money, finally). 9/21/2008 10:23:20 PM
David0603 All American 12764 Posts user info edit post |
You guys realize he said net? 9/21/2008 10:55:24 PM
Mr Scrumples Suspended 61466 Posts user info edit post |
^poker. 100%. 9/22/2008 12:57:28 AM
GKMatt All American 2426 Posts user info edit post |
hey jonny, where does the other 25% go? 9/23/2008 10:48:10 AM
spooner All American 1860 Posts user info edit post |
how about doing well AND getting ass raped?
anyhow, the math was just easier from a gross standpoint. i really haven't put together a budget, and probably should. especially since i'm pissing away about 20% of what i earn. 9/23/2008 11:02:37 AM
zorthage 1+1=5 17148 Posts user info edit post |
20% mortgage 5% home equity loan 15% car & insurance 15% utilities 15% savings (not including 401k) 5% food + gas
25% debt (majority of rest goes toward debt) 9/24/2008 12:33:08 AM
brownie27 All American 3030 Posts user info edit post |
Hmm.. this is interesting
I have made 4000 this month, here's the break down
960 - rent (3 months) 24.5% - NORMALLY it would be 7.5% 250 - Jeep 6.25% 164 - Jeep insurance (2 months) 4% NORMALLY it would be more like 2% 225 - cell (2 months) 5% NORMALLY it would be more like 3% 400 - CC 10% 600 - tires 15% NORMALLY, this happens every 3 years 480 - gas 12% Holy fuck
the rest on food, panthers, and going to ATL twice and a wedding in VA. I'll probably save a good 15% of this by not going anywhere for wedding activities 9/24/2008 2:51:21 AM
Thecycle23 All American 5913 Posts user info edit post |
Way too much - Other shit. Not even close to enough - me.
 9/24/2008 8:39:45 AM
nutsmackr All American 46641 Posts user info edit post |
100% - Beer. 9/24/2008 10:22:36 AM
synapse play so hard 60941 Posts user info edit post |
^^^ you clear nearly 50k and only pay 320/month in rent? thats impressive! 9/24/2008 10:26:10 AM
pilgrimshoes Suspended 63151 Posts user info edit post |
mortgage + hoa + property taxes= 38% groceries, shopping, bars, other random bullshit = 25.5% savings = 15% cable/cell/avg. power/other utilities = 9% miscelaneous membership fees, etc (gym, netflix, other) = 6% car insurance / homeowners = 4% gasoline = 2.5%
now if i can just convince msyelf to drop that bar/shopping habits a little bit i plan to trade in the acura and get a 3 series.

[Edited on September 24, 2008 at 11:24 AM. Reason : e] 9/24/2008 11:12:02 AM
sumfoo1 soup du hier 41043 Posts user info edit post |
does savings include 401k ??
[Edited on September 24, 2008 at 11:33 AM. Reason : brain fart] 9/24/2008 11:32:54 AM
David0603 All American 12764 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "How does your Net paycheck break down in terms of percentages?" |
9/24/2008 11:41:13 AM
sumfoo1 soup du hier 41043 Posts user info edit post |
didn't read net.. srry... i'm like damn i give 20% away before i touch shit... 9/24/2008 11:45:37 AM
pilgrimshoes Suspended 63151 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "does savings include 401k ?? " |
i think this has been answered but no. 9/24/2008 2:30:50 PM
Mangy Wolf All American 2006 Posts user info edit post |
last year:
19% mortgage and home related 25% food, gas, clothing 3% insurance 2% memberships 13% charity 10% vacations 5% gifts 17% savings 6% misc 9/25/2008 7:35:22 PM
scm011 All American 2042 Posts user info edit post |
i make enough money that i don't care what percentage goes to what
dolla dolla bill yall
[Edited on September 25, 2008 at 7:51 PM. Reason : .] 9/25/2008 7:50:41 PM
dweedle All American 77386 Posts user info edit post |
Month Rent 17.2% Car 15.9% College Loan 7.7% Car Insurance 6.1% Cell Phone 2.9% Gas 5.6% Circuit City 3.1% Mattress King 4.7% Cable 1.3% Utilities 1.7% Other 33.6% 66.4% used
plz dont be all fucked up looking 9/25/2008 8:16:12 PM
10410 Posts user info edit post |
Mortgage- 50% Food- 20% Gas (car)- 20% Entertainment- 10%-20%
Yes, that is more than 100%, I go into savings frequently. I am not good with the whole crappy pay of a grad student TA in a small department. 9/28/2008 3:40:19 PM
Perlith All American 7620 Posts user info edit post |
synapse, quit posting last year due to MBA, wedding planning, and fiancee/wife living 3.5 hours from me. MBA done, now married, and wife is living with me in Morrisville, so actually have some time to enjoy life. (And yes TWW, I would like a cookie, thank you).
Yup, as David was saying, I was going for Net, not Gross. You can throw in all sorts of complications (401k, IRA, HSA, IRS, and more fun acronyms) which can change the amount significantly between Net and Gross. I was curious how folks spend their money once it hits their pockets. And, how budgets differed for those with a significant amount of Credit Card / Student loan debt and those without. Interesting breakdowns so far.
And, to answer your question, I track/update a custom spreadsheet as most of my accounts are accessible online. Only account which is different is the short-term savings; put that into a higher-yield account. Monthly regular bills autodraft out of checking for hassle-free. Have a BP Credit Card for gas/groceries/etc. variable expenses. Pay off the card every month ... think I've gained $500+ in gas cards from it since I opened it about a year ago, and not a penny of finance charges.
[Edited on October 4, 2008 at 11:15 AM. Reason : .] 10/4/2008 10:56:24 AM
qntmfred retired 41010 Posts user info edit post |
bump 3/9/2009 9:58:20 AM