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 Message Boards » » Slimy North Carolina Republicans Page [1]  
supple anteater
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Well, that is according to other NC republicans anyways. (full disclosure: I haven't even read the article yet since I'm at work, I just wanted to do a parody thread )

Quote :
"The report into Rep. Cary Allred's behavior surrounding the night he hugged and kissed a 17-year-old Page has been released and it appears the most scathing details are provided by his fellow Republicans. The News & Record was kind enough to host the PDF of the preliminary report. Please read their coverage of the incident. The report is linked at the bottom of my post.

I'm at a loss for words. After all the public scandal involving House pages in Washington, I simply can't believe a man would think it was appropriate to engage in overly affectionate behavior toward a teen Page. "

5/22/2009 12:52:01 PM

A Tanzarian
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There are some gems in that report.

Quote :
"However, the most disturbing event that I witnessed on the evening of April 27 ,2009 involved an inappropriate interaction between Representative Cary Allred and a House Page. Very close to the end of the Session, I turned in my chair to conduct a conversation with Representative Mark Hilton and directly in my line of sight, at a point on the East wall near the Brass Doors, Representative Allred had a female House Page in what seemed to be a never-ending embrace that resembled a gruesome bear hug. I personally found the scene distasteful and highly disturbing. When the embrace finally broke, Representative Allred stepped back for a moment and then he stepped forward and began this hugging procedure again. I have never witnessed anything as unsettling as this in the eleven years that I have been a member of the General Assembly and it is my great hope that I never have to suffer through anything similar to this again."

--Representative Mitchell S. Setzer

Quote :
"I was not drinking alcohol. Before I left home, while I was getting cleaned up. I had a chelada (tomato juice, clam juice, salt, lime, and beer)."

Quote :
"I engaged in debate about HB 205, "Lottery Act Changes" and fervently and passionately expressed my disgust that less than 40% of lottery dollars were going to construction and that Alamance County is getting only l6 cents of each dollar spent in Alamance County because of the distribution formula. Yes, I am angry about it.

The speaker gaveled me down but when I pointed out passionately that my comments were gerrnane to the bill title. he agreed. If I were impaired, I could not have made that astute comeback."

--Representative Cary Allred

[Edited on May 22, 2009 at 3:17 PM. Reason : ]

5/22/2009 3:16:17 PM

A Tanzarian
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Quote :
"As I remember it, I was on the right side of the Page when I saw Representative Allred hugging and talking to the Page he was sponsoring. I was literally "shell shocked" when I saw him hugging the Page in a bear hug and swaying back and forth. I heard him saying over and over again he loved her and then I saw him pucker his lips and kiss the Page on the lips or so it appeared from my angle. I was sitting by this time and heard him tell the Page to salute when she was introduced to the Members. I told her she did not need to salute but he told her to do what he said. He then left.

About that time Representative Neumann bolted out of his chair and said he and Representative Burris-Floyd had seen it and would be a witness if the Page wanted to file a complaint. I told him to wait and iet's think about it because. at that time. I was worried about the Page's reaction to all of the attention and I was still not reallv sure how to handle the situation in the best interest of everyone.

I also asked the Page how she knew Representative Allred and she said he was her neighbor and her family had been friends since before she was born.

After session was over, Representative Allred returned to the back of the Chamber to talk to the Page and again hugged her and told her he loved her. He then shook my hand. I was not sure what was wrong with him but I remember thinking he had had too much allergy medicine since it was the season.

After session, the Pages returned to the House Page Room. It being Monday night, the Pages were scurrying trying to meet their host families and calling their rides to come to pick them up. I was walking some of the Pages to Room 1424 to retrieve their luggage when Representative Howard approached me in the hallway and started to complain to me about how I had not handled the whole situation very well. I told her she was probably right but that I was so stunned that I was not sure how I should have handled it. She told me the Page was my responsibility and that was the closest thing she and Representative Grady had ever seen to sexual battery. I told her I was going to talk to Denise Weeks as soon as the Pages were all situated.

When the Pages were gone, I went to Ms. Weeks' office and told her I needed to talk to her. We went into the hallway and I asked if she had seen the events in the back of the Chamber. She said she had not seen it but said for us to go see the Speaker. When we anived at the Speaker's Office, someone was in his office speaking to him. When they came out, we went in. I told the Speaker about what had happened in the Chamber and what Ms. Howard had said to me. He told Ms. Weeks and me to see Robin Johnson, Legal Counsel, in the morning.

As we were leaving the office, Ms. Weeks suggested we look in Ms. Johnson's office to see if she was still there. She was so we explained the situation and she suggested that since the Page was a minor, I needed to contact the parents and tell them what had happened. I also needed to let them know that if they wanted to file a complaint, that I could put them in touch with a staff attorney.

I returned to my office and telephoned the Page's father. He was very nice and I explained to him what had happened on the House floor. I told him it was inappropriate behavior for the House floor and that if he wanted to file a complaint, I would put him in touch with a staff attorney. He told me that he had known Representative Allred most of his life and that Representative Allred hugged him and told him he loved him but that he did not kiss him on the lips. He said he knew how Representative Allred could be and that he might talk to him if he saw him drive into the driveway. He told me he would ask his daughter how her evening went to see if she was upset over what had happened. I told him he could call me back at the office until 10 p.m. and after that at home. When I returned home, i had a message from the Page to call. I did and she said she was okay. She said that Representative Allred was like a grandfather to her and that she thought he was just really proud to have her there. I told her I thought that what had happened was not appropriate for the House floor and she agreed but that she was fine with it. I asked her if she had spoken with her dad and she said she had and that he was satisfied and they did not want to file a complaint.

Tuesday morning Ms. Weeks called and asked what had happened. I told her that I had spoken to both the father and the Page and they both were okay with it and that they did not want to file a complaint.

Later that morning, Robin Johnson and Meredith Swindell were at the door to the House Page Office when I returned from the restroom. Ms. Swindell supervised the Pages and I went upstairs with Ms. Johnson. The two of us met with Ms. Weeks and Laura DeVivo in Ms. DeVivo's office. She asked me to tell her what I saw and I repeated what I had seen. I also told her that I had talked to both the father and the Page and they were fine and did not want to file a complaint. She told me to make sure I arranged the Page's schedule so that she would not be in contact with Representative Allred. I told her I would try but that I wanted someone to talk to Representative Allred about his behavior the previous evening so that he understood I felt it was inappropriate behavior.

I returned to the House Page Office and asked to speak to the Page. We met in the 1000 courtyard so that we would be away from the other Pages. We had a very confidential conversation but I told her that she was in no way responsible for what had happened or what might happen. She said she just felt Representative Allred was a bit out of character even for him on Monday evening. I told her what the Speaker had told me, that she was not responsible for the behavior of a Member. She said she understood and asked if it would it be okay for her to ride home with Representative Allred's legislative assistant since they lived only a few minutes from each other. I told her that as long as she kept her distance from Representative Allred that I saw nothing wrong with that.

On Tuesday afternoon at the beginning of session, Representative Allred approached me in the Chamber and asked if he was out of line on Monday night. I indicated that he was and he asked if it was enough to report him. I looked him in the eye, shook my head yes and told him it was inappropriate behavior. He just looked at me and turned around and went to his seat.

On Wednesday morning, the Page's mother called and also said that she was fine with what had happened. She said her daughter may be small in stature but that she could handle herself and would have done something if she felt she needed to. I told her that I felt the behavior was inappropriate and that I had reported it to the Speaker. I said I did not know what would happen but that Representative Allred's behavior Monday evening had been strange. She said he had come to their house and apologrzed and they talked about the incident and his behavior. She reiterated that Representative Allred was like a grandfather to both of her children since their grandparents were no longer with them.

She was a very friendly and understanding person and I felt that she had a firm grasp on how to handle the situation with Representative Allred. That afternoon the UNC basketball team came to session and the Pages brought their cameras. At the end of session, the Page in question could only find her case and not her camera. She was very concerned but I told her that I would look for it and she needed to go on to a committee meeting. The next thing I knew, Representative Allred was coming through the doors where the coffee is located outside the Chamber with the Page and
another Page and walking toward the Sergeant-at-Arms in the press section. I later told him I was handling the disappearance of the camera. He said to me that you see who she goes to when she needs something because she considers me a grandfather. I said I understood that. That is the last conversation I have had to date with Representative Allred although I have seen him in Chamber. The camera was found.

On Thursday during session, Bill Holmes informed me that an article would be in the newspapers the next morning. He told me it would be about everything that had occurred on Monday, including the speeding ticket and House behavior. When I returned from the restroom on Thursday afternoon, a reporter confronted me outside the House Page Office as I turned the corner. He just wanted to give me "a head's up" about the story breaking on Friday in the newspaper. I told him I had no comment but that appreciated his thoughtfulness. He asked about what a Page did and I gave him an application. I went upstairs to talk to Ms. Weeks but she was in a meeting. I left for the week.

When I was walking my dog after aniving home, Rodney Tart, Security, called me on my husband's cell phone telling me Sgt. Brock needed to talk to me and would call me later. Sgt. Brock called and asked me where the Page was during the session Monday night and I explained it to him.

That was the end of my week at the General Assembly."

--Bonnie Trivette (Page Supervisor)

[Edited on May 22, 2009 at 3:19 PM. Reason : ]

5/22/2009 3:17:28 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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Quote :
"While I was making a security check of the Legislative Office Bldg. at approximately 4:15 p.m., Thursday, April 30, 2009, I was waved over to Rep. Will Neumann's office on the 5th floor, (Rm. #510), by Rep. James Boles. Rep. Boles was on Rep. Neumann's legislative assistant's phone in an attempt to contact someone from the House Sgt. At Arms office and/or the Speaker's office in reference to a problem he was needing assistance with about Rep. Allred's conduct. Rep. Boles very briefly advised me that Rep. Allred had a 17 yr. old female page in his (Rep. Allred's) office (#503), and that this page was going to be interviewed by news reporters about an alleged misconduct incident that had occurred between Rep. Allred and the page. Rep. Boles did finally make contact with staff in the House Sgt. At Arms office, as well as the Speaker’s office, and I immediately radioed Lt. Brock for urgent administrative response from our Department to Rep. Allred's office, Lt. Brock responded at approximately 4:16 p.m. Rep. Boles explained to Lt. Brock that the news media was attempting to interview a page concerning an incident with Rep. Allred that occurred during the previous Monday night's Session. Lt. Brock then immediately stepped in to Rep. Allred's office, and requested that the page come with him.

Lt. Brock, Rep. Boles, and the page all went to Lt. Brock's office (#222E), Lt. Brock thanked Rep. Boles for his assistance, and Rep. Boles left Lt. Brock's office. Lt. Brock asked the page: "Would you like to have a seat and conduct an interview with Sgt. Johnson present?" The page replied: "I'm fine with that."

Lt. Brock asked the page: 'Are you o.k. and do you need anything?" The page replied: "I'm fine." Lt. Brock asked her what had happened. The page started out by explaining: "Rep. Allred has been our neighbor all my life and is friends with my parents." The page also explained: "Rep. Allred is like a grandfather to me." She then explained that on Monday night's Session, as she was being recognized in the Chamber: "Rep. Allred stood up and saluted me." She then explained: "Rep. Allred walked over to me, hugged me, and then kissed me on the cheek." She very adamantly stated: " Rep. Allred did not kiss me anywhere around the lower part of my face inappropriately." She demonstratively described the entire lower portion of her face below her nose down to her neck, with a circular sweeping motion of her hands, as being the area that Rep. Allred did not kiss her on. Lt. Brock asked her: "Have you called your parents?" She stated: "I have not." He advised her: "You need to call your parents, and explain what is going on." He also told her: "The reason that I instructed you to come with me is to ensure that you were 0.K, and to determine if you needed any assistance from the Police Department." The page then told Lt. Brock: "This all began when some of the Members had gotten upset about their believing that Rep. Allred had kissed me on the mouth while he was hugging me." The page then told Lt. Brock: I felt like the House Page Supv., Bonnie Trivette, had made things worse by first explaining that she felt that Rep. Allred had only kissed me on the cheek while he hugged me." The page then told us that her mother talked with Mrs. Trivette about the hug and kiss on Wednesday, April 29th, and that Mrs. Trivette had told her mother: "It was a kiss on the mouth." Lt. Brock then asked the page if she had been questioned by the news media in Rep. Allred's office prior to our arrival, and she replied: "l gave a brief statement to the Times News Reporter." Ms. Joanna Hogg, Rep. Allred's legislative assistant, then arrived at Lt. Brock's office, where she had been walked down to by Rep. Boles after he found out that she provides transportation for the page to and from the Legislature. Ms. Hogg was given an explanation by Lt. Brock about the reason why we had instructed the page to come to his office. Ms. Hogg told Lt. Brock: "l was sitting in the 3'o floor House Gallery on Monday night during the time that she was hugged by Rep. Allred." Ms, Hogg also told Lt. Brock: "It appeared to me that the kiss that Rep. Allred gave her was only on her cheek." The page stated again that she was o.k. and did not need anything. Lt, Brock thanked Ms. Hogg and the page for their patience and told them to have a safe trip home."

--Sergeant Forrest Johnson, General Assembly Police Department

5/22/2009 3:28:18 PM

All American
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I was an NC House page back in HS.

I can't think of an opportunity where youd get to know one of the congresspeople that closely...

You were basically suppose to stand silently in the corner of rooms, getting people coffee and delivering papers.

Quote :
"I also asked the Page how she knew Representative Allred and she said he was her neighbor and her family had been friends since before she was born."

well nevermind then...

[Edited on May 22, 2009 at 3:34 PM. Reason : ]

5/22/2009 3:30:20 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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She's lived across the street from the guy her entire life.

[Edited on May 22, 2009 at 3:33 PM. Reason : ]

5/22/2009 3:32:23 PM

All American
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Well not Republican much longer. He's stated that he'll be switching to "Unaffiliated" as his party status.

5/22/2009 3:33:23 PM

1337 b4k4
All American
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Seems like a witch hunt to me. Get him for the speeding charge he was let go on sure, if they want to try and get him on intoxication they can go for that too, but this whole bullshit about the page is just that. If honest affection scars your little mind that much, you should stay home.

5/22/2009 7:51:37 PM

All American
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I thought that if you're a congressman or whatever you can't be stopped on the way to official business.

[Edited on May 22, 2009 at 7:58 PM. Reason : too many whatevers for my taste]

5/22/2009 7:57:04 PM

1337 b4k4
All American
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^ you're referring to this:

Quote :
"They shall in all cases, except treason, felony and breach of the peace, be privileged from arrest during their attendance at the session of their respective Houses, and in going to and returning from the same; and for any speech or debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in any other place."

which applies only to federal representatives (though there may be similar clauses in state constitutions) and essentially stops states from preventing representatives from doing their jobs over minor infractions that occur on their way to, during or from a session. They can still be fined and charged for a court appearance, just not arrested.

5/23/2009 9:47:42 AM

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:Coy Privette article:

5/24/2009 10:08:12 AM

Fail Boat
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Quote :
"If honest affection scars your little mind that much, you should stay home."

That type of affection has no business on the house/senate floor from unrelated individuals.

5/24/2009 10:18:51 AM

1337 b4k4
All American
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So despite the fact that this guy has apparently been a part of the girl and her father's life for many many years, and both she and her parents describe him as being like family, because he doesn't have the same bloodline as her, giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek is somehow inappropriate? Please, this is a witch hunt pure and simple.

5/24/2009 10:44:50 AM

Willy Nilly
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I agree. I generally despise republican politicians, but this is nothing but a witch hunt...

5/24/2009 10:54:16 AM

Fail Boat
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Quote :
"because he doesn't have the same bloodline as her"

And he isn't married to her. And she is a minor.

It's inappropriate as fuck.

5/24/2009 12:42:48 PM

All American
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This is ridiculous. I can't believe the guy was absolutely jumped on without checking to see if there was a reasonable explanation. Now I understand that he had a drink and was speeding on the way to Raleigh, although a BUNCH of our senators and representatives have done this and been caught, and that is not proper behavior. Kissing a page on the check and giving her a hug in most cases would probably be improper, but ask somebody before you call them out in public. He could have simply said "Yea its my neighbors kid who I've known since she was born" and the girl could have corroborated the story and it could have been dropped right then. It probably wasn't the brightest idea, but in this case there is nothing wrong with it.

5/24/2009 12:49:22 PM

1337 b4k4
All American
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Quote :
"And he isn't married to her. And she is a minor.

It's inappropriate as fuck."

Both of which are entirely irrelevant. None of his actions are reserved for people who are married or above the age of majority. He didn't kiss her on the mouth or neck or anywhere below, and last I checked, hugging is hardly considered a married couple's act.



And it's not like a kiss on the cheek is uncommon for politicians:

5/24/2009 5:00:41 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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Quote :
"Rep. Cary Allred resigns from House
Embattled lawmaker says he's 'sick of the legislature.'

Cary Allred, a longtime Burlington lawmaker who was accused of drunken and inappropriate behavior during a recent legislative session, resigned his House seat Friday.

Allred's decision to quit ends an ethics investigation into an unusual night in the House chamber a month ago. Other lawmakers said Allred smelled of alcohol and wrapped his arms around a teenage girl in what witnesses described as a lengthy hug. Earlier that night, Allred had flashed his legislative badge and gotten out of a traffic stop in which he was clocked at 102 miles an hour on Interstate 40.

Allred has denied being drunk and said the hug was a grandfatherly gesture of affection to a family friend. The Highway Patrol wrote a speeding ticket after details of the stop became public.

The resignation ends the 20-year legislative career of one of the state's most colorful, if not most effective, lawmakers. Allred carried a gunslinger's swagger and was prone to booming indictments of bills. But in recent years, he rarely carried bills through the House and could claim few legislative victories.

Allred, a Republican, said he resigned in part because he was tired of Democrats' tight control on the legislative process.

"I am sick of the legislature," Allred said in an interview Friday. "I'm sick of the fact that in order to get a bill -- well the Democrats are in charge. In order to get a bill to the House floor, you have to go through three committees before you ever get your bill to the House floor, which makes it almost impossible for a Republican."

Allred had previously said he felt estranged from his fellow Republicans.

The witnesses to his behavior on the House floor at the end of April were primarily Republicans, who because they sit together in the House chamber, were the closest to Allred that night. Several reported being shocked and disturbed by his behavior and the hug.

"I am disgusted with my Republican colleagues who have looked at me through dark-colored glasses with evil thoughts," Allred said.

On Friday, House Republican leader Rep. Paul Stam said Allred's resignation was "for the good of the House." He praised Allred's years of public service. He has also served in the Senate and was an Alamance County commissioner.

"Everybody needs to remember he had a 30-year career, and I hope everybody won't judge him on one or two events," Stam said. "He did a lot of good."

Hackney offered kind words for Allred.

"I appreciate Representative Allred's years of service to this state and will remember him as a staunch advocate for the people of Alamance County. I wish him well in his retirement," Hackney said in a statement.

The Alamance County Republican Party will choose a successor to serve the remaining year and a half of Allred's term.

Allred's letter was brief. "It has been my honor and privilege to serve the people of Alamance County and the 64th District in the House of Representatives," he wrote.

"As General Douglas MacArthur said, 'Old soldiers never die, they just fade away.' With that, I bid thee farewell."

He made his resignation effective at 2 p.m. Monday. He will be eligible for a legislative pension of roughly $11,000 a year."

5/30/2009 9:26:02 AM

All American
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Why the hell is a elected state politician getting a $11,000 pension???

5/30/2009 10:36:52 PM

All American
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why the hell did you not know that

6/1/2009 11:19:58 AM

All American
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^^ Obama will get and Bush now gets around $200,000 per year and support staff, office space, travel funds, and mailing privileges.

6/1/2009 4:20:27 PM

All American
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I didn't think this was a big idea until I learned about the cupping of the ass and other female pages coming forward about other inappropriate behavior by Rep. Allred.

And no, this isn't me being partisan, this is information that came directly to me by other members of the Legislature, both Democrat and Republican.

6/1/2009 9:54:57 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Why the hell is a elected state politician getting a $11,000 pension???"

Because he has been there for close to 30 years.

6/1/2009 9:56:00 PM

supple anteater
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On the topic of Slimy North Carolina Republicans

Quote :
"Throw some back

Maybe it’s just in the water in Rep. Virginia Foxx’s office.

Or the air.

Foxx, an outspoken North Carolina Republican, is no stranger to putting her foot in her mouth. Weeks ago, she caused an uproar when she said that Matthew Shepard’s murder was not a hate crime and that calling it that is a “hoax.” (She later admitted that using the word “hoax” was a poor choice of words.)

Also: She recently said those lovely words “tar baby” on the House floor. Hey, she’s folksy.

But it seems the gaffe-prone Foxx may be rubbing off on her scheduler, Courtney Coble.

It’s no secret that CapHill staff members drink beer in their offices occasionally — holding office parties and hall happy hours, depending. Fine. And last week was recess, so, in essence, it was a slow week for staffers stuck in D.C. Fine again. But Coble inexplicably took to her Gmail account and curiously posted this brazen update, bragging: “Office beers. on taxpayer time. you’re welcome, fightin 5th district.”"
Quote :
"Unfortunately, Courtney learned that lesson a bit late. She did delete her Twitter account, but not before it was cached by Google. (Thanks again, Google.) Here are a few of the twits finest tweets:

* im all for hate crimes, as long as i can be included in some special protective group. im all about being exclusive and special.
9:53 AM Apr 29th from web
* spreading the rumor of swine flu hitting capitol hill. i really need to go shopping and an evacuation and quarantine would help the cause.
7:00 AM May 1st from web
* rep. steve king just referred to his manbits as "downstairs plumbing". i feel like im back in the 6th grade at the poe center.
10:17 AM Apr 29th from web

I particularly enjoyed her offices concerns for citizens opinions found in this tweet:
woman on the phone with me is a vegan and is complaining about the treatment of animals...starting to cry...makes me want a burger.

6/2/2009 2:37:49 PM

All American
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I think "Dumbass" North Carolina Republicans would be a better description. Your twitter account? Come on, that's just stupid

6/2/2009 2:43:21 PM

All American
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Agreed, it's not like she was governor/presidential nominee/house speaker/board member of the dot/dmv boss/abc boss etc

6/2/2009 5:26:32 PM

supple anteater
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Quote :
"I think "Dumbass" North Carolina Republicans would be a better description. "

You're probably right... but I still thinks Foxx's words qualify as slimy right?

6/3/2009 3:02:58 PM

All American
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where's nutsmackr

6/3/2009 3:40:53 PM

All American
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FYI - Richard Burr has been embarrassing himself on the senate floor almost all day... it's pretty pathetic.

6/3/2009 4:08:34 PM

All American
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I'm here. I've already commented in this thread.

6/3/2009 4:25:47 PM

All American
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^^tough sticking up for constituents all by himself. other articles say the law will be beneficial to virginia competitors.

[Edited on June 3, 2009 at 4:55 PM. Reason : .]

6/3/2009 4:28:26 PM

All American
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Yeah dude, it's painful to watch.

The bill is going to pass with an overwhelming majority, and he's been speaking in a virtually empty room all day.

A few other speakers came to speak about how ridiculous it is that the FDA doesn't already regulate nicotine, and some exhibits about SNUS and other nicotine candy being sold alongside regular candy in some stores.

6/3/2009 4:48:05 PM

All American
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Sen. Burr is 100% correct on this issue.

6/3/2009 6:37:00 PM

supple anteater
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Quote :
"FYI - Richard Burr has been embarrassing himself on the senate floor almost all day... it's pretty pathetic"

Yeah, Bank-Run-Burr takes the cake on slimy NC republicans.

6/3/2009 7:36:19 PM

supple anteater
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Quote :
"Burr Defends Mint-Flavored Suckable ‘Tobacco Lollipops,’ Claims They’re Not Being Marketed To Children

On May 27, CNN’s Carol Costello reported on tobacco company R.J. Reynolds new dissolvable “smokeless products.” Noting that critics call them “tobacco lollipops” that are aimed at getting “kids hooked on nicotine,” Costello reported that “R.J. Reynolds will soon test three new products — Camel sticks that dissolve as you suck them, minty tobacco strips that look like breath strips, and orbs — flavored, dissolvable tablets that some say look and taste exactly like candy.”

On the Senate floor yesterday, Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC) came to the tobacco company’s defense, claiming that it wasn’t trying to deceive anyone; it’s CNN’s fault for labeling Camel Orbs as candy. Burr charged that CNN “mischaracterized the product” because “it’s not candy flavored”:

BURR: But when CNN did their story. Take a guess on the angle that they took. They labeled it as candy. Candy! Even though it’s not candy flavored. They said it was candy. … No, they said it was candy. That’s where they labeled it. … They portrayed Reynolds America as being deceptive and luring children. No candy. It’s not going in the candy section. It’s in the tobacco section where smokeless and stick products is.

Later in his speech, Burr responded to Sen. Jeff Merkley’s (D-OR) criticism that some of the dissolvable tobacco products are in containers shaped like cell phones to attract kids. “Let me assure you, Mr. President, if a cell phone doesn’t work, children don’t want it,” said Burr. Watch it:

While Burr might claim that the Orbs aren’t “candy-flavored,” the fact is that they come in “mint and cinnamon flavors” known as “fresh” and “mellow.” Additionally, the tobacco industry has a well-documented history of using flavored tobacco to market their products to children:

Documents from the tobacco industry also contradict these claims. A report from R.J. Reynolds in 1985 stated: “Sweetness can impart a different delivery taste dimension, which younger adult smokers may be receptive to, as evidenced by their taste wants in other product areas.” A Brown & Williamson report from 1972 suggested consideration of developing cola-flavored and apple-flavored cigarettes. The report also suggested a sweet-flavored cigarette and stated: “It’s a well-known fact that teenagers like sweet products. Honey might be considered.” If flavored products were appealing to youth then, what has changed to make them less appealing to youth now?

Burr’s speech today follows his earlier claims that regulating tobacco by the FDA would contradict the agency’s mission to protect public health since there is no healthy way to use tobacco. Burr, whose hometown Winston-Salem is also the home of R.J. Reynolds, is the second-highest recipient of campaign contributions from Big Tobacco. "

6/10/2009 5:36:42 PM

1337 b4k4
All American
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Quote :
"While Burr might claim that the Orbs aren’t “candy-flavored,” the fact is that they come in “mint and cinnamon flavors” known as “fresh” and “mellow.”"

By that logic, Listerine is an attempt to get kids hooked on alcohol, as is mint and cinnamon schnapps.

Nicorette gum comes in mint flavors too.

6/10/2009 6:57:24 PM

All American
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how the hell can people be posting in this thread and not in the democrat one...

oh wait, you're all sheep.

6/10/2009 7:57:09 PM

Tom Joad
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i thought you told them to make their own thread

6/10/2009 8:31:31 PM

supple anteater
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Still a Carolina Republican, just other the South variety.

Quote :
"A prominent S.C. Republican Party activist is in hot water after describing an escaped gorilla at a South Carolina zoo as an “ancestor” of First Lady Michelle Obama.

The exchange occurred after Trey Walker, an advisor to S.C. Attorney General Henry McMaster, posted an innocuous Facebook update about this morning’s escape of a Western Lowlands Gorilla from Columbia’s Riverbanks Zoo.

Walker’s harmless update, however was followed by a highly-questionable comment from longtime SCGOP activist and former State Senate candidate, Rusty DePass.

“I’m sure it’s just one of Michelle’s ancestors — probably harmless,” DePass wrote.

An early South Carolina supporter of former President George W. Bush, DePass has been active in Republican politics in South Carolina for decades."

Quote :
"The comment has been removed; it's not clear if FB did it or DePass. BTW, the runner-up to head the RNC, Katon Dawson (who belonged to a whites-only country club), is also the former SC state GOP chair, said this:

"Even if it was taken out of context - its not something that should have ever been said. It's sad, disappointing, and unfortunate," "

So it has been deleted now, but not before it was screen captured.

6/14/2009 8:20:06 AM

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