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21952 Posts
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Questions, complaints, and general pregnancy chatting right here.

I'm two months along with my second child. For the last two weeks, I've been extremely nauseated. I just gag and gag, but not any actual puking. It would almost be better if I puked because at least then there would be hope of the nausea going away.

(for ashley_grl and the other pregnant ladies)

11/8/2010 7:24:56 PM

All American
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Yay for preggers.

I'm in hell. Pure hell.

I throw up (on average) 2-3 times a day. I gag constantly but it is heightened when I move, bend over, or walk by/think about a bathroom.

When I'm not violently vomiting, I am nauseated. This is like the worst hangover and then on a deep sea fishing trip kind of nausea.

I've done crackers until they make me gag. Ginger ale is now disgusting.

I hate meat ESPECIALLY chicken and pork. I am still hanging on to the few beef items I can stomach (ground beef, roast beef deli meat).

I have been reduced to eating random food that cannot constitute as meals. Tonight I had two glasses of milk with sugar added (I don't know why this has become so good) and then dipped sourdough bread in A1 sauce.

11/8/2010 7:40:37 PM

21952 Posts
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When I was pregnant with my first child, I vomited pretty much the entire pregnancy. I ended up dropping 30 pounds from start to finish. I got to the point where all I could tolerate was vanilla Ensure and the anti-nausea meds barely took the edge off.

Right now it's just the exhaustion, the gagging, and to top off the humiliation...constipation. Stupid pregnancy hormones.

At the moment, Regular Dr. Pepper (surprisingly) and Bagelfulls are the only things that calm my nausea.

[Edited on November 8, 2010 at 7:46 PM. Reason : dr.pepper]

11/8/2010 7:44:47 PM

balls deep
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I would like to be involved in this thread, but I do not know how.

Please advise.

11/8/2010 9:23:25 PM

All American
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Offer sympathy and then ask us if we have tried things like ginger or seabands.

How your bff's mom's cousin used to eat bananas all the time and how that helped.

Or how since you have already had 12 kids, you KNOW that it is best to avoid all medications (even those deemed safe) and that we should take a more naturopathic approach such as meditating the nausea away.

11/8/2010 9:51:07 PM

yovo yovo bonsoir
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On another tack: What is the possible evolutionary explanation for pregnancy leading to vomiting/nausea?

I mean, presumably you should just want to eat a shit-ton to keep the little fucker healthy. I can't imagine that when our ancestors were on the savannah, they could be all, "Oh I'm sorry guys, I don't feel so hot, let's stay here for a few hours. No, I don't care there's no food. But I would like pickles and ice cream."

And yet, that's how we (OK, you guys) end up. This makes me think it's all evidence of the existence of God -- though it must be a cruel, terrible god who inflicts this on the people who are instructed to bear the brunt of going forth and prospering. And, frankly, who inflicts pregnant versions of you on those of us blessed with external genitalia.

11/9/2010 1:19:40 AM

21952 Posts
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Actually, the fetus acts as a parasite and takes its nutrients from the mother -- a mother could starve and the fetus would leach what it could from the mother's body. Vomiting in the first trimester makes sense because that's when the fetus is the most vulnerable to teratogens. I'm sure that in our hunter/gatherer days that our diets were iffy and that the vomiting was a protective response.

I hope.

11/9/2010 7:45:58 AM

All American
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our little girl is due in ten days and my wife has come down with a nasty cold

she is miserable

11/9/2010 8:48:12 AM

All American
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My wife is 12 weeks and she has had a much worse pregnancy this go-round...nausea and general tiredness that just wasn't there the first pregnancy.

The tiredness may be attributed to the fact that we have a 2.5 yr old.

11/9/2010 10:55:33 AM

21952 Posts
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It's extremely difficult battling the sleepies and nausea with a two year old under foot.

Tonight, I discovered that egg drop soup sits with me pretty well and seems to alleviate the nausea for a short while.


I have my first ultrasound on Thursday!

11/9/2010 7:47:41 PM

40407 Posts
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punchmonk and i hope to find out the gender of our second on friday

11/9/2010 8:05:38 PM

All American
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Nausea today was manageable but still not good.

I ate cereal and then yogurt.

Then another yogurt.

Two hotdogs & chips.

6 in veggie sub with extra vinegar.

Bowl of cereal.

Baked potato.

Ughh. Too random for my liking.

Now I am fighting the exhaustion. It was too late to nap so now I am trying to stay awake until at least 9:15.

11/9/2010 8:29:48 PM

All American
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the nausea is from elevated estrogen levels... if you took 3 birth control pills you'd feel the same thing.

11/11/2010 2:29:53 AM

All American
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My wife is a baby making machine. She only got nauseated once with each of our boys. She carried them great, rarely had any strange cravings, and popped both the guys out within 2 hours of hitting the hospital. The first one she did totally sans pain meds in fact.

11/11/2010 3:56:19 PM

All American
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I have determined that this first baby will most likely be the only baby.

My body is not handling pregnancy well.

11/11/2010 4:20:38 PM

21952 Posts
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You say that now, but the amnesia sets in after the baby arrives. Seriously, with Silas I vomited like crazy for all nine months and had an awful experience with the epidural but just 6 weeks after popping him out, I was saying that it'd be nice to have another one.

11/11/2010 4:49:13 PM

17377 Posts
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so when y'all are vomiting/gagging all day long, are you at work or staying at home sick? if you're at home, does your employer count it as sick leave or make you use vacation? just curious

11/11/2010 5:02:08 PM

21952 Posts
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When I was pregnant the first time, I was the nanny of two kids under the age of 4. I just planned ahead so that the kids would be busy and stayed near a bathroom.

This time around, I'm a stay at home mom.

I know of at least one person who had hyperemesis that had to quit her job (she was an nurse practitioner) and spend most of her pregnancy in bed -- TWICE.

11/11/2010 5:20:15 PM

21952 Posts
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ashley_grl, here is the likely useless advice that you're expecting.

With pregnancy #1, I had to resort to Zofran to keep the nausea at bay.

This time around, I've had really good luck with 100 mg of vitamin B6 and half a Unisom tablet in the mornings. It's on the sheet that my OBGYN hands out. I tried it with pregnancy #1 and it didn't help, but this time around it seems to be working. This is day 4 and it's helping with the worst of it.

I've spent my Saturday morning watching I Didn't Know I was Pregnant. These girls are either crazy or incredibly lucky to have such amazing pregnancies that they didn't know they were knocked up until they went into labor.

11/13/2010 12:23:44 PM

All American
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Just dodged one. Phew.

11/13/2010 1:50:36 PM

All American
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I've definitely done the zofran and it just doesn't seem to work that well for me.

I've also got some phenegren which is in the same boat. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. All the time it makes me sleepy.

I've read the B6 and unisom trick and that may be my next route. I'm home early from work today thanks to throwing up.

11/15/2010 2:22:51 PM

21952 Posts
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How far along are you? It could be really bad reflux that is causing you to vomit. Something like Zantac may be in order.

11/15/2010 2:27:20 PM

All American
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10 weeks. I started getting sick at week 7. I'm hoping this passes soon b/c so many things are being affected. Work, laundry, dishes, cooking, hubby, etc.

11/15/2010 2:54:10 PM

21952 Posts
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Boo. Yeah, it's too early for it to be reflux hitting you so hard. Poor you.

11/15/2010 4:51:05 PM

All American
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Threw up so much last night that I was too weak to go to work today. I have spent most of the day sleeping and trying to drink lots of sweet tea while awake.

I am now back to extreme nausea but haven't thrown up today. I feel incredibly weak and could barely stand in the shower just a few minutes ago. At what point is it time to go to the hospital for this mess? This cannot be normal/healthy.

11/16/2010 4:51:31 PM

17377 Posts
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i would lay off so much sweet tea. maybe just regular tea, or half & half tea. that much sugar can't be good for an unstable stomach.

try ginger ale. real ginger ale that has ginger listed in the ingredients (so, not seagrams, canada dry, etc). or crystallized ginger (in the azn section at the grocery store).

11/16/2010 5:25:38 PM

Bee Hugger
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I thought you were supposed to avoid too much caffeine when you are pregnant

Or have they changed that since I last knocked up a broad?

11/16/2010 5:38:16 PM

21952 Posts
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You're supposed to avoid lots of caffeine. You need to try to drink your calories like Ensure if you can't keep anything down.

If you're staying hydrated, they're just going to push more Zofran at you.

11/16/2010 5:40:21 PM

All American
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It's decaf tea and ginger ale is also decaf. But ginger ale (and any other fizzy drink) makes me throw up.

11/16/2010 5:48:41 PM

17377 Posts
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i've not been pregnant before, but have a ton of experience with nausea, so just from personal experience i'd still recommend laying off the large quantities of sugar found in sweet tea. ymmv of course.

phenergan does absolutely nothing for me, even at 2x the normal dose. this was given to me every time i went for plasmapheresis (removal of blood plasma, replacement with albumin). it doesn't knock me out either.

my grandma took zofran after her chemo & it didn't really work well for her, but she had cancer.

i really really really hope i don't spend most of a pregnancy (down the road) nauseated and/or vomiting. nausea is my natural state the second i get upset about something or sick. boooo

11/17/2010 9:39:10 AM


21814 Posts
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Quote :
"then dipped sourdough bread in A1 sauce"

I've done that, but I wasn't pregnant

11/17/2010 5:03:15 PM

21952 Posts
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I'm congested and I've gone through 2 rounds of vomiting today.

11/17/2010 5:36:43 PM

35217 Posts
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This thread makes me glad I'm not a woman.

11/17/2010 6:27:41 PM

21952 Posts
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Ice cold vanilla Ensure. . .how I love thee, let me count the ways. . .

I feel like a geriatric.

11/17/2010 6:50:37 PM

All American
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So the doctors visit today wasn't very helpful but I did realize that I have a cool doctor. Good thing since he's up close and personal with my vag.

He said no ER visit if I can help it. Just call when needed or wait until the next day and he'll send me directly to the birthing unit to get fluids instead of battling the ER lines and doctors.

He did say to not worry with drinking water and go straight for the gatorade/powerade to keep the electrolytes balanced while vomiting.

He also extended the prescription for phenegran and zofran and told me to hang on because I was approaching the plateau. Fingers crossed that he is right and this shit will go away soon.

11/17/2010 7:37:03 PM

21952 Posts
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Yay! I'm glad that your doctor is nice!

OMG. Gatorade. I rediscovered Gatorade a few days ago. It's so good.

11/17/2010 7:41:07 PM

All American
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I've got grape powerade and it is like crack in a bottle.

It sooooo grapey and good.

It is pathetic how I have no control over my body and what my body wants to eat.

11/17/2010 7:59:51 PM

21952 Posts
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I have thrown up 90 percent of what I've eaten today.

And after that bought of fluro-pink vomit, I think I'll leave out the gatorade for a bit.

11/18/2010 8:04:03 PM

balls deep
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I offer my sympathy to you all. Have you tried things like ginger or seabands?

11/19/2010 10:24:18 PM

Finally Preemie!
4472 Posts
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Quote :
"I hate meat ESPECIALLY chicken and pork. I am still hanging on to the few beef items I can stomach (ground beef, roast beef deli meat)."

ashley_grl, my wife just had a baby, and all of her doctors were quite adamant that she should NOT eat deli meat while pregnant. Obviously this is your baby, but I thought maybe you just didn't know about this fact.

11/19/2010 11:04:41 PM

All American
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I offer my sympathy to you all. Have you tried things like ginger or seabands?

11/20/2010 8:13:24 AM

All American
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Yep I know the deli meat spill and all the major dangers associated with it. My doctor also said at this point with vomiting occurring nearly 24 hours a day, if I can eat it, keep it down, then it is better than nothing.

11/20/2010 8:57:42 AM

17377 Posts
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does prepackaged "deli" meat count too? like square ham? i <3 square ham

11/20/2010 9:35:12 AM

All American
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Deli meat is fine as long as it is heated, like toasted at subway/quiznos, etc.

11/20/2010 9:38:22 AM

17377 Posts
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i don't like hot square ham. oh well

[Edited on November 20, 2010 at 11:08 AM. Reason : ]

11/20/2010 11:06:59 AM

All American
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I saw a pregnancy test in the checkout aisle at the Dollar Tree today.


11/20/2010 1:22:42 PM

21952 Posts
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I was told that no two pregnancies are alike. That's bullshit.

This pregnancy is just as exhausting and nauseating as the first time around except I have a toddler under foot.

I just want to sleep forever and ever. The thought of swallowing my food makes me sick. And showering is the worst thing ever because the heat and moving around makes me hurl.

I really really hope that this ends with the first trimester.

11/21/2010 5:51:16 PM

All American
820 Posts
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Aww, Ma, I hope you feel better soon! I had two crazy different pregnancies. First one was awful at the end but a breeze in the first trimester. The second was AW-FUL for the first 12 weeks. And lucky me, I had a 15 month old at home to keep track of while I was throwing up. I was to the point where I threw some Cheerios on the coffee table for my son and set up camp on the couch for the day with a trashcan nearby to hurl into. Zofran didn't touch the nausea and Phenegran made me too loopy to care for a toddler. I remember calling my mom crying at 9 weeks and telling her I didn't think I could do it anymore. She reminded me that I didn't have a choice. But like clockwork, at 12 weeks, the nausea went away and I felt great. It did come back a little at the very end, but it wasn't nearly as bad. I really, really hope your experience is similar, and you find relief soon. I can so relate to where you are right now.

Oh, and the thing about really different pregnancy experiences ending up with a different gender baby? I have two bouncing baby boys!

11/21/2010 9:20:28 PM

All American
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I hit 11 weeks today and still feel like shit. How far along are you?

11/21/2010 9:21:01 PM

All American
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My baby was born Sept 17th - he's two months old. With a 2 month old and a 2 year old, I think I'm done for awhile. Feel like I was pregnant for 2 straight years!

11/22/2010 12:28:57 AM

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