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 Message Boards » » Welp now I need my arm amputated Page [1] 2, Next  
41010 Posts
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Lately, a couple times a week I'll wake up during the night and my arm or hand will be asleep. I don't know how I keep ending up in sleeping positions that cut off my circulation, but it's been happening so much lately, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna end up bumping this thread at some point to announce my arm has suffered permanent nerve damage and will require amputation.

5/14/2011 5:39:07 PM

balls deep
89902 Posts
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Let's get down to the bottom line here...

if you only had one arm, how would this impact the coding/development of site 3 ?

5/14/2011 5:40:42 PM

All American
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Not your right arm I hope... amiright?

5/14/2011 5:41:10 PM

All American
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this happens to me

and i have arm tingles even when my arm isn't asleep. i haven't gone to the tingle doctor yet, but i wonder if i have a pinched nerve.

so...i might be joining you in arm amputation world.

5/14/2011 5:42:07 PM

5290 Posts
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this happens to me quite often as well. once, it was so bad I couldn't move my right arm for a short time

5/14/2011 5:42:54 PM

41010 Posts
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well actually now that i think about it, i'd probably end up getting a cyborg arm or something out of this tragedy. cyborg arms can do ALL KINDS of stuff that human arms can't do.

[Edited on May 14, 2011 at 5:46 PM. Reason : who wants to help me get this over with? i got a chainsaw you can use]

5/14/2011 5:45:08 PM

Thots and Prayers
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5/14/2011 5:47:39 PM

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Seems to work ok for him.

5/14/2011 5:49:27 PM

no u
103356 Posts
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qntmfred can't pull that hairstyle off

5/14/2011 5:58:37 PM

All American
10506 Posts
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You need to stretch, the nerves in your arm are tight.

5/14/2011 5:59:43 PM

All American
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Should a man with a bionic arm be allowed to own a messageboard?

Century City

5/14/2011 6:01:40 PM

All American
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pull it out from under your wife

5/14/2011 6:16:41 PM

All American
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For a second, I thought this was a joe#s thread...

5/14/2011 7:15:26 PM

All American
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highly insensitive thread given joe#s past issues

5/14/2011 7:18:30 PM

All American
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happens to everyone dumb shit. whats really fun is when both arms are asleep and you literally have to shake to move your body. like a turtle on its back.

or bender.

5/14/2011 7:21:44 PM

All American
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I'll take an arm falling asleep over a leg.

I hate walking on one of those.

5/14/2011 7:23:47 PM

All American
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are you worried the poor blood circulation is going to spread to the rest of your body?

arms asleep -> cut it off ... does not compute

5/14/2011 7:25:36 PM

All American
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5/14/2011 7:26:40 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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I thought this thread title was serious, and I was kinda upset about it.

Not cool, qntmfred, not cool!

5/14/2011 7:28:24 PM

41010 Posts
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Quote :
"qntmfred can't pull that hairstyle off"

clearly you haven't seen my 5th grade class photos

5/14/2011 8:18:45 PM

New Recruit
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welcome to my world gaywad

5/14/2011 8:19:29 PM

41010 Posts
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gaywad? oh real mature saps tsk tsk

5/14/2011 8:39:26 PM

All American
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[Edited on May 14, 2011 at 8:46 PM. Reason : ]

5/14/2011 8:44:38 PM

All American
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I thought this thread was about joenumbers.!

5/14/2011 8:51:44 PM

All American
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^ Yeah, I though the same thing.

Quote :
". whats really fun is when both arms are asleep and you literally have to shake to move your body. like a turtle on its back."

Yeah, I've had that happen a time or two.

I have one arm go asleep to the point that I can't move it at all pretty routinely if I end up sleeping on it wrong. I'm guessing that it might be because my blood pressure is really low.

5/14/2011 9:22:20 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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Quote :
"I have one arm go asleep to the point that I can't move it at all pretty routinely if I end up sleeping on it wrong."

this happens to me. i just swing it around wildly into things. its pretty freaky.

5/14/2011 9:32:40 PM

16786 Posts
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When it happens to me, it feels like someone else's hand.

What a great morning.

5/14/2011 11:03:08 PM

All American
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You can be the back up drummer for def leppard.

5/14/2011 11:25:24 PM

oh we back
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[Edited on May 14, 2011 at 11:26 PM. Reason : ]

5/14/2011 11:26:45 PM

Status Name
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It's only happened to me once, and it freaked me out. Fell asleep on my right arm and when I woke up I couldn't move it at all. I have to use my other hand to pick it up and move it.

Arms are heavy.

5/15/2011 2:05:28 AM

Zinc Saucier
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Happens to me frequently. i wake up feeling like my arm's going to fall off and scared to death I'm going to break it somehow.

5/15/2011 2:09:50 AM

Art Vandelay
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most of the time this is due to nerve compression, not blood flow blockage. you'd feel blood flow blockage very quickly, it's pretty painful, why else do you think you wake up and move?

5/15/2011 2:10:34 AM

All American
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but what if your fingers and arm just tingle all the time. or most of the time. not after waking up but when you're just living your life??? thats what mine do. and sometimes my leg and toes...but only on the right side. pinched nerve?!?

5/15/2011 3:19:30 AM

bonerjamz 04
All American
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suspend. tww is not a blog

5/15/2011 6:19:01 AM

All American
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i was relieved when i saw that the thread creator was not joenumbers...

maybe you need to use some pillows to prop yourself into a position where none of your limbs are creating pressure points. then tuck yourself in so you don't move around too much.

5/15/2011 7:05:51 AM

All American
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^ that. I know someone with carpal tunnel in his wrist who has to sleep differently because of it...

Do we get before and after pics of your arm, too?

5/15/2011 8:41:16 AM

I'm Randy
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I am always very amused by my lifeless club like arm. It's fun to prod it, lift it, and just generally fool around.

5/15/2011 8:52:32 AM

All American
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both of my shoulders have been dislocated many times, and as a result (due to lack of sufficient ligaments) slight subluxation occurs often when I have my arm in funny positions with weight on them, and blood flow will be stopped/very restricted and both of my arms will go to sleep. It is very hard for me to lay on my chest and prop myself up at all, and I have these same sleeping issues from time to time

5/15/2011 9:03:07 AM

18598 Posts
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Jax' arm is just his normal human arms put to grayscale plus some joint lines. with the sections divided up the way they are, he cant bend at the elbow, yet he can spin his wrist independently of his forearm and fist. LOL WTF

5/15/2011 9:06:34 AM

13178 Posts
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Quote :
"but what if your fingers and arm just tingle all the time. or most of the time. not after waking up but when you're just living your life??? thats what mine do. and sometimes my leg and toes...but only on the right side. pinched nerve?!?"

It means you're a hypochondriac.

5/15/2011 9:12:57 AM

595 Posts
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I'm not sure how clearly I can put this, but mine seems to happen more with palm pressure. As in, if I drive a lot holding the steering wheel a certain way or if I have had some long periods of intense xbox. I'm not proud of that last one...or am I? Anyway that's the only correlation I've found with my sometimes more frequent sleepy arms. I spend a lot of time on computers due to work and recreation. I've been meaning to see if I could tie it in with intense spanking but haven't had it in me.

5/15/2011 9:58:11 AM

best gottfriend
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i do this at least every night.

5/15/2011 11:18:20 AM

All American
39759 Posts
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Quote :
"For a second, I thought this was a joe#s thread...

Me too

5/15/2011 11:26:58 AM

All American
14180 Posts
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I'm at the hospital waiting to get mine removed.... the tip of my thumb is already black

5/15/2011 9:23:46 PM

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5/15/2011 9:26:59 PM

balls deep
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5/15/2011 9:27:46 PM

All American
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5/15/2011 9:29:25 PM

All American
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5/15/2011 9:30:49 PM

32337 Posts
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site 3 is gona take even longer now

5/15/2011 9:30:53 PM

41010 Posts
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i need my cyborg arm plz

10/12/2011 9:38:38 AM

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