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 Message Boards » » custom citation builder Page [1]  
45912 Posts
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sorta of the wrong section, but I think it's appropriate.

anyone know of a custom citation builder? I'm going to end up with a bunch of citations for papers and may need to adjust them depending on where they're going. word 07's stuff isn't customizable (unless you're an xml freak).

or maybe someone wants to build one? I'd throw a few bucks in for your effort. I've got my stuff in excel right now. I'm figuring that a little simple coding would work. however, that might make it more difficult to customize on my own later on (unless you want to write some code for customization of the citations as well).

I'm looking for the ability to change text/numeric field locations, text style, inserting/moving commas & periods - you know all the stupid things that change per citation style.

8/7/2009 11:32:19 AM

All American
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I thought Word 07's citations were customizable for different styles? Regardless, I'm still not entirely sure what you're asking, but it may be something you can do using EndNote.

8/7/2009 1:15:33 PM

45912 Posts
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as far as I know, you can't customize word's citation styles... unless that changed in an update... but I still can't find anyway to do that.

What I'm asking for is.... let's say there are 12 fields for citations - author's last name, first name, second author's last, second author's first, etc, year, title, source, url, copyright date, publisher, and so on.

Each citation method places these fields in different places, uses different text styles (italics, underline, etc), different puncuation, some use parentheses, etc.

I'd like a way to organize the fields in any order I wish, set fields to a certain text style, and place different punctuation where needed. this way, I can just have an excel sheet of all the fields, then using some program or script, I place the fields and punctuation, set the field text style, and then have the list exported. then when it comes time for another paper, with a different citation method, I can go back in and redo all of the fields, etc. without having to type everything up again.

[Edited on August 7, 2009 at 1:38 PM. Reason : .]

8/7/2009 1:37:35 PM

All American
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You can do this using Endnote. Many journals have their citation template built in. I find Endnote does not always play nice with MS Word. The nice feature is that you can build your works cited as you write.

8/7/2009 3:12:28 PM

45912 Posts
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yeh, I know some journals/websites can do the formatting, but to my knowledge, I'd have to keep re-entering it in every website... I'll think about it. Endnote seems nice, but I think $120/$300 is more than what I'm willing to pay

8/7/2009 3:24:50 PM

All American
2418 Posts
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use refworks

8/7/2009 4:40:31 PM

45912 Posts
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^I started with that last year but it quit working.... I might try it again

8/7/2009 4:54:34 PM

 Message Boards » Tech Talk » custom citation builder Page [1]  
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