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we used to play this game at recess called longball. it was hella fun but i can't remember all the rules.

5/1/2009 5:34:32 PM

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robert f kennedy middle school represent!

5/1/2009 5:36:43 PM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
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you got some long balls larry

long ass balls

5/1/2009 5:38:18 PM

All American
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5/1/2009 6:01:23 PM

All American
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we stole the iowa hawkeye logo

5/1/2009 6:02:24 PM

All American
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fucking old school

I went to Apex Middle. in long ball you just tried to throw the kickball and put spin on in or whatever so it bounced in the opponents square and spun out before they could catch it. or you just threw it hard as shit at their feet. something like that.

RIP mr. mcneal

5/1/2009 6:05:09 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
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sounds kinda like four square

5/1/2009 6:06:13 PM

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^^awesome. well, i remember the basic premise, i was just trying to remember all the variations on the rules that the king and queen spots could choose. like, there was something where you could say players could run halfway down the court to throw the ball, or you could only go to the edge of your own square to throw. and i think you could say no spins and some other stuff

[Edited on May 1, 2009 at 6:10 PM. Reason : i've never seen this game played outside AMS. and it died when they put trailers on the blacktop]

oh, and i think there might have been a rule about when you threw the ball, whether or not it had to land before the further edge of the square. like sometimes you could run halfway down the court like you were gonna throw it really hard, but when you just got to the halfway mark, you would stop and drop the ball like 2 inches over the line and of course most of the time, the other play is 15 ft down the court thinking you're gonna throw it hard, and there's no way they can run the 15 ft to catch the ball before it hits the ground the second time

[Edited on May 1, 2009 at 6:13 PM. Reason : rules are slowly coming back. i want to start an adult league. shit was tight]

5/1/2009 6:08:59 PM

All American
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we played mat ball in high school in the gym, it was like kickball, but the bases were these bigass mats, and i think you could have as many people on the mat at once as could fit, it'd be funny as hell when everyone would accumulate on 3rd and score all at once during a play

pretty fuckin retarded game

5/1/2009 6:10:11 PM

All American
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Long Ball on the Black Top!!

5/1/2009 6:16:06 PM

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we just played love shots

5/1/2009 6:16:30 PM

All American
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Anyone remember Mr. Baker the Gym Teacher?

5/1/2009 6:18:05 PM

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was that the girls soccer coach who resigned b/c of inappropriate behavior with students?

also, bttt, were the two higher squares ace and king and the lower ones were queen and jack? when i made the thread i thought the high ones were king/queen but i couldn't remember what was with the jack square. then i saw another playground game online that said ace and it sounded familiar.

5/1/2009 6:28:22 PM

All American
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I think he was the Basketball Coach.

5/1/2009 6:29:02 PM

All American
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I went! I don't remember longball though.

5/1/2009 6:30:56 PM

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oh, i just remembered something else. we had two courts. i think one was longball and the other was shortball maybe? longball had 4 squares, 2 at each end. and smallball (or whatever it was called) had 4 sets of 2 squares, and the 1/2 was vs 5/6 and 3/4 was vs 7/8 and the for example the 1/2 could give the ball to the 3/4 team and try to surprise beat the 7/8 if they weren't paying attention

[Edited on May 1, 2009 at 6:38 PM. Reason : ^ they might have covered the blacktop with trailers by the time you got there]

oh, here's another. the king or king/queen would either say it was teams or singles. so if it was teams and the king did something that would make him out, the queen would be out too. but if it were singles, sometimes the king (or whoever) would act like they were about to throw but then do the 2 inch ball drop in their partner's square, thus making them out. usually b/c you wanted to promote one of your friends down at the other end or something

[Edited on May 1, 2009 at 6:58 PM. Reason : .]

5/1/2009 6:37:47 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
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i think calvinball is simpler than this shit

5/1/2009 6:52:10 PM

All American
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west cary bitches

5/1/2009 6:54:37 PM

All American
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I dont remember no rules, I just used to throw the ball hard as hell.

5/1/2009 6:56:42 PM

All American
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^^Fuck west cary...east cary all the way...

5/1/2009 9:54:38 PM

All American
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yup, I went to Apex Middle, as you probably know

never played much longball, though...I played some four-square, but for some reason the four-square courts were all four squares combined were smaller than the single squares to which I was accustomed

5/2/2009 12:26:58 AM

All American
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Quote :
"you got some long balls larry

long ass balls"


5/2/2009 2:17:16 AM

All American
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fuck high school, grow up fuckers

5/2/2009 2:28:08 AM

All American
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Quote :
"west cary bitches"

5/2/2009 10:00:10 AM

All American
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apex middle class of 99 represent. anybody remember mr. bingham?

5/2/2009 10:11:13 AM

40968 Posts
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every now and then i think about this game. i think i'm gonna try to create an adult league here in nyc. it's like all the adult kickball leagues that are popular nowadays, but it's even more obscure so i bet all the hipsters would totally go for it

8/23/2013 8:18:34 PM

Fuckwads SS '15
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Longball sounds like Four Square

8/23/2013 8:34:28 PM

40968 Posts
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it is, but for kids that like to throw things

8/23/2013 8:38:58 PM

Fuckwads SS '15
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I don't remember all the Four Square rules, just that I sucked at it and always lost

Other things I remember from middle school:
kids selling Ziploc baggies full of pixie stix powder/ kool aid powder
gleeking- spitting through your teeth

[Edited on August 23, 2013 at 8:42 PM. Reason : f]

8/23/2013 8:40:59 PM

no u
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tetherball is where it was at

8/23/2013 8:45:39 PM

Fuckwads SS '15
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8/23/2013 8:47:47 PM

Mtan Man214
All American
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I went to Ligon. We played the stay-invisible game at recess and between classes if you're outside.

8/23/2013 9:09:07 PM

Fuckwads SS '15
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My husband went to Ligon and he said they would always "stay huddled together" at recess

8/23/2013 9:10:26 PM

Mtan Man214
All American
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Yeah we learned after a while which areas of the playground were "safe" so after a month or so we learned to stay away from the basketball court, the tennis courts and stay in the grassy area by the gym wall. We played lots of wall ball.

I had a teacher send me to pick something up from another playground across the campus. It was a nice day so I took the front path there since it was shorter. A neighborhood kid was passing me on the path and cold cocked me. I'd been in fights before, but never punched without seeing it coming, did not enjoy.

8/23/2013 9:28:25 PM

All American
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East Cary bro!

8/23/2013 9:31:46 PM

Fuckwads SS '15
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My husband said they were outside for recess one day and saw people throwing TVs off the balcony of some apartment

[Edited on August 23, 2013 at 9:38 PM. Reason : f]

8/23/2013 9:38:28 PM

Mtan Man214
All American
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That's nothing. There was a cop shot and killed in the parking lot one year and a woman murdered behind the cafeteria the next year while I was there.
My brother was a few years behind me and his 7th grade year he was walking the front path between classes when there was a drive-by at one of the project units next to the school.

8/23/2013 9:59:53 PM

All American
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^I went to Carnage for my 8th grade and I also remember the stay-invisible game outside haha

8/23/2013 10:53:30 PM

All American
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I went to Apex Middle School, and I do remember Mr. Bigham (he was pretty unforgettable.) qntmfred and I were there at exactly the same time

I never played longball, though. I was too busy trying to hang out with the cool kids.

Also, the scoreboard at Apex Middle said

Quote :
"Donated by Dick Shaver"

swear to God.

8/23/2013 11:44:36 PM

All American
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^^^my high school shared buses with ligon and carnage, and I remember one day getting to ligon and hearing about a driveby that happened during a class change

chavis heights was no fucking joke

8/24/2013 3:23:53 AM

All American
15540 Posts
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^^^my high school shared buses with ligon and carnage, and I remember one day getting to ligon and hearing about a driveby that happened during a class change

chavis heights was no fucking joke

8/24/2013 3:23:53 AM

37776 Posts
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Smear the queer?

8/24/2013 6:37:45 PM

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