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 Message Boards » » Using Gimp to Set Background Transparency Page [1]  
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I have an object that I zoomed in very close and cut out trying to elliminate the background. Is there an easier way to use some type of cropping to simply outline the object so I can paste into a transparent background?

If someone does know how to do this or that I can send the four objects to to perform this I would be greatly appreciated.

8/1/2009 1:20:59 PM

All American
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here's how you'd do it in photoshop - I dont know GIMP so i cant tell you what these commands equate to but I'd be surprised if it doesn't have them

paste your item as a layer onto a transparent background

magic wand tool the color you're trying to make transparent

you may have to get the marquee tool and shift-select or alt-select to get every pixel of the color you're trying to make opaque

ctrl-x to cut the whole selection once you're happy with it

create a NEW layer

paste the selection into the new layer

adjust opacity as needed



[Edited on August 1, 2009 at 4:23 PM. Reason : it may take some work, depending on how opaque, it could look crusty. just gotta take care]

8/1/2009 4:22:23 PM

32613 Posts
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eh, i could do it in photoshop if you can send me teh files

8/1/2009 4:34:19 PM

470 Posts
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I can do it in photoshop now that i downloaded that. The problem is when i bring the image into my website it still has a box around it and the transparency isn't there.

All I want is the image to be able to be brought into my website and just that the image and nothing around it.

I have the image trimmed how I would like with the checkered transparent background everywhere else but when i insert it the image still has the dimensions of the box if that makes any sense.

8/1/2009 4:47:49 PM

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what format are you saving it as when you try to put it on the website?

8/1/2009 4:50:08 PM

470 Posts
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png file

8/1/2009 4:58:20 PM

32613 Posts
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pretty sure the picture has to have "square" dimensions.. the transparency layer is working fine. i pulled it into dreamweaver just messing around and the transparency is fine.

so, to me it sounds like the problem is more in the layout you're trying to create. i don't know enough about website formatting to answer much more..but you've done the background layer transparency thing correctly so that isn't the problem.

8/1/2009 5:03:33 PM

All American
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nah, the image being square shouldnt have anything to do with it, unless it isn't square and he's setting the width and height

8/2/2009 11:44:25 AM

470 Posts
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if you see the front page here both the images have boxes around them and are not transparent even though they are on photoshop

maybe i am not doing something correctly when inserting them etc. if anyone can look at the code and see that would be awesome.

thanks in advance

8/2/2009 2:31:31 PM

no u
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is there a 'Preserve Transparency' checkbox or a 'Save for Web' button or a combination of the two somewhere?

8/2/2009 2:42:16 PM

470 Posts
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the background is css on the site if that matters

^not that i saw. i saved with transparency for web so should have worked.

8/2/2009 2:45:20 PM

All American
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Here's your problem, your CSS is jacked and you are trying to use a JPG instead of a PNG or GIF:

background: url( no-repeat rgb(202, 206, 209);
background-image: url(;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-attachment: initial;
background-position-x: 50%;
background-position-y: 0%;
-webkit-background-clip: initial;
-webkit-background-origin: initial;
background-color: rgb(202, 206, 209);

the image for your divs that you've set as a background is a JPG

furthermore, if you want that div to be transparent, you should use:

background: transparent url(images/footer.jpg) no-repeat;

that rgb part in there is setting a color for you, and JPGs don't have transparency

8/2/2009 3:15:29 PM

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^the css was from a template. The header and footer in dark blue are fine where they are. The problem I would like to fix is the light blue coolwater.css background going from the header all the way to the footer and just have my images on top of that.

I have both of those as png files already.

8/2/2009 3:29:57 PM

All American
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in your css then:

#wrap {
width: 790px;
background: #CCC url(content.jpg) repeat-y center top;
margin: 0 auto;
text-align: left;


#wrap {
width: 790px;
background: #fff;
margin: 0 auto;
text-align: left;

[Edited on August 2, 2009 at 3:39 PM. Reason : I'm telling you that they are not pngs. check your CSS.]

8/2/2009 3:38:17 PM

470 Posts
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Not sure what I did but deleted some things in the css file that were not needed and seemed to have gotten what I was looking for.

Thanks Kiljadn

8/2/2009 5:28:24 PM

 Message Boards » Tech Talk » Using Gimp to Set Background Transparency Page [1]  
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