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All American
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Seems kinda lame that he was suspended by spookyjon. He was pushing his case in that Bill Maher thread though examples and links and was slammed with personal attacks.

He's not very tactful in his posts but thats his style.

I don't see why he was suspended but not others basically doing the same thing but with an opposing view.

10/8/2008 8:13:22 AM

All American
5853 Posts
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I agree. Why suspend one and not the other?

10/8/2008 8:15:09 AM

All American
42565 Posts
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holy shit i didn't even realize. i can't imagine what the presidential and vp debates threads would have looked like were he not suspended. for starters, the threads would be twice as long.

10/8/2008 8:23:52 AM

All American
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^wow you must really care. Has he torn those threads apart over the last month, b/c if I recall he was just suspended YESTERDAY

[Edited on October 8, 2008 at 8:34 AM. Reason : durrrrrr]

10/8/2008 8:34:21 AM

All American
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oh ok. i just didn't see him when i was posting in the presidential debates thread last night during the debate, and the vp thread last week during that debate. i didn't see the first presidential debate.

10/8/2008 8:54:21 AM

play so hard
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Quote :
"and was slammed with personal attacks."

haha yeah he's so innocent huh?

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"It doesn't surprise me at all, strokiaman, that a douche bag like you would gravitate toward Maher. I guess massive douche bags like you and Maher cum felch alike."

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"Eat shit and die in a house fire. "

look, he trolled in entertainment, which obviously isn't allowed. shit his first post in the thread was:

Quote :
"Bill Maher? What a little bitch--watch him get knocked the fuck out by Erik Estrada at about 3:00 on this video excerpt from the show Pictionary, for God's sake (pun intended):

What a fucking douche. "

Yeah he was on his best behavior in that thread

10/8/2008 9:11:22 AM

All American
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Quote :
"haha yeah he's so innocent huh?"

I didn't say he was innocent. But no more guilty than some of his attackers. And I wasn't aware trolling was permitted ANYWHERE outside of Chit Chat...

10/8/2008 10:08:25 AM

play so hard
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so first you make it sound like he was innocent with this:

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"He was pushing his case in that Bill Maher thread though examples and links and was slammed with personal attacks."

now you've agreed he was trolling. awesome.

10/8/2008 10:32:14 AM

All American
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He was innocent of doing something requiring suspension. And I didn't say he was trolling. What kind of reading comprehension do you practice?

10/8/2008 10:39:43 AM

148835 Posts
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Quote :
"the fact that he makes that old ass faggot hooksaw so angry means he is awesome."

apparently shit like this is cool, but when hooksaw defends himself, its not cool

Quote :
"Bill Maher? What a little bitch--watch him get knocked the fuck out by Erik Estrada at about 3:00 on this video excerpt from the show Pictionary, for God's sake (pun intended):

What a fucking douche. ""

oh no, he talked shit about bill maher, suspend!!1

[Edited on October 8, 2008 at 11:22 AM. Reason : .]

10/8/2008 11:21:04 AM

All American
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10/8/2008 11:34:40 AM

play so hard
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it's really cute how you soapbox guys (on both sides) stick up for each other purely based on political ideologues. it's like you need your comrades back in battle so you come to the feedback forum and lobby for their freedom.

i'm sure he'll be free soon.

10/8/2008 11:41:37 AM

All American
11792 Posts
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What horse shit.

hooksaw is no more deserving than 90% of the people attacking him in that thread. It just so happens he's less popular with some of the regular.

Well fuuuuck that, I say.

[Edited on October 8, 2008 at 11:44 AM. Reason : ``]

10/8/2008 11:44:13 AM

148835 Posts
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^^kinda like how you're trying to put all the blame on hooksaw based on your own political ideologue?

he didnt personally attack anyone in that thread until he was called an "old faggot"...well he 'personally' attacked Bill Maher, but if that were a suspendable offense, 99% of TWW would be suspended for talking shit about Obama and Bush and McCain and Palin

[Edited on October 8, 2008 at 12:12 PM. Reason : .]

10/8/2008 12:11:02 PM

play so hard
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you all are complaining that someone who trolled was attacked. when chance busts up in a thread and starts trolling, you usually attack the shit out of him. whats the difference?

10/8/2008 12:43:04 PM

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looks like hooksaw was saying how shitty BILL MAHER and HIS MOVIE were

then people starting saying how shitty HOOKSAW was

yet hooksaw gets suspended? explain that one to bout either nobody gets suspended, or more than one person gets suspended?

10/8/2008 12:49:11 PM

play so hard
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trolling/thread derailing outside of chit chat and the soap box often results in suspensions.

i don't know why hooksaw got suspended, but trolling is my guess.

10/8/2008 12:51:39 PM

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i read the thread in question

i don't know why anyone was suspended...but if anyone was suspended, it should be more than just one person...he was just defending himself from personal attacks that he didnt originally instigate...he started talking shit about bill maher, and then somebody calls him an old faggot and he insults them back...doesnt make much sense that just one person would get suspended

10/8/2008 12:53:40 PM

All American
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the topic was the movie, and he was railing against the movie and it's maker without having seen it - and admitting he would never see it. he was there to cause trouble, not discuss the movie.

and i repeat


10/8/2008 1:46:24 PM

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this was skokian's only post in the entire thread

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"the fact that he makes that old ass faggot hooksaw so angry means he is awesome."

was he in there to discuss the movie? no he was in there to cause trouble...don't actually look at the thread though, just say RAWR I HATE HOOKSAW, SUSPEND HIM FOR DEFENDING HIMSELF

10/8/2008 3:08:33 PM

All American
16500 Posts
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Thanks for all the support here in the face of this clear abuse of mod powers. Just a recap of the unfortunate event in question:

Quote :
"Dearest hooksaw,
In Entertainment, we act like grown-ups. You're in time-out until you can do that.


Um. . .were these users "act[ing] like grown-ups," spöoky?

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"the fact that he makes that old ass faggot hooksaw so angry means he is awesome."


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"i'm assuming since you harbor so much hate for bill maher that you have not, in which case, kindly fuck off."

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"fuck off"

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"fuck off, old man"

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"can we do something about this fucking troll?

in entertainment of all places

fuck off gramps"


You know, even though we disagree about politics, I thought you were halfway all right, spöoky. I mean, you can be candid--once in a while--and you usually bump my threads when I ask. But your bias clearly showed here--you should be ashamed of this suspension.


Quote :
"i don't know why hooksaw got suspended, but trolling is my guess."


Yeah--you don't know, but you were perfectly willing to hazard a guess, weren't you? FTR, I was NOT trolling!!!1 I simply took an unpopular position and immediately had to defend myself against vicious personal attacks for which I was punished. You know, the usual.

Look, even GrumpyGOP--who pretty much hates me--could see the point in my legitimate argument. Can't you see this, too?

In any event, some of you mods need to fucking cool it with the biased assumptions and hair-trigger suspensions. And try not to so overtly enjoy the suspensions, okay? (dreaded double-rolly)

10/8/2008 4:36:46 PM

All American
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You came into that thread trolling and now you complain about being the victim?

your post about Maher's game of Pictionary was not something GrumpyGOP saw as a valid argument, and that's the inflammatory statement that you decided to post first in that thread

you just wanted to call Maher names and state how other movies were SOOOOO much better because they made more money than his

and you've done that, so congratulations

[Edited on October 8, 2008 at 4:51 PM. Reason : don't try to make this into some martyr bullshit, you started it]

10/8/2008 4:45:24 PM

All American
9012 Posts
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the interwebs is serious bidness

10/8/2008 4:51:53 PM

All American
16500 Posts
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^^ Prove that I was trolling. I swear to you and all others that I absolutely was not.

^ Or some such.

[Edited on October 8, 2008 at 5:06 PM. Reason : ^^ I'm not allowed to dislike Bill Maher in a thread about Maher and his movie?!]

10/8/2008 4:52:29 PM

All American
14657 Posts
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more like poopyjon, am i right hooksaw?

[Edited on October 8, 2008 at 4:52 PM. Reason : .]

10/8/2008 4:52:32 PM

All American
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^ You forgot the umlaut: cf. pöopyjon. Still, I like it!

10/8/2008 4:55:59 PM

play so hard
60941 Posts
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Quote :
"Yeah--you don't know, but you were perfectly willing to hazard a guess, weren't you? "

i was actually being coy. i knew why you were suspended.

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" I was NOT trolling!!!1 I simply took an unpopular position and immediately had to defend myself against vicious personal attacks"

and you were trolling, that much is obvious. the ones who are good at trolling are capable of disguising it better..but when you bust up in a thread with a first post like that it's obvious trolling.

and poor poor you. you dish out vicious personal attacks almost every day you post. don't expect any sympathy from any of us.

10/8/2008 5:12:45 PM

148835 Posts
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Quote :
"your post about Maher's game of Pictionary was not something GrumpyGOP saw as a valid argument"

i dunno about that one way or the other, but when he said he got knocked out i was expecting him to actually get hit...looked like he fell the fuck out from just getting grazed in his nose...based on that clip maher is definitely a pussy

10/8/2008 5:19:54 PM

All American
16500 Posts
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^^ Um. . .okay. Well you go ahead and spend your time being "coy."

I don't want your fucking sympathy. I want you to realize that (1) I was not trolling--I just don't like Maher or his stupid "religious" + "ridiculous" = Religulous movie and I shared that opinion. (2) I don't go into any thread--ever--looking to attack someone or wreck the thread. I simply share my opinion, which happens to be in the minority here, and I get personally attacked for it--some of you just don't like it because when you figuratively send me to the hospital, I send you to the morgue. And (3) you don't seem to be upset about any of the attacks coming from apparent supporters of the bigot Maher.

BTW, if I'm so bad, synapticallychallenged, why aren't more moonbats in FF routinely calling for my suspension? Furthermore, during my recent self-imposed 30-day hiatus, I had more than one left-wing user PM me to say that I would be missed. SO THERE!

10/9/2008 12:58:26 AM

148835 Posts
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Quote :
"I want you to realize that (1) I was not trolling--I just don't like Maher or his stupid "religious" + "ridiculous" = Religulous movie and I shared that opinion. (2) I don't go into any thread--ever--looking to attack someone or wreck the thread. I simply share my opinion, which happens to be in the minority here, and I get personally attacked for it"

thats definitely 100% correct, i'm assuming thats why jon unsuspended you

10/9/2008 1:13:35 AM


18617 Posts
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I probably should have started with a warning, which is what I will do in the future and why I didn't suspend you for very long--HOWEVER, regardless of who started it (I feel like I'm talking to five year olds), in the future I will expect you to not fly off the handle with all the name calling and personal insults. If somebody hurts your feelings or says something that you are unable to cope with, let me know, and I'll take care of it. I don't want another thread derailed by this kind of shit again.

10/9/2008 8:16:41 AM

All American
16500 Posts
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Quote :
"I probably should have started with a warning. . . ."

Fair enough. And thank you for your candor.

10/9/2008 1:25:55 PM

 Message Boards » Feedback Forum » Free Hooksaw Page [1]  
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