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All American
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7/21/2009 12:54:31 PM

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7/21/2009 12:54:42 PM

All American
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2nd largest aquarium in the world!

7/21/2009 12:59:06 PM

All American
25459 Posts
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7/21/2009 1:01:24 PM

40984 Posts
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yeah that was pretty good Kiwi

it amazes me that 40-50 year old computers enabled that space travel

7/21/2009 1:09:20 PM

All American
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Yeah and I'm amazed at how clear the photos were too. Incredible stuff!

7/21/2009 1:10:24 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Okhotsk Blue Draft stands out for its cool color and interesting (yet not off-putting) ingredients. The brew is made using water melted from icebergs that float each year onto Hokkaido beaches from the chilly Sea of Okhotsk, an arm of the North Pacific ocean bordered by Japan and Russia.

Then Abashiri went one step further and used seaweed to give their brew and icy blue tint. Perhaps not the greatest selling point but it does make Okhotsk Blue look, well, different. As for the taste... reports state that Ryuho isn't at all bad as beers go, and if you didn't know there was seaweed in it, you likely wouldn't guess there was."

7/21/2009 1:54:07 PM

All American
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7/22/2009 2:11:22 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Spending two months planning the outrageous stunt, Mr Auer also designed and made the monster skates, which took him a total of 110 hours' work.

Mr Auer, from Gross-Gerau near Frankfurt, is considered to be the most extreme in-line skater in the world.

He already holds the world record for reaching speeds of 190mph as he was dragged along behind a Porsche GT2.

Travelling at speeds up to 56mph, Auer skated the entire length of the roller coaster - 860 metres (~2820 feet) - in just over a minute."

7/22/2009 7:19:42 PM

All American
170962 Posts
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#7 is sweet

this is another one of the same thing, not as cool but still

7/22/2009 7:29:38 PM

815 Posts
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Don't you all know that space may be the final frontier but it's made in a Hollywood basement.

7/22/2009 7:31:00 PM

Sink the Flagship
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^only an idiot would really believe that.

7/22/2009 7:40:36 PM

Sink the Flagship
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I want some of that blue beer though, where can I purchase?

7/22/2009 8:00:49 PM

All American
33197 Posts
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Fuck doing this shit- I'd be shitting in my space booties if I were this guy:

7/22/2009 8:20:52 PM

32613 Posts
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that would be fucking awesome

7/22/2009 8:35:15 PM

Sink the Flagship
9818 Posts
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^^ yeah that is the best pic imo

that and the 20,000 ft. free fall (or whatever it was)

7/22/2009 8:55:00 PM

All American
19599 Posts
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awesome pic

7/22/2009 8:57:43 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Yang Yun, 26, was taking part in a free diving contest in China, without breathing equipment among the whales in a tank of water more than 20ft deep and chilled to Arctic temperatures.

Beluga whale Mila pushes stricken diver Yang Yun
to the surface after Yun's legs cramped

She says that when she tried to return to the surface, she found her legs crippled by cramp from the freezing cold. At that point Mila the beluga took a hand, or rather a flipper.

'We suddenly saw the girl being pushed to the top of the pool with her leg in Mila's mouth,' said an official at Polar Land in Harbin, north-east China.

Mila tries to maneuver Yun with her mouth
before pushing her to the surface

'She's a sensitive animal who works closely with humans and I think this girl owes Mila her life.'

Yang Yun said: 'I began to choke and sank even lower and I thought that was it for me - I was dead. Until I felt this incredible force under me driving me to the surface.'"

7/30/2009 12:26:15 PM

All American
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Let's see if this works;

8/8/2009 8:35:18 PM

All American
6271 Posts
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if the water slide jump is real, that may be the most awesome thing i've ever seen!

8/8/2009 8:39:03 PM

All American
30652 Posts
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8/8/2009 9:09:55 PM

7284 Posts
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^^^ I know too many people that would passionately argue the reality of that video.

where's the america I know and love

8/8/2009 9:13:16 PM

All American
6271 Posts
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i thought about going into the physics of it, but don't feel like nerding out on a saturday night.

...the plane takes off.

8/8/2009 9:52:51 PM

7284 Posts
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yeah his acceleration was a little off

8/8/2009 10:02:10 PM

All American
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Oh, to be 11 yrs old again and scared shitless of the dentist, this would have made it even more fun!

8/10/2009 3:00:38 PM

All American
25459 Posts
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Holy fuck that is scary!

8/10/2009 3:01:17 PM

All American
10506 Posts
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Quote :
"Air Force Colonel Joseph Kittinger, Jr. in a record-shattering free fall from the very edge of space on August 16, 1960, after jumping from a balloon-supported gondola 102,800 feet above New Mexico. During his descent, Kittinger reached approximate speeds of 614 miles an hour. The clouds beneath him are 15 miles away. Kittinger's leap was part of the Air Force's "Project Excelsior," which conducted research into high altitude bailouts from aircraft. Incredibly, almost 50 years later, Kittinger's record for the longest-ever free fall and highest parachute jump still stand."

baller as fuck.

8/10/2009 3:27:36 PM

warning: not serious
19581 Posts
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8/10/2009 3:30:35 PM

68205 Posts
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kiwi, is this your own personal geekologie thread? we have one of those you know?

8/10/2009 3:36:48 PM

All American
7323 Posts
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^^^ someone tried to repeat that last year, and had an epic failure because his balloon flew away without him.

8/10/2009 3:41:00 PM

All American
12297 Posts
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My shitty picture from the aquarium in the 2nd post. It was pretty impressive to see.

8/10/2009 3:41:01 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
35386 Posts
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the engineer in me won't let me look at that picture w/o thinking about the hydraulic pressure on that sheet of glass

8/10/2009 3:44:42 PM

Art Vandelay
45180 Posts
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the varying pressure from bottom to top

8/10/2009 3:56:36 PM

All American
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Quote :
"A couple get their wedding portraits done at a special field warfare scenario photography set on July 29, 2009 in Nanjing of Jiangsu Province, China. The husband and wife to be are both military enthusiasts. Specially-themed wedding portraits are popular among Chinese young couples. "

[Edited on August 19, 2009 at 4:19 PM. Reason : her]

8/19/2009 4:18:45 PM

All American
11772 Posts
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nice thread

Quote :
"the engineer in me won't let me look at that picture w/o thinking about the hydraulic pressure on that sheet of glass polycarbonate"

[Edited on August 19, 2009 at 4:47 PM. Reason : /]

8/19/2009 4:46:47 PM

32337 Posts
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regarding the "megawoosh water slide"

tis false

8/19/2009 4:52:23 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
35386 Posts
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^^haha word

the more you know

[Edited on August 19, 2009 at 4:53 PM. Reason : fd]

8/19/2009 4:53:10 PM

All American
9198 Posts
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8/22/2009 2:27:44 PM

All American
48079 Posts
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^ suit is awesome

yellow-painted prime helmet is lazy

8/22/2009 2:37:46 PM

Double Entendre
22300 Posts
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Fareako really likes that song.

[Edited on August 22, 2009 at 2:40 PM. Reason : I think]

[Edited on August 22, 2009 at 2:41 PM. Reason : aquarium song]

8/22/2009 2:38:32 PM

All American
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8/25/2009 4:44:15 PM

17148 Posts
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haha nice

8/25/2009 6:32:31 PM

All American
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[Edited on August 31, 2009 at 9:14 PM. Reason : mmhmm]

8/31/2009 9:12:01 PM

All American
42569 Posts
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^ if the earth is visible from that distance, where are the other planets, and where is the SUN??? i never understood that as i have seen that pic before.

Quote :
"the engineer in me won't let me look at that picture w/o thinking about the hydraulic pressure on that sheet of glass "

they have a huge aquarium like that in dubai (maybe the world's largest) and its walls are 70 cm thick. and yes, it is plastic, not glass.

8/31/2009 9:23:18 PM

All American
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Eh, we will never truly know but it's an interesting bit of perspective.

Also, the quote seems to say the planet is in a sunbeam... again, who knows..

8/31/2009 9:24:49 PM

All American
42569 Posts
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snopes or not, only an idiot would believe that waterslide video was real.

8/31/2009 9:32:53 PM

All American
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9/1/2009 3:37:14 PM

All American
51922 Posts
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0EPII1 said:
Quote :
"^ if the earth is visible from that distance, where are the other planets, and where is the SUN??? i never understood that as i have seen that pic before."

I don't know if this applies to that particular image, but from what I understand, most astronomical images aren't photographs in the traditional sense. They're more often false color images, photographs that are often visually enhanced to indicate characteristics like chemical composition, radioactivity, velocity, etc.

What I mean to say is that it might just be that the image had all the other visible bodies (that is, bodies emitting visible light) obscured to distinguish Earth.

[Edited on September 1, 2009 at 3:44 PM. Reason : ...]

9/1/2009 3:43:27 PM

All American
21318 Posts
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nothing is gonna show up in a photo of space that isn't taken with the proper shutter speed.

light takes time to travel. and for instance if you're taking a photo of something in space the shutter most likely isn't going to take pictures of anything it wasn't set up to take. so for instance you aren't gonna get stars because the shutter speed is quick enough it won't capture the light from so far away.

and they're so clear because space is a freaking vacuum. nothing to get in your way.

9/1/2009 3:55:30 PM

All American
28747 Posts
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Quote :
"The picture was taken using a narrow-angle camera at 32° above the ecliptic, and created using blue, green, and violet filters. Narrow-angle cameras, as opposed to wide-angle cameras, are equipped to photograph specific details in an area of interest. The light band over Earth is an artifact of sunlight scattering in the camera's optics, resulting from the small angle between Earth and the Sun. Earth takes up less than a single pixel — NASA says "only 0.12 pixel in size.""

9/1/2009 4:04:01 PM

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