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 Message Boards » » NTR 415 with Croom, DE? Page [1]  
New Recruit
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I was just wondering has anyone taken this class as DE? I am thinking about taking this over the summer but wasn't sure how hard this class was. Any information on teacher and/or class would be great since I couldn't find any reviews on the class.


4/20/2009 9:39:20 PM

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hey i'm in the class now and it's my first NTR class i've taken. Croom is a really great guy and his exams are straight forward if you go over the powerpoints he gives for each exam.

his grading is fair too (ex. a+ =98-100, a =88-97, something like that). he also gives a ton of extra credit for telling him simple things like ur name and what city your from (5 bonus points), watching a pointless seminar on something (THIRTY points) and there's two of those.

4/20/2009 11:06:54 PM

New Recruit
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bdxzok, thanks so much for the info!
I noticed that the pre-requisites were organic chem which I took a while back. Would you say a good understanding of organic chem is really needed to do well? Is this class based on a lot of structures and their functions?

4/21/2009 10:42:50 AM

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i took organic2 last semester and you don't use anything from organic. i thought it would be hard because of the ochem pre-req but again you never use it!

his exams are 100 MC and there are organic figures you need to memorize. the only thing you need to know is basic things within the slides (which he pretty much highlights in different colors). but you do need to know functions for things (not necessarily structures) like proteins/lipids/vitamins

here's the topics we did for the semseter:
GI regulation, metabolism (krebs, all that junk), water, carbohydrates-protein-and lipid structure/metabolism/digestion, fat and water soluble vitamins, macro/microminerals.

(and the extra credit! i already have 100 points which is a whole test grade, i think he gives a lot because sometimes the exam questions can trip you up and people get around 70-80)

[Edited on April 21, 2009 at 11:27 AM. Reason : .]

4/21/2009 11:26:28 AM

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I took the class last year. I went through his powerpoints (which are quite long) and his test questions were pretty specific. The extra credit and grading scale were awesome though.

Someone told me just the other day she took it the same summer session I did. Turns out all you need to do for the test questions is take his 10-question quiz over and over again (it doesn't count towards anything) and you'll basically get the entire test question bank given to you (it pulls new questions each time you take it). She printed them out, studied the questions, and aced the class.

I never took one of those quizzes more than once...sure wish I had.

4/21/2009 4:10:33 PM

New Recruit
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Are the tests online timed? Also, how many tests total were there? Thanks!

4/21/2009 5:03:23 PM

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idk if you get ALL of the 100 MCs but you do get maybe 20 to memorize if you submit it like 10 times. there's 4 exams all i think 1hr15min and the final i think is 300MC and you get 3hrs

4/21/2009 5:20:35 PM

All American
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Just take it you'll be fine. He prides himself as being 'pro-student' (whatever that means to you).

4/21/2009 8:43:08 PM

New Recruit
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He curves a lot and he is pretty easy. I took it fall 08 and I believe he gave out nearly all A's.

5/25/2009 3:14:35 PM

All American
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If you take the DE course in the fall you can sit in during his class session if you have questions. But I took it this past spring because I wanted to get a good background of nutrition for my job as his specialist.

He may also offer it as a graduate class but require you to write a paper, take an oral exam and a written exam...

He's a great instructor and boss... If you try you can easily get an A... He offers quite a bit of extra credit too... He is easy to get a hold of cause he has this thing called Skype and it operates as an IM and if you get a set of headphones and mic you can call him for free.

If you continue to take the quizzes, you will only get about 15 to 20 of the 100 questions he asks.

5/29/2009 11:54:22 AM

 Message Boards » Study Hall » NTR 415 with Croom, DE? Page [1]  
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