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All American
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which is better outcome of the 2: 1) getting a minor but risk getting a lower GPA and not being on dean's list, or 2) getting a higher GPA with more ease but not having a minor

1/27/2011 10:52:10 PM

All American
7547 Posts
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From your posting history.

The easiest path (not minor).

If you want real input; how useful is the minor?

1/27/2011 11:11:16 PM

All American
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the issue is i am very close to getting one of several minors though i wasn't trying to. there are like 3 minors i could get by taking additional 2-3 classes so i was thinking of getting one since i am so close, and they would go as free electives anyway, also i happen to have 9 hours in electives to use for next semester. problem is sometimes the few required classes i need either have horrible grade distribution, or is the 400 level. this may possibly hurt my chance of dean's list and/or at least a 3.75 overall GPA as well. the other thing is it might look bad w/o at least a minor on the transcript since i have like 20 hours of free electives and if i just used it on random classes.

1/27/2011 11:38:09 PM

All American
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totally get as many minors as you can. it'll help you make 100k

1/28/2011 1:33:12 AM

All American
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^^You've made it pretty clear you want to go the path of least resistance.

Adding a minor is still a little bit of work.

You have to, like, fill out some paperwork.

Again, it still depends on what minor you're thinking of getting. Some are better than others.

1/28/2011 1:41:07 AM

All American
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The minor is probably just as useless as your major. Might as well do the least work.

1/28/2011 6:38:25 AM

37709 Posts
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The minor is probably just as useless as your major. Might as well do the least work.

Underlined for emphasis

Do you really believe that companies will give a fuck that you got dean's list?

[Edited on January 28, 2011 at 9:03 AM. Reason : u]

[Edited on January 28, 2011 at 9:04 AM. Reason : underlined for emphasis]

1/28/2011 9:03:19 AM

All American
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@peter; euro
since when was i talking about majors being useless, and companies caring about dean's list. that was'nt my point. "underlined for emphasis."
again you people are thinking too far ahead. remember this is study hall not chit chat. i'm talking about school issues not what happens after, whether i can get a job etc.
getting deans list, etc is so that it gets permanently recorded on transcript as a sign of achievement. and for personal satisfaction btw

now i expect intelligent reponses from people or to not post

1/28/2011 9:51:45 AM

All American
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Most people go to college to get an education to further their job prospects... though I thought that went without saying. If you're only worried about short-term for personal satisfaction, how about just do what makes YOU happy.

1/28/2011 10:47:00 AM

All American
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If you aren't considering post graduation, then you haven't yet established why you would even consider the minor in the first place.... or dean's list for that matter (does getting on the dean's list get you all moist or something?)

[Edited on January 28, 2011 at 10:53 AM. Reason : and get out of here with that personal satisfaction bs]

1/28/2011 10:51:59 AM

All American
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Minors. I know you don't care about how they factor in to future employment but I got two myself - only because I needed 1-2 classes extra per minor. Bumping it out to 3 extra classes probably would have made it not worth it IMO. I guess it depends on the minor and whether they are related to the kind of job you want... and the only reason I can come up with as to motivation to get a minor is to pad a resume. I'm not even sure employers care, so there's that.

I remember there being some additional, non trivial fee they start to tack on if you have x percentage of credit hours beyond what you need to graduate in your major. So let's say your major requires 122 hours and you're sitting on 140 hours because you're going for some minors and you've still got 15 or so hours in your major. They'll start tacking that fee on every semester. I can't remember the cut-offs, but the "you haven't graduated yet , here's some incentive to finish up already" fee will eventually kick in. Something to think about if you need to take 6-9 additional classes to get a couple of minors.

They might not even do that anymore (fee). I'm stone age.

If you're just going for Dean's list on one semester for the achievement (xbox live joke here) why not put the minor classes off until a different semester? Won't finish the minor in time before you graduate? Probably won't miss them then.

[Edited on January 28, 2011 at 11:00 AM. Reason : -]

1/28/2011 10:54:35 AM

All American
2529 Posts
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Quote :
"They might not even do that anymore (fee). I'm stone age."


Quote :
"Pursuant to the requirements for North Carolina General Statute §116-143.7, effective for the Fall 2010 semester and thereafter all undergraduate students will be subject to a 50% tuition surcharge for all credit hours attempted in excess of 140 or 110% of the hours required by the student’s academic program, whichever is greater."

1/28/2011 11:03:17 AM

All American
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There you go. So adding anywhere from 6 to 9 classes, 18 to 27 credits, might affect you there.

1/28/2011 11:08:22 AM

All American
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next semester I have 9 hours of electives left to spend, then 3 hours of english, which would make it 122 to graduate, so I could get a minor and there is no worrying about spending more semesters or hours to graduate. the issue is whether its worth to take a hard class or a 400 level class, and risk drop in GPA, which could damage my chances of dean's list and summa cum laude honors. The question is should I risk it to have transcript say Minor Achieved, etc.. Basically which would be more satisfying.
also it's not just dean's list for one semester but it would complete it for all my semesters, which is quite an accomplishment. i want to make my academic record as best as possible which will remain with you your whole life

[Edited on January 28, 2011 at 11:32 AM. Reason : ]

1/28/2011 11:28:14 AM

All American
1945 Posts
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Maybe you should take a class that is a prereq for another class you have to take, instead of hoping the professor doesn't kick you out.

Also, ITT gz390 brags about his GPA (again)

1/28/2011 1:53:24 PM

All American
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Your academic record only remains with you your whole life if you live in the past. I want my tombstone to have my GPA on it.

You should take a risk. You might learn something interesting.

[Edited on January 28, 2011 at 2:24 PM. Reason : ]

1/28/2011 2:23:41 PM

New Recruit
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Some people ITT need to be nicer to Gary (aka gz390)

As others have said, the minor is more valuable than GPA. I say go for that.

[Edited on January 29, 2011 at 6:14 PM. Reason : .]

1/29/2011 6:13:42 PM

13178 Posts
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^ No. We don't. He's a fucking idiot who slacks off at every opportunity. The fear of a difficult (meaning he may actually put in some effort) professor has him wondering if the minor is worth it. I'm sorry. That's pathetic. Knowing his laziness, he should NOT go for the minor. It's too much work.

1/29/2011 6:45:58 PM

New Recruit
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^ Sorry, sarcasm is hard to detect over the internet. Should have put an identifier in there......

1/29/2011 6:54:56 PM

All American
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@ dal cowboys. i didn't even say what my gpa was dude, and i didn't brag about it. learn to read
@ shadow runner. thats where your wrong. your academic record stays with you your whole life. you can say your smart, know a lot, or are a hard worker, etc. but that has to show on your record. you can learn at any time including school and job. you only have one chance to make your academic record look good.
@ xbltheshadow. OK so you know how do use the Campus Directory? and i'm guessing you've tried looking me up on Facebook too, huh creeper? what's next your gonna post my address on here? you sure do go to great lengths after getting your feelings hurt on the internet.
@ merbig, i was expecting you to say something like that. its funny though b/c your probably right. actually i already knew what i was gonna do anyway, just wanted to see what people had to say

[Edited on January 29, 2011 at 7:22 PM. Reason : ]

1/29/2011 7:16:03 PM

13178 Posts
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I'm glad you were expecting me to say something like that. And it's not funny that I'm right (notice, not "probably right," I am right). It's sad.

And you really didn't know what people would say?

1/29/2011 8:14:35 PM

All American
547 Posts
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merbig, just shut up for once in your life ok? i betcha get all moist every time you troll someone eh?

hey xbltheshadow,
I did some research and I'm guessing part of your Username is your Xbox Live Gamertag huh, xbl= Xbox Live?. It just happens that guy lives in Raleigh, NC as well, and entered NCSU in 2007 (so he would be a senior now too, as your profile indicates). I also know how to look in the directory too, as you did, I sorted by:
Address= Raleigh
Department= Meteorology
Class= Senior
Sex= Male
Do you live on Brent Road? oh yeah it happens to be another address for this website, it can't be a coincidence that someone who lives there would be on this site right? it would only be natural.
So I'm guessing your name is Carl? and maybe you shouldn't post your whole college schedule on the internet next time.

[Edited on January 29, 2011 at 9:22 PM. Reason : ]

1/29/2011 9:07:04 PM

All American
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^Shit I was wrong about that last part, he is not Carl, my mistake

Now I am 100% sure this guy is you, xbltheshadow (aka Robby) (as you can see he is wearing an NC State shirt)

So now what do you have to say for yourself huh "theshadow"? You thought you could just mess around with me and post my info and shit on this site like it was all fun and games and get away with it huh motherfucker?!

[Edited on January 29, 2011 at 10:51 PM. Reason : ]

1/29/2011 10:33:20 PM

13178 Posts
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Quote :
"merbig, just shut up for once in your life ok?"

How about you stop posting?

Quote :
"i betcha get all moist every time you troll someone eh?[/image]

What are you? 5? I'm surprised you even know what a vagina is and that it even gets moist when the woman is sexually aroused.

[quote]Do you live on Brent Road? oh yeah it happens to be another address for this website, it can't be a coincidence that someone who lives there would be on this site right? it would only be natural."

It's pretty sad that you went and tried to find information about him. It's not like you're going to do shit about it, pussy.

You wouldn't happen to be Gary Zhang, would you?

110 Buckhurst Drive in Cary?

[Edited on January 29, 2011 at 11:35 PM. Reason : .]

1/29/2011 11:32:15 PM

All American
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No how about you? your posts are completely useless and I know people have already called for your banning besides myself.

Who said I was gonna do shit about it, cunt. He's the one who looked up information on me first, dipshit.
Its only proper that I pay him back, and I didn't "tried to find" information about him, I did lol, and it took less than 2 minutes.
All I did google 'xbltheshadow', the sixth result down has a forum post from a user "xbltheshadow" with a link to his facebook page. The guy is wearing a NC State shirt, and he has the same name as a guy in the directory who is a Senior in Meteorology, which now he has taken off his profile, but I know from his previous posts. He obviously been closely examining all my previous posts, so why can't I look at his and find out who he is.

^Yeah thats me, Go find my facebook page now too. so what the fuck you gonna do come to my house bitch?

1/29/2011 11:46:47 PM

13178 Posts
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Quote :
"your posts are completely useless"

The usefulness of my posts matches that of your threads.

Quote :
"and I know people have already called for your banning besides myself."

Your point? People have called for you to be banned as well.

People call for other people to be banned all the fucking time. It's usually just childish whining from someone being butthurt.

1/29/2011 11:51:52 PM

All American
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Yeah you're the one who is childishly whining from being butt hurt every time you post, after taking it up the ass from Flying Tiger of course. No wonder your so grumpy on these boards.

And no I don't recall anyone legitimately calling for my banning, you on the other hand I can see have at least 2 threads on the first page of Feedback Forum calling for your suspension at least.

Quote :
"I've been gone for four years and he's still the worst troll I've seen

Get rid of him"

Quote :
"I know my thread isn't the first he's trolled, but really, his postings were extremely pointless and took away the purpose of the thread."

And yeah I don't really care if you post my name, address, whatever, you won't find a picture of me either. I could find out your name too, but that's pointless

I think you need to understand this forum is not yours and you are not a moderator either, so you don't have any authority to tell me what I can't post. Maybe in your view its useless but not to most people. I won't listen to what your ass has to say.

1/30/2011 12:17:29 AM

37709 Posts
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Quote :
"If you aren't considering post graduation, then you haven't yet established why you would even consider the minor college in the first place"

Fixed it.

Quote :
"1) getting a minor but risk getting a lower GPA and not being on dean's list, or

2) getting a higher GPA with more ease but not having a minor"

(underlined for emphasis)

You obviously don't give a fuck about the actual dividends the minor will pay towards your future, as in getting a JOB, therefore you are getting troll posts in here.

Real advice for others who might have the same question but with legitimate reasons: If the minor would be applicable to your job in the future, go for it. If not, then it is unnecessary, and take a good long look at if it will benefit you in any way. That's the advice that I've been given when considering minors. Companies looking to hire specific majors (say, CHE for myself) don't give a fuck if I have a MSE, MAE, or BUS minor. They want that CHE degree. Then they're looking at experience. Then ability to work with the company. Then maybe GPA.

For this fucktard, skip the minor. Extra work means less time for you to prioritize next semester's professors to sign up under and your strategy for being first in line to register for a class.

I did get a lol out of this though...if you taking easy classes gives you more time for getting trolled by the internet, then by all means doom your future for our temporary entertainment

Quote :
"@ xbltheshadow. ... you sure do go to great lengths after getting your feelings hurt on the internet.

7:16:03 PM"

Quote :
"hey xbltheshadow,
I did some research and...

9:07:04 PM"

[Edited on January 30, 2011 at 12:38 AM. Reason : lol public information]

1/30/2011 12:34:32 AM

All American
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For the millionth time, what the hell does my future, job, etc. has anything to do with any of this you son of a bitch? and who gives you the authority to tell me I can't take easy classes, fuckface. I know you suck at reading but I already said I'm doing this shit for personal satisfaction and achievement, anything else is irrelevant and not open for discussion, and you should not consider any future consequences when responding to any thread of mine asswipe. Who knows maybe i'm just going to college to have a good time and have aspirations to be a fucking janitor or garbageman or whatever but thats not for you to worry about, when you have your own life to think about, cockbite. If you don't want to give me advice with some damn respect i urge you to shut your ass up.

[Edited on January 30, 2011 at 1:08 AM. Reason : ]

1/30/2011 1:07:04 AM

13178 Posts
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Quote :
"Yeah you're the one who is childishly whining from being butt hurt every time you post"

Why would I be butthurt? You're the one who started telling me to "just shut up for once in your life." Sounds to me like you're butthurt.

Quote :
"And no I don't recall anyone legitimately calling for my banning, you on the other hand I can see have at least 2 threads on the first page of Feedback Forum calling for your suspension at least. "

Like I said. They're by two people who got butthurt because they didn't like what I had to say. Just because it pisses you off, it doesn't mean that person is trolling you.

And here you are, butthurt like the other people who didn't like what I had to say. Why don't you take qntmfred's advice to you?

Quote :
"@gz390 we generally don't lock threads around here. feel free to continue to vent. feel free to either consider or ignore what other people say too. it's all gravy son don't let it bother you"

And here is a thread calling for your suspension by two separate people:


But I know, you don't think they are just as legitimate as the two (?) threads in FF.

Quote :
"I could find out your name too, but that's pointless"

I've already given you a head start. It would be interesting to see what you pull up about me. I would really like you to try.

Quote :
"I think you need to understand this forum is not yours and you are not a moderator either, so you don't have any authority to tell me what I can't post."

I understand that quite fine. It's ironic that you would actually say that to me, considering that you're the one who's telling me to stop posting.

Quote :
"merbig, just shut up for once in your life ok?"

Quote :
"No how about you? your posts are completely useless and I know people have already called for your banning besides myself."

So what I think you need to understand is this forum is not yours and you are not a moderator either, so you don't have any authority to tell me what I can't post, as you tried to do previously.

Quote :
"For the millionth time, what the hell does my future, job, etc. has anything to do with any of this you son of a bitch?"

This is why you're getting unhelpful posts, because you're a fucking moron who's looking to slide by in life.

Quote :
"and who gives you the authority to tell me I can't take easy classes, fuckface."

You have come here on numerous times asking for advice on what classes to take, and in this very thread, you're asking whether you should get a minor or take easy classes. YOU'RE ASKING FOR OUR OPINION.

Quote :
"anything else is irrelevant and not open for discussion"

Then stop making threads if you're not open to discussing the topic you created.

Quote :
"and you should not consider any future consequences when responding to any thread of mine asswipe. "

Are you really threatening him? LOL! You're not going to do shit.

Quote :
"If you don't want to give me advice with some damn respect i urge you to shut your ass up."

I think you need to understand this forum is not yours and you are not a moderator either, so you don't have any authority to tell me what I can't post. Maybe in your view its useless but not to most people. I won't listen to what your ass has to say.

1/30/2011 10:27:35 AM

New Recruit
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^^^ Yeah, Peter, I like the irony of that series of posts too.

Anyone can find stuff about you on the internet. I'm surprised you thought you were transparent to that fact. When your username is as simple as it is (initials and birth date), it makes the search that much simpler. You're not the first person to link the "real" me to a simple screen name. It happens when I've been using the same screen name for probably 7-8 years now.

Besides, that forum you found the FB link on, I give that away like it's candy, so I don't really try to hide who I am either. Which shocks me that you found someone else's information, and then it took you about another hour and a half to realize it was wrong. It's all public information anyways so it's not as big of a deal as you're making it out to be.

1/30/2011 11:18:30 AM

All American
547 Posts
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Quote :
"Why would I be butthurt? You're the one who started telling me to "just shut up for once in your life." Sounds to me like you're butthurt. "

Your butt hurt because you have to troll this forum so much, so you can get all moist again, no normal person who isn't butt hurt would do that.

Quote :
"Like I said. They're by two people who got butthurt because they didn't like what I had to say. Just because it pisses you off, it doesn't mean that person is trolling you."

That's what makes you a such a good troll, you can piss people off without getting everything to think your trolling.

Quote :
"Why don't you take qntmfred's advice to you"

I wish there was a ignore function, you'd be the first person I use it on.

Quote :
"But I know, you don't think they are just as legitimate as the two (?) threads in FF."

Because if people tried doing that in Feedback forum, they'd get laughed at in the face.

Quote :
"I've already given you a head start. It would be interesting to see what you pull up about me. I would really like you to try."

Your not worth my time actually, and I have better things to do like getting good grades, unlike yourself. I only did that to xbltheshadow because he's the one who started it.

Quote :
"I understand that quite fine. It's ironic that you would actually say that to me, considering that you're the one who's telling me to stop posting. "

OK. But the difference between you and me is I make threads, not directed towards anyone in particular, I'm just looking for some opinions which do not necessarily have to be yours. You seem to only interested in posting annoying shit in my threads. So I have more of an authority to tell you to stop posting.

Quote :
"This is why you're getting unhelpful posts, because you're a fucking moron who's looking to slide by in life."

I never said I was gonna "slide by in life", maybe that's what you think. You think your a fucking comedian sitting at his desk all day thinking of insults. Your a senior engineering major so I would think you have more things to do with your time besides posting so much, maybe you'd get better grades if you didn't spend so much time here.

Quote :
"You have come here on numerous times asking for advice on what classes to take, and in this very thread, you're asking whether you should get a minor or take easy classes. YOU'RE ASKING FOR OUR OPINION."

Fine next time I won't ask for your opinion and if you give it I know your trolling then. Its not like I don't know what you'd say.

Quote :
"Then stop making threads if you're not open to discussing the topic you created."

You should really learn to read. I also discussing shit about whatever happens after college is irrelevant since it is not the point of study hall.

Quote :
"Are you really threatening him? LOL! You're not going to do shit."

No, your misinterpreting me again. By future consequences I meant after finishing college, etc. I think spending so much time on here is damaging your brain. Maybe you should take a time out from this forum.

Quote :
"I think you need to understand this forum is not yours and you are not a moderator either, so you don't have any authority to tell me what I can't post. Maybe in your view its useless but not to most people. I won't listen to what your ass has to say."

Your only posting for your and your butt buddy Flying Tiger's enjoyment. Why would anyone else care about your opinion in one of my threads.

No I didn't think I'm transparent to the fact did I? That's not the point. There was no legitimate reason for you to be looking up info about me in the directory, unless you wanted to visit me at my house, send me an email, or something. Your supposed to use the directory for legitimate purposes not to troll people on a message board.

Quote :
"I don't really try to hide who I am either."

You sure try to hide your shit on this board though, your bio said Meteorology previously now it doesn't. Seems to me like you didn't want me finding out who you were.

Quote :
"Which shocks me that you found someone else's information, and then it took you about another hour and a half to realize it was wrong. "

Yeah I was wrong and I admitted my mistake, what do you want me to do about it.

Quote :
"It's all public information anyways so it's not as big of a deal as you're making it out to be."

Your only saying that as an excuse to cover your own ass. I hope you learned your lesson.

1/30/2011 12:19:31 PM

13178 Posts
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Quote :
"Your butt hurt because you have to troll this forum so much, so you can get all moist again, no normal person who isn't butt hurt would do that."

If I'm trolling, I'm not butthurt. A troll doesn't get butthurt. If I like pissing you off, then why would I get butthurt if I succeed? You really don't know what you're talking about.

Quote :
"That's what makes you a such a good troll, you can piss people off without getting everything to think your trolling."

I'm convinced you don't know what a troll is.

Quote :
"I wish there was a ignore function, you'd be the first person I use it on."

Are you that immature that you can't restrain your eyes from reading my posts? Yes. Yes you are.

Quote :
"Your not worth my time actually, and I have better things to do like getting good grades, unlike yourself. "

I've already graduated and I have a job. You can keep your empty A's, I would rather get a paycheck.

Quote :
"But the difference between you and me is I make threads, not directed towards anyone in particular, I'm just looking for some opinions which do not necessarily have to be yours."

This is a discussion board. You're going to get opinions you don't like from people who you may not like. I will continue to tell you what I think. If you can't handle it, then you can whine and bitch some more, you can ignore what I say, or you can just stop posting.

Quote :
"You seem to only interested in posting annoying shit in my threads. So I have more of an authority to tell you to stop posting."

False, you have no authority to tell anyone what to do. You can try telling me what to do, but I will just ignore it.

Quote :
"Your a senior engineering major so I would think you have more things to do with your time besides posting so much, maybe you'd get better grades if you didn't spend so much time here."

There are no more grades for me to get. I've graduated and finished with a job.

Quote :
"Fine next time I won't ask for your opinion and if you give it I know your trolling then. Its not like I don't know what you'd say."

I will give it to you anyway. I don't care if you think I'm trolling or not.

Quote :
"You should really learn to read. I also discussing shit about whatever happens after college is irrelevant since it is not the point of study hall."

Discussing what happens after college is not the point of study hall? I'm pretty sure you're just trolling now. The entire focus of going to college is to help you get a job with the degree you earned (in your case, "get," since you haven't really earned shit). It's laughable if you think a section devoted to your college career is irrelevant to your interests post-college.

Quote :
"I think spending so much time on here is damaging your brain. Maybe you should take a time out from this forum."

I think you should take your own advice. With each post you seem to be getting less coherent and less intelligent.

Quote :
"Why would anyone else care about your opinion in one of my threads."

Since these threads exist to serve you, why would anyone else care about anyone else's opinion in one of your threads?

1/30/2011 12:46:53 PM

All American
547 Posts
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Quote :
"If I'm trolling, I'm not butthurt. A troll doesn't get butthurt. If I like pissing you off, then why would I get butthurt if I succeed? You really don't know what you're talking about."

Your the one getting pissed off. The threads I make aren't directed towards you in particular. Your the one getting all aggressive in all your posts directed at me. If anything, its me who likes pissing you off.

Quote :
"I'm convinced you don't know what a troll is."

I'm convinced your in denial. You should Google the word troll and the first result matches your behavior perfectly. If this was any other message board, you'd be long gone by now. I just looked up TheWolfWeb in Wikipedia too, and in the description it says "A largely un-moderated style". No wonder you love it here, you thrive in this environment and you can troll all you want with no consequences what so ever.

Quote :
"Are you that immature that you can't restrain your eyes from reading my posts? Yes. Yes you are."

I could ask the same question to you. Are you that immature that you can't restrain your eyes from reading my threads? Who knows maybe I was making these threads just to provoke you and waste your time. And apparently your the one who graduated too, so if anyone needs to be more mature, its you.

Quote :
"I've already graduated and I have a job. You can keep your empty A's, I would rather get a paycheck."

You should go into comedy. Really, is your job to sit in front of your computer and troll message boards all day?

Quote :
"This is a discussion board. You're going to get opinions you don't like from people who you may not like. I will continue to tell you what I think. If you can't handle it, then you can whine and bitch some more, you can ignore what I say, or you can just stop posting. "

That's fine with me then, its only you whose the problem anyway. I'll keep posting and you'll just keep wasting your time every time you reply.

Quote :
"False, you have no authority to tell anyone what to do. You can try telling me what to do, but I will just ignore it."

Then keep wasting your time replying to each thread I make. A normal person would have either stopped posting already or just stopped reading. But your special, your a persistent one whose really butt hurt.

Quote :
"There are no more grades for me to get. I've graduated and finished with a job."

Yes you have, you graduated and now your job is to troll this message board.

Quote :
"I will give it to you anyway. I don't care if you think I'm trolling or not."

OK then, I won't worry about your opinion in future threads I make. You can continue to post and embarrass yourself, or you can take my advice and walk away.

Quote :
"Discussing what happens after college is not the point of study hall? I'm pretty sure you're just trolling now. The entire focus of going to college is to help you get a job with the degree you earned (in your case, "get," since you haven't really earned shit). It's laughable if you think a section devoted to your college career is irrelevant to your interests post-college."

Wrong and ignorant, not everyone goes to college so they can use the degree to get a job. Plenty of people get jobs un-related to their degree too. There's the other sections for post-college stuff, this is Study Hall and what you need to worry about is the present.

Quote :
"I think you should take your own advice. With each post you seem to be getting less coherent and less intelligent."

With each post you sound more and more butt hurt. Just take my advice and walk away, save yourself the embarrassment. You've graduated from school apparently, so maybe you should move on to. Stop saying your a Senior in your profile so you can use it as an excuse to troll this board.

Quote :
"Since these threads exist to serve you, why would anyone else care about anyone else's opinion in one of your threads?"

Wrong, they don't exist to only serve me. How would you know? other people might want to know the same things.

1/30/2011 4:44:15 PM

13178 Posts
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Quote :
"Your the one getting pissed off."

Trolls don't get pissed off. This is what I'm talking about. You identified me as a troll, and now you're saying I'm pissed off. Make up your mind. It can't be both.

Quote :
"Your the one getting all aggressive in all your posts directed at me."

If by aggressive, you mean I'm calling you out for being an idiot, then yes, I am.

Quote :
"If anything, its me who likes pissing you off."

So you're admitting to being a troll?

Quote :
"You should Google the word troll and the first result matches your behavior perfectly."

I know what a troll is. I can tell you I'm not trolling you. Just because you disagree with me, doesn't mean I'm trolling you. If you want people to post opinions that you agree with, then call up your friends and ask them while you coax them into the direction of responses you want to hear. Obviously you have no place on a forum, as you don't seem to understand how they work (much like you don't understand the difference between "your" and "you're" ).

Quote :
"I could ask the same question to you. Are you that immature that you can't restrain your eyes from reading my threads?"

Sure thing. The difference between you and me, is I'm not bitching about your posts and calling you a troll or assuming authority over anyone.

Quote :
" Who knows maybe I was making these threads just to provoke you and waste your time."

It's a Sunday... You're not wasting anyone's time.

Quote :
"And apparently your the one who graduated too, so if anyone needs to be more mature, its you."

Naw. Don't feel like it.

Quote :
"Really, is your job to sit in front of your computer and troll message boards all day? "

It's just my weekend job. I've been contracted out by Supplanter to try and get you to change your lazy ways and to stop degrading our diplomas.

Quote :
" I'll keep posting and you'll just keep wasting your time every time you reply."

So far, my time hasn't been wasted.

Quote :
"Yes you have, you graduated and now your job is to troll this message board."

Is this the best you could come up with?

Quote :
"Wrong and ignorant, not everyone goes to college so they can use the degree to get a job. Plenty of people get jobs un-related to their degree too. There's the other sections for post-college stuff, this is Study Hall and what you need to worry about is the present."

LOL! You're killing me. Maybe you don't go to college to get a degree to get a job, but most people do. This section is here to help people plan for the present, as well as the future. You can put your head into the ground and deny that all you want, but you're still VERY wrong.

Quote :
"With each post you sound more and more butt hurt. Just take my advice and walk away, save yourself the embarrassment. You've graduated from school apparently, so maybe you should move on to. Stop saying your a Senior in your profile so you can use it as an excuse to troll this board."

How am I sounding butt hurt? You're the one who is telling me to go away and to stop posting because you don't like what I have to say. And my profile can say whatever I want it to say... I can have it say "God" and I can post here just as I do now... After a year, I would have thought you would have figured this out by now.

And how am I being embarrassed? You realize I'm not the only one who thinks your a gigantic idiot. If ThePeter, xbltheshadow, DalCowboys, Shadowrunner, Netstorm, and ClassicMixup all think you're an idiot, how exactly am I embarrassing myself? Maybe I'm embarrassing myself to you, but you've already been established as an idiot, so your opinion about others is irrelevant.

Quote :
"other people might want to know the same things."

You really must have a big ego if you think people care about any of your final threads. They've provided more laughs than help to people around here.

1/30/2011 5:53:21 PM

5290 Posts
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study hall is not chit chat #2

1/30/2011 6:12:12 PM

All American
547 Posts
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Quote :
"Trolls don't get pissed off. This is what I'm talking about. You identified me as a troll, and now you're saying I'm pissed off. Make up your mind. It can't be both."

How would you know? you are pissed off, or you wouldn't keep replying to all my threads with all this hostility.

Quote :
"If by aggressive, you mean I'm calling you out for being an idiot, then yes, I am."

So basically you're admitting to trolling. Calling me out for being an idiot is different from providing your opinion of what I should do.

Quote :
"So you're admitting to being a troll?"

Now you just admitted your getting pissed off. And no, I'm not saying I'm a troll because your the only one who bothers responding so much after every post I make, its obvious what I'm doing only makes you more butt hurt.

Quote :
"I know what a troll is. I can tell you I'm not trolling you. Just because you disagree with me, doesn't mean I'm trolling you."

Its not that I disagree with you, but the aggressiveness of your posts clearly show that you are trolling.

Quote :
"The difference between you and me, is I'm not bitching about your posts and calling you a troll or assuming authority over anyone."

That's a good one, you should go into comedy.

Quote :
"It's a Sunday... You're not wasting anyone's time."

So your Sundays are spent doing this? Patiently waiting for me to make a post, then making a reply as soon as possible so you don't get too butt hurt?

Quote :
"Naw. Don't feel like it."

Is this the best you could come up with?

Quote :
"It's just my weekend job. I've been contracted out by Supplanter to try and get you to change your lazy ways and to stop degrading our diplomas."

I guess he picked the right person for the job then: someone who has nothing better do to on the weekend, and who likes being used. As for "Degrading our diplomas" That's just naive, you should worry about the people who have violated academic integrity, get bad grades without trying, etc. first before worrying about people who want to take easy classes. One person taking easy classes isn't going to have an effect on degrading diplomas. If you think that then you really are a clown. NC State is a state school, don't think so highly of it, there's worse people.

Quote :
"So far, my time hasn't been wasted."

Good to know that's how you like spending your Sundays.

Quote :
"LOL! You're killing me. Maybe you don't go to college to get a degree to get a job, but most people do. This section is here to help people plan for the present, as well as the future. You can put your head into the ground and deny that all you want, but you're still VERY wrong."

Now your getting emotional. You sure are pissed off now. Explain to me exactly what part of "discuss teachers, classes, homework, tests, etc." makes you think of "the future"?. To me it looks like you keep using "the future" as an excuse to troll, because you know you don't have shit to say otherwise. So if you post something unnecessary like that it only makes you more of a troll.

Quote :
"How am I sounding butt hurt? You're the one who is telling me to go away and to stop posting because you don't like what I have to say."

I don't really have a problem with what you say, a lot of people say the same things as you I can tell, but I have no problem with that. But my questions are serious, so if I want to hear a joke I'll go elsewhere. You'd make a good jester with all those sarcastic comments, you should really consider comedy.

Quote :
"And how am I being embarrassed? You realize I'm not the only one who thinks your a gigantic idiot. If ThePeter, xbltheshadow, DalCowboys, Shadowrunner, Netstorm, and ClassicMixup all think you're an idiot, how exactly am I embarrassing myself? Maybe I'm embarrassing myself to you, but you've already been established as an idiot, so your opinion about others is irrelevant."

The point is not whether I'm a 'gigantic idiot' you fool, I could care less, or obviously I would have stopped posting long ago. But you bring in others to help you because your running out of comebacks, pathetic. The difference between you and them is your too stubborn for your own good and you keep posting to satisfy your own Ego. So your only embarrassing yourself.

Quote :
"You really must have a big ego if you think people care about any of your final threads. They've provided more laughs than help to people around here."

I could really say the same about your posts.

1/30/2011 9:03:48 PM

13178 Posts
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Quote :
"How would you know? you are pissed off, or you wouldn't keep replying to all my threads with all this hostility. "

LOL! You think this is hostile? Man. You must have went to some real pussy forums.

Quote :
"So basically you're admitting to trolling. Calling me out for being an idiot is different from providing your opinion of what I should do."

I thought I was "pissed off?" If I was pissed off, how could I be trolling? Pick one. You can't pick both. A troll isn't someone who is pissed off. And you're right. I didn't provide an opinion on what you should do. Why? Because as you admitted, your mind was already made up and I was calling you out on it.

Quote :
"Now you just admitted your getting pissed off."

? That doesn't make any sense... If I was pissed off, why would I be laughing?

Quote :
"Its not that I disagree with you, but the aggressiveness of your posts clearly show that you are trolling."

I thought I was pissed off and butt hurt? Now I'm a troll again?

Quote :
"So your Sundays are spent doing this? Patiently waiting for me to make a post, then making a reply as soon as possible so you don't get too butt hurt?"



Quote :
"Is this the best you could come up with?"

Are you dissatisfied that I admitted to stooping down to your level of maturity? In case you haven't noticed, TWW isn't exactly a mature place. If you ventured out of Study Hall once in a while, maybe you wouldn't get so bent out of shape at everyone who calls you out for being a slacker.

Quote :
"As for "Degrading our diplomas" That's just naive, you should worry about the people who have violated academic integrity, get bad grades without trying, etc. first before worrying about people who want to take easy classes. One person taking easy classes isn't going to have an effect on degrading diplomas. If you think that then you really are a clown. NC State is a state school, don't think so highly of it, there's worse people."

I am worried about people who have violated the academic integrity, just as much as I worry about people who slack off and make deans list.

Quote :
"Good to know that's how you like spending your Sundays."

Likewise. It takes at least two people to argue/discuss/ect.

Quote :
"Now your getting emotional. You sure are pissed off now."

You clearly don't know me.

Quote :
"Explain to me exactly what part of "discuss teachers, classes, homework, tests, etc." makes you think of "the future"?."

Did you miss the "etc." part of the description? Teachers, classes, homework, tests all deal with your college career, which most people are going to college in hopes of getting a degree to help them get a job. Most people go to college with their future in mind. That's why college is often referred to as an "investment." If you don't consider college that, then by all means, blow your money away on a piece of paper that has no value to you.

Quote :
"But my questions are serious, so if I want to hear a joke I'll go elsewhere."

Your questions may be serious (which is sad), but nobody takes you seriously. That's why less and less people are helping you, because nobody deems you to be a person who needs help. You proved that in this thread when you said you made this topic already knowing the answer. You admitted you don't need help.

Quote :
"I could care less"

The phrase is "I couldn't care less," as in you are incapable of caring any less than you already do.

Quote :
"But you bring in others to help you because your running out of comebacks, pathetic."

You really think I brought other people in? Yes. I'm conspiring with others to post against you and not be helpful. It couldn't be that we all think you're a lazy idiot...

Quote :
"The difference between you and them is your too stubborn for your own good and you keep posting to satisfy your own Ego."

First you said I was trolling. Then you said I was pissed off. Now you're saying I'm satisfying my own ego...

Quote :
"I could really say the same about your posts."

I'm glad.

1/30/2011 9:24:21 PM

All American
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I feel like gz390's posting style changed drastically from the first post to the middle to the more recent ones... Is someone not paying attention to their alias' typing style or is this dude just that spastic?

1/30/2011 11:50:00 PM

New Recruit
46 Posts
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^ I noticed that too. It seemed to instantly happen once I surfaced his true name. I guess he has no reason to keep the alias up because of that, so he changed his typing style. Or he may be worried about future repercussions since we now can avoid his true-self IRL? Probably not though since he still insists on making an ass of himself...

1/31/2011 12:02:06 AM

supple anteater
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I haven't read the thread because I'm on a brief homework brake I'm allotting myself, but the answer on the value of a minor vs better gpa depends on what you're going to do with it.

If you're going to try to get into grad school, then a solid GPA I think goes a longer way. If you're applying for a job the minor MIGHT help. And then it really depends what the minor is in.

Truthfully, I don't think many employers look at either minors or GPAs (so long as you don't have a 1.5 GPA or something terrible). But if the minor was in an area valuable to the employer, then it might register. Like if you were fluent in another language like spanish and had a minor to back that up, in addition to having a BS social sciences degree, then it might help. Or if you studied psychology and had a minor in legal studies or what have you.

1/31/2011 2:08:38 AM

All American
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Quote :
"I haven't read the thread because I'm on a brief homework brake I'm allotting myself, but the answer on the value of a minor vs better gpa depends on what you're going to do with it."

If you had read the thread, you would know the OP is planning on becoming a garbageman and thus sees the prospect of completing a minor as only a major ego boost.

1/31/2011 7:14:57 AM

All American
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Quote :
"@ dal cowboys. i didn't even say what my gpa was dude, and i didn't brag about it. learn to read"

Quote :
"this may possibly hurt my chance of dean's list and/or at least a 3.75 overall GPA as well."

1/31/2011 8:05:46 AM

All American
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It depends if I post from computer or phone, i don't have time to capitalize everything. And why do you care so much about someone's writing style?
I don't care if you know my true name. I know your 'true name' and what you look like, so why are you still here? Like you said it's public information so its not that big a deal right? If anyone is making an ass of himself its you. Your apparently still butt hurt after I found your facebook page along with your name. So who's the ass now?
Thanks that was informative. Too bad I had to weave through all these trolls just to get a post like that
Go back and read the post again, I was using garbageman to make a point obviously.
Your delusional. I still never said what my GPA was, I could even have a 3.6 GPA right now, I can't brag about something I don't have. And why are you still talking about GPA? I'm guessing yours was a 2 and you get butt hurt every time someone mentions GPA?

[Edited on January 31, 2011 at 11:58 AM. Reason : ]

1/31/2011 11:42:19 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Your delusional."

Yeah, you got me... The Civil Engineering department has a reputation for letting people with 2.0 GPAs into the MCE program.

Anything else troll?

1/31/2011 1:34:09 PM

All American
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gz390 takes on the whole world.

1/31/2011 3:19:58 PM

13178 Posts
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Everybody's favorite Study Haller has something to tell each and everyone of you:

[Edited on January 31, 2011 at 5:59 PM. Reason : fucking imageshack]

1/31/2011 5:57:34 PM

New Recruit
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^ Priceless

1/31/2011 7:38:23 PM

All American
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You got me merbig. I underestimated you, what can I say.

1/31/2011 7:54:51 PM

All American
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I sense buckets in the near future for this thread.

2/3/2011 10:26:54 AM

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