7/21/2010 9:11:33 PM
popcorn bucket moves.fail.
7/21/2010 9:12:01 PM
wow he really looks like he's eating it too!
7/21/2010 9:12:22 PM
Yep looks like he fucked up the positioning of the popcorn in just one frame
7/21/2010 9:14:10 PM
maybe the force of the wolf thrusting his snout into the lightweight popcorn container caused it to move slightly, jeez[Edited on July 21, 2010 at 9:16 PM. Reason : V all i see in his mouth is popcorn, do you disagree?]
7/21/2010 9:14:37 PM
I mean clearly he's eating something on the other side of the popcorn
7/21/2010 9:15:23 PM
^^I expect people on the Internet to be perfect.
7/21/2010 9:15:49 PM
7/21/2010 10:21:00 PM
7/21/2010 10:23:56 PM
7/21/2010 10:24:48 PM
Ha. I felt like we needed a wolf celebrating the recent news with UNC's football program.Yeah, it's off by a pixel, but I lost the original frame by the time I noticed. I don't have one of those movie to gif converters, it was just a few lucky print screens, so I didn't feel like starting over.[Edited on July 22, 2010 at 9:55 AM. Reason : -]
7/22/2010 9:53:41 AM
i like it with the bucket moving actually
7/22/2010 9:59:56 AM
8/10/2010 3:45:50 PM
bump cause i cant bump it if i wait like 2 weeks
7/27/2011 7:02:35 PM
7/27/2011 7:31:25 PM
5/9/2012 3:45:21 PM
5/9/2012 3:51:08 PM