I'm selling this monitor because I have a laptop and no longer need it. Here are the specs for it:http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824001088NOTE: It does not tilt, and I'm not sure why Newegg says that it does. I've had this monitor for just over a year and have had no problems with it. I have the driver CD, both VGA and DVI cables, and the original box it shipped in. Asking $130 OBO
3/6/2009 9:45:22 AM
I realize its a different model, but buy.com has a similar 19" samsung for $99 shipped.http://www.buy.com/prod/samsung-923nw-19-widescreen-lcd-monitor-1000-1-5ms-1440-x-900/q/loc/101/208409740.html?adid=17992&dcaid=17992
3/6/2009 10:28:24 AM
3/6/2009 10:46:31 AM
3/6/2009 12:04:14 PM
3/6/2009 12:16:07 PM
Okay, well nevermind then. I had no idea it was worth so little. Since I paid just over two hundred for it, I don't want to sell it for $40. Sorry for wasting everyones time.
3/6/2009 2:14:17 PM
If you change your mind it is worth 40 to me....but as you can see, not much more than that.
3/6/2009 3:55:20 PM
try craigslist. you should get closer to 100
3/6/2009 11:27:02 PM