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Mr Scrumples
61466 Posts
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are fucking douchebags.

1/19/2009 1:30:46 PM

All American
1933 Posts
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1/19/2009 1:31:37 PM

2164 Posts
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they are better than cowboys fans

1/19/2009 1:47:16 PM

All American
7528 Posts
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are multiplying

1/19/2009 1:51:08 PM

Finally Preemie!
4472 Posts
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Are going to be given their second SuperBowl in the last few years. The first one courtesy of the refs, this one courtesy of the worst team to ever make a SuperBowl.

1/19/2009 2:07:53 PM

Dick Danger
51059 Posts
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Quote :

1/19/2009 2:16:49 PM

All American
6788 Posts
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Quote :
"Are going to be given their second SuperBowl in the last few years. The first one courtesy of the refs, this one courtesy of the worst team to ever make a SuperBowl."

lolz, sounds like someone is a little butthurt that his prediction of big ben and the steelers never doing anything has completely gone out the window

1/19/2009 2:17:28 PM

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1/19/2009 2:43:04 PM

5608 Posts
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as in raped, anal buttsecks style.

1/19/2009 2:43:49 PM

43669 Posts
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Quote :
"are fucking douchebags."

1/19/2009 2:49:09 PM

56200 Posts
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bunch of jagoffs that hang around Kennywood during the summer

1/19/2009 3:29:24 PM

All American
14628 Posts
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are better than iggles fans

1/19/2009 3:49:51 PM

All American
4053 Posts
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They really are everywhere, its insane and annoying.

People are leaving Pennsylvania in droves, they can't stand it there, but they still love the teams and that leaves the rest of us to be overwhelmed with Steeler's jerseys at every sports bar around.

1/19/2009 3:51:06 PM

All American
17732 Posts
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I don't mind eagles fans as much

1/19/2009 4:13:01 PM

22518 Posts
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Quote :
"bunch of jagoffs that hang around Kennywood during the summer"


someone knows his pittsurghese

1/19/2009 4:18:23 PM

All American
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^^ i've heard tales of opposing fans getting pissed on (literally) in that stadium, along with your standard objects being thrown

1/19/2009 4:20:12 PM

22518 Posts
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my uncle told me about one of his co-workers who was at an eagles game with his wife

some guy whipped out his dick and pissed on her because she had the other teams jersey

they are the only nfl stadium with a jail and a magistrate at the stadium

[Edited on January 19, 2009 at 4:46 PM. Reason : here ≠ her

1/19/2009 4:45:27 PM

Mr Scrumples
61466 Posts
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Quote :
"People are leaving Pennsylvania in droves, they can't stand it there, but they still love the teams and that leaves the rest of us to be overwhelmed with Steeler's jerseys at every sports bar around."

Uh, what makes you think any of them have even been to PA? Go outside of Raleigh. Go to your rural places like Johnston County. Tell me how many Steelers morons you see. You think these people moved from PA? They're idiots, dude. They like winners! One time I was at the Cleveland Draft House (in Johnston County), this chick was rocking a Steelers jersey during a week she comes in with a...Dolphins jersey? Bandwagon as fuck.

1/19/2009 4:45:50 PM

All American
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you could say that about a lot of teams...but yeah there are there a lot of steelers fans with no ties and I can understand how that could be dad lived in pittsburgh so I grew up cheering for all pittsburgh teams, and yes I still cheer for the pirates

[Edited on January 19, 2009 at 4:51 PM. Reason : .]

1/19/2009 4:51:17 PM

All American
31924 Posts
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Quote :
"Are going to be given their second SuperBowl in the last few years. The first one courtesy of the refs, this one courtesy of the worst team to ever make a SuperBowl."

I can't wait until the Cardinals are called the worst team to ever win a SuperBowl.

1/19/2009 5:20:59 PM

Mr Scrumples
61466 Posts
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I reeeeeeally hope they do.

1/19/2009 5:37:33 PM

All American
14880 Posts
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^^yeah, i would bet money that they win it

1/19/2009 5:46:41 PM

All American
694 Posts
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The jail was a short-lived thing at the Vet. There is nothing of the sort at the Linc. The new stadium has generally brought with it higher prices and, as a result, fewer "interesting" fans. The same could probably be said for any team with a new, luxury box-laden stadium built in the last 10 years though.

1/19/2009 5:54:27 PM

Mr Scrumples
61466 Posts
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I'd rather see really crazy, rabid, fanatics than a bunch of bandwagon douchebag dipshits that have never been to the state, let alone the stadium of the team they "pull for." That's what we're talking about here, people. And don't act like there aren't some psycho NC State fans that would do crap like that if they knew they could get away with it...

[Edited on January 19, 2009 at 6:21 PM. Reason : d]

1/19/2009 5:59:19 PM

All American
8118 Posts
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we're from pittsburgh, and lets put it this way....

if the panthers were in the super bowl, they would have a huge bandwagon in the carolinas...

1/20/2009 8:47:19 AM

All American
17732 Posts
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A fair-weather fan sure; but you are not a bandwagon fan for pulling for your home team (i.e. Panthers for NC; NCSU if u are a student; etc)

1/20/2009 11:53:10 AM

43669 Posts
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Quote :
"we're from pittsburgh, and lets put it this way....

if the panthers were in the super bowl, they would have a huge bandwagon in the carolinas..."

Most Steeler fans are not from pittsburgh, sorry. go to any bar in charlotte and 1/2 the fuckers there are steelers fans, and most of them have not even been out of the state of NC

1/20/2009 12:21:00 PM

All American
8118 Posts
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it goes for the cowboys....

people like the giants and never have been to nyc...

i mean it happens with any teams in championship games...

all the red socks wannabe fans came out in last few years

1/20/2009 12:26:19 PM

Gottfather FTL
12586 Posts
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i will acknowledge that there are some bandwagon steelers fans, but the steelers have had one of the biggest fanbases for years. i am annoyed by people that throw on a jersey and call themselves a fan and then can't name more than 3 players on the team. most of the steelers fans i come across aren't like that though.

1/20/2009 12:36:18 PM

All American
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my other point is that even if there's steelers fans who have never been to pittsburgh or lived there or anything, they can still be fans...

how would there be so many sports fans if only people from THAT particular city could like the team

1/20/2009 1:49:41 PM

Gottfather FTL
12586 Posts
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yeah i agree with that as well, as long as it isn't fickle where they'd be wearing a steelers jersey one year and then a patriots or ravens jersey the next depending on who is doing the best. that annoys me.

1/20/2009 1:52:04 PM

43669 Posts
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^ that must explain why everyone likes UNC as well, there is no bandwagon there either

1/20/2009 1:53:33 PM

All American
8483 Posts
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Quote :
"they are better than cowboys fans"

not quite.

1/20/2009 6:44:24 PM

Mr Scrumples
61466 Posts
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it's not like that's saying much.

1/20/2009 6:53:35 PM

All American
8483 Posts
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according to ESPN, the Steelers have the best fans in the NFL.

Yikes, Panthers fans at #25.

[Edited on January 20, 2009 at 7:06 PM. Reason : fg]

1/20/2009 7:04:05 PM

All American
24675 Posts
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^Arizona has the worst fans according to that list

I dont know about you, but they had a pretty strong home-field advantage this season and postseason

1/20/2009 8:26:45 PM

Mr Scrumples
61466 Posts
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Wonder if that's based on the amount of Bullshit they sell every year...

1/20/2009 8:51:42 PM

Wolfman Tim
All American
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Quote :
"I dont know about you, but they had a pretty strong home-field advantage this season and postseason"

They had to be granted an extension by the NFL to sellout the wild card game.

1/20/2009 8:59:55 PM

43669 Posts
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thats because 1/2 the people in charlotte are fucking steelers fans, how could they sell out on time?

1/21/2009 8:07:34 AM

All American
17732 Posts
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Quote :
"people like the giants and never have been to nyc"

I'll cut Crybaby manning fans a break and at least concede that their are a lot of transplant yanks that move to NC bringing their Giants or Pats loyalties down with them. Than their kids continue the loyalty.

The same can't be for the Steelers.

1/21/2009 9:57:58 AM

?? ????? ??
14957 Posts
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Before the Panthers came in all you saw in NC were Packers and Redskins jerseys, because those were the winners.

1/23/2009 11:14:10 AM

All American
5832 Posts
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cant say i like steelers fans either, but its what u gotta deal with when a team has virtually perennial success.

maybe one day, 66 years from now, when the panthers have aged as much as the steelers, our fan base will be of similar nature. but who knows? its pointless to compare.

i love being a 1st generation fan of a team...its awesome growing old with a team from its inception

1/23/2009 2:40:36 PM

43669 Posts
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Quote :
"Before the Panthers came in all you saw in NC were Packers Cowboys and Redskins Steelers jerseys, because those were the winners. bandwagon teams"

And the Redskins were because they were the home team back then

[Edited on January 23, 2009 at 3:03 PM. Reason : .]

[Edited on January 23, 2009 at 3:03 PM. Reason : .]

1/23/2009 3:03:07 PM

All American
17732 Posts
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's post above holds much truth

1/23/2009 3:29:44 PM

All American
8483 Posts
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No it doesn't. He is a moron. The post of his directly before this one he thinks Wolfman is talking about the Panthers.

1/23/2009 7:02:57 PM

The Dude
All American
6502 Posts
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Fuck the Steelers

I've hated them since they beat my Seahawks in the Superbowl

My teams are 0-2 in my lifetime in championship games (Supersonics and Seahawks)

1/23/2009 7:56:36 PM

All American
6788 Posts
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^ you mean the now ok city thunder?

1/23/2009 10:23:17 PM

All American
2200 Posts
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1/24/2009 3:28:22 AM

All American
21497 Posts
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^^^ Sounders FC!!

1/24/2009 11:21:42 AM

22518 Posts
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1/24/2009 1:36:01 PM

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