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All American
25834 Posts
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Are you going to let RD create so many alias that soon he will take over every thread replying to all of his alias posts? How is RD anymore annoying than Chance (who wasnt nearly as bad as RD has become) that doesnt get any of his alias activated; however, RD seems to get all of his activated and then he starts shitting all over this site with them. Even when RD was "suspended" you all let him use an alias the whole time.

[Edited on November 15, 2008 at 9:22 PM. Reason : w]

11/15/2008 9:16:41 PM

All American
30652 Posts
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Question for roddy:

When will you quit bitching like a little girl?
I think a kindergarten teacher would have more luck resolving this than the mods would. They are used to dealing with this type of childish shit.

Seriously roddy, it isn't that serious. It's just TWW. There are plenty of other things in life that the mods aren't going to be able to bail you out of.

Also, I think all the whining about him is even more annoying.

11/15/2008 9:24:26 PM

All American
28747 Posts
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What is the purpose of a moderator if not to moderate?

11/15/2008 9:25:33 PM

45912 Posts
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what a whiny bitch

11/15/2008 9:32:13 PM

Not suspended
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take this back to chit chat

11/15/2008 9:42:55 PM

114617 Posts
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you're talking like I'm using more than one alias at a time

this is my main name now, not an alias, unless you want to get technical about the definition of alias

RD is retired, Airbag is retired, my other names got suspended years ago, and I'm not doing anything that is against the rules

11/15/2008 9:43:10 PM

All American
22728 Posts
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roddy whines like evan

11/15/2008 9:54:14 PM

Duh, Winning
62530 Posts
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he should have posted this under HeHateMe

oh wait...

11/15/2008 10:21:47 PM

All American
27139 Posts
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turn that thinking cap back on champ

11/15/2008 10:27:34 PM

Big Business
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I don't see a problem with only posting on one name. Theres no way for me to change my username, if i don't like mine for a certain reason, theres no reason i should be required to stay on that username. Its not like i'm abusing both of them to flood threads with twice as much shit. I haven't done anything wrong, neither has RD. I suggest you grow up, or get the user block application.

I'm Big Business and i approved this message.

11/15/2008 10:35:24 PM

Big Business
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I like how people who bitch the most about their beloved site will never shell out the few $$$ for premie after their years of posting on here.

I'm Big Business and i approved this message.

11/15/2008 11:19:25 PM

114617 Posts
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little do they realize that premies have access to a special RD/BubbleBobble blocking feature!


11/15/2008 11:21:06 PM

1038 Posts
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Hmm. Six of the 25 and 9 of the 50 threads on the front page are Airbag, RecieveDeath, or BubbleBobble threads (and a few more by his butt buddy BigLegoMyEgo). I guess Chit Chat is done? Did all the people that care move on to facebook?

11/15/2008 11:27:02 PM

114617 Posts
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oh my god what a horrid number!!

and did you think you are funny with the eggo thing?

11/15/2008 11:29:47 PM

All American
10506 Posts
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that was pretty funny.

and actually I have been in the other sections of the site since chit chat is basically RD or his current name is flooding the hell out of it making it is his own lil museum of tardnation.

11/15/2008 11:56:21 PM

All American
24415 Posts
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Get rid of RD and his ilk.

[Edited on November 16, 2008 at 1:39 AM. Reason : ]

11/16/2008 1:39:05 AM

Big Business
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wah wah wah i can't use the ignore user plugin

I'm Big Business and i approved this message.

11/16/2008 1:58:07 AM

1038 Posts
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Quote :
"Hmm. Six of the 25 and 9 of the 50 threads on the front page are Airbag, RecieveDeath, or BubbleBobble threads (and a few more by his butt buddy BigLegoMyEgo). I guess Chit Chat is done? Did all the people that care move on to facebook?"

Notice now that he is asleep, there are only 5 threads in the top 50 created by him. By the evening hours when he is just getting warmed up, that number will no doubt go up as he bttt's old threads he created with such wonderful additions as

[old pic]
you mad


11/16/2008 1:03:26 PM

All American
6576 Posts
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seriously. its fucking chit chat. there's never anything useful in that forum anyway.

11/16/2008 1:08:48 PM

Duh, Winning
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you guys have to be thinking money

he is getting names and now getting premium for them

yes he is annoying and all, but he is helping pay for a site most of you get for FREE

11/16/2008 1:49:57 PM

All American
23473 Posts
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the thing is that ive paid my money and i hate seeing the first 6-10 posts of his padding shit. save it all for one fucking thread. i mean a mod said he WAS going to suspend people who made sarah palin threads, and people stopped. why not now too.

11/16/2008 2:46:20 PM

All American
6475 Posts
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There needs to be a bit of flood control here. it is getting out of hand once again. Have you thought about limiting a user's posts per day and their thread making? Just saying the avg. user wouldn't post over 50 a day..

[Edited on November 16, 2008 at 3:22 PM. Reason : g]

11/16/2008 3:06:43 PM

Not suspended
24374 Posts
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nattrngnabob is so tuff. he wants to be an internet tuff guy and call out people that he doesn't know shit about. if it all came down to it though, he, i, and the whole world knows he wouldn't do shit if he ever saw me. so tuff

^There is flood control. Just because you might not hit 40 in a day doesn't mean others might. This place would die quickly if it were limited that much.

11/16/2008 3:24:22 PM

Big Business
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damn, if only life were perfect then i would get along perfectly with everyone and no one would ever disagree with anyone else.

I'm Big Business and i approved this message.

11/16/2008 5:01:37 PM

1038 Posts
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Quote :
"nattrngnabob is so tuff. he wants to be an internet tuff guy and call out people that he doesn't know shit about. if it all came down to it though, he, i, and the whole world knows he wouldn't do shit if he ever saw me. so tuff"

I get the impression that you aren't very intelligent.

11/16/2008 6:30:54 PM

Not suspended
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^again mr. internet tuff guy. all talk no proof.

11/16/2008 6:37:52 PM

1038 Posts
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You've labeled me an internet tuff guy for commenting on another users posting habits. You've said I provide no proof when I'm talking about my "impression". In 4000+ posts, I can't ever recall you posting anything intelligent. I think it is indeed fairly certain that you are about as bright as dark matter. I also find it very funny that a guy who appears from his pics to be maybe a buck o' five is saying that any other able bodied male wouldn't say shit to him in public.

11/16/2008 6:41:55 PM

All American
5971 Posts
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Quote :
he is getting names and now getting premium for them

yes he is annoying and all, but he is helping pay for a site most of you get for FREE"

11/16/2008 6:56:27 PM

Not suspended
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Quote :
"(and a few more by his butt buddy BigLegoMyEgo)"

That's why i'm labeling you a internet tuff guy.

Have you seen 1000 of my 4000+ posts? No. You don't know shit about me.

You wouldn't talk shit to me in public because you're not that tuff. It doesn't matter how big or small I may be.

And even if you are "that tuff," it would either make you a jackass or a douchebag, your choice.

11/16/2008 7:09:19 PM

1038 Posts
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You...are just not intelligent.

11/16/2008 7:17:06 PM

Not suspended
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^Real tuff. If I wasn't intelligent i wouldn't be at State pursuing a CHE degree. Those are facts, now run along Mr. Internet Tuff Guy.

11/16/2008 7:31:34 PM

1038 Posts
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You spend entirely too much time on this site to be successful, even at State (which is pretty cake btw).

11/16/2008 7:42:42 PM

All American
24415 Posts
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^^Listen here child, I've met TONS of people who were in the process of earning engineering degrees.

Some of them are still 'in the process', some gave up quickly.

Just because you've started down a hard road doesn't begin to mean you're cut out for it.

Your 'facts' themselves have yet to be proven.

Instead, you're resorting to trying to pass off your ambition as your intelligence because there's very serious reason to doubt your intelligence based on the fact that you have yet to put together a useful, sound, coherent post on this website.

Napolean was ambitious trying to invade Russia, look how far it got him.

It's a message board, and you kids absolutely refuse to use or treat it that way.

[Edited on November 16, 2008 at 7:52 PM. Reason : \/ You have 70 posts per day, who do you think takes it more seriously?]

11/16/2008 7:42:55 PM

Big Business
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i guess you treat this message board pretty seriously tuff guy

I'm Big Business and i approved this message.

11/16/2008 7:50:00 PM

25079 Posts
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my guess is that at least 1 or more from RD/bubblebobble/bigego/saabturbo won't last much longer

there was an understanding with RD when he was let go and he's shat all over that more or less

11/16/2008 7:52:59 PM

1038 Posts
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Is it true that he is jobless and lives at home? If that is true, I'm speechless as to what someone in that situation is doing investing more and more money on this site while in that situation, unless he folks have him on a trust fund or something. It seems like this site should do him the favor and bar him from posting so that maybe he gets his act together.

11/16/2008 7:56:12 PM

Big Business
9099 Posts
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i registered 2 days ago.

i have almost 50 post in like the last hour and a half. get over yourself.

I'm Big Business and i approved this message.

11/16/2008 7:56:12 PM

1038 Posts
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Hmmm, I think you proved his point. It also seems you've taken up the position of serious business police and become a parody of yourself at the same time, all in 2 days on the website.

11/16/2008 7:57:11 PM

Big Business
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i still don't see a correlation between using this website heavily for a few hours a day and taking it too seriously. Maybe someone who takes it too seriously can explain it to me

I'm Big Business and i approved this message.

11/16/2008 7:59:18 PM

1038 Posts
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You're in a thread in the feedback forum taking up the cause of another user that is highly unpopular. Not serious business at all. Nope.

11/16/2008 8:00:35 PM

Big Business
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all i've ever said is that people come here and cry about it when they could just get the user block addon. especially when they aren't willing to spend a few dollars and get a premie subscription. I don't flood the lounge, i don't flood entertainment, i don't really flood chit chat, i don't see what anyone else's problem is.

I'm Big Business and i approved this message.

11/16/2008 8:02:26 PM

All American
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I smell banhammer.

11/16/2008 8:07:18 PM

Big Business
9099 Posts
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yeah i definitely deserve a ban

I'm Big Business and i approved this message.

11/16/2008 8:11:36 PM

Not suspended
24374 Posts
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Quote :
"You spend entirely too much time on this site to be successful, even at State (which is pretty cake btw)."

You have no idea how much time i spend on the site or how much time i spend doing school work.

that's for you

Quote :
"my guess is that at least 1 or more from RD/bubblebobble/bigego/saabturbo won't last much longer

there was an understanding with RD when he was let go and he's shat all over that more or less"

The times a mod has confronted me was for dping and when i made the niggeres thread. so long as i don't do that again i think i'll be fine.

11/16/2008 8:25:24 PM

All American
8483 Posts
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This is one of my favorite threads today.

11/16/2008 9:28:20 PM

All American
27372 Posts
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This is one of my favorite threads today.

11/16/2008 11:51:46 PM

35217 Posts
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11/16/2008 11:56:49 PM

7607 Posts
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Quote :
"Question for roddy:

When will you quit bitching like a little girl?"

11/17/2008 2:14:55 AM

Not suspended
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question for the mods: how is this not a shitty thread?

11/17/2008 12:18:37 PM

114617 Posts
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there's already a thread calling for my head, he could have used that one

11/17/2008 12:19:46 PM

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