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El Nachó
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It's the end of iTunes as we know it. And I feel fine.

6/5/2011 8:30:18 PM

The Stubby
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I wouldn't count on iTunes going away... not for a long, long time. Of course, it's never really bothered me. I think iCloud (really wish they'd kill off this ridiculous naming convention... I know the bu$iness reasoning, but ) is going to supplement what iTunes/iTunes Store already do.

[Edited on June 5, 2011 at 9:13 PM. Reason : ]

6/5/2011 9:12:46 PM

All American
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naw... iAte is gonna eat up iTunes.

6/5/2011 10:21:19 PM

El Nachó
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Bye Bye iTunes. You will not be missed.

6/6/2011 3:08:12 PM

El Nachó
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I'm very interested to see the limitations of the songs that you gain access to through iTunes Match. I wonder what happens to them after you stop paying the $25 a year. I also wonder if there's any way to stream them instead of downloading them. Right now it looks like the only way to play songs you've paid for in iTunes is to actually download them to your device. I was hoping for a way to just stream them from the cloud whenever I want them and not have to pick and choose which songs get stored locally. Sort of defeats one of the biggest advantages of having cloud storage, IMO. Plus it looks like there's no way to actually delete music from your iPod app directly from the phone. Hopefully they'll take care of that giant oversight in 5.0.

6/6/2011 5:05:46 PM

All American
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you still have to have itunes installed to get all your pirated music into the cloud in the first place

the only things i thought were good from the wwdc were the notification fixes and software updates ota (last time i have to use/install itunes)

6/6/2011 5:28:46 PM

All American
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theres two parts to the cloud thing. itunes in teh cloud which gives u access to any of your itunes purchased songs for free and itunes match which lets u upload all your pirated music to the itunes cloud. if itunes already has one of your pirated songs it just credits you for the song instead of having to upload it.

you can download or stream the songs from any apple related device.

6/6/2011 5:30:26 PM

El Nachó
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Quote :
"you can download or stream the songs from any apple related device."

Do you have a link for that, cause that's what I'm asking. Currently, you can't stream songs you purchased from iTunes, and I was curious if matched songs were any different.

6/6/2011 5:40:01 PM

All American
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you know what, i think you're right. it doesnt say anything about streaming but you can download anything in your account (matched or itunes purchased) at any time from whatever device.

i wonder if they just dont list it as a feature on their site because it would be pretty goddamn stupid to have to download an entire song before listening.

6/6/2011 5:54:10 PM

All American
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They don't say how you are going to manage your music (playlist, which songs are on and not on the device) without plugging into itunes. Is it possible?

6/6/2011 6:36:48 PM

All American
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Yeah I was watching the whole time for information on whether you could stream from the server. If you can't it's pretty worthless to me, since I'm so pressed for space on my 32GB 3GS that to add new music or sizeable apps I have to actually remove albums. Why would I pay $25/year just to have music copied between my devices? The interfaces for the amazon and google offerings are set up primarily as music players, and if apple can't offer something similar then their other comparisons are going to look kind of silly imo.

6/6/2011 6:37:06 PM

All American
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The majority os iOS users have devices that don't have an permanent Internet connection, it makes sense that wireless syncing and not streaming is the main focus. As an iPod user I know I definitely prefer syncing because I can't really stream music in my car (where I do most of my listening).

Plus i already have a ton of music not on iTunes, and 5gb is pretty sad storage in terms of music (but fine for apps/docs).

Now If only apple just added Swype as an option for iOS, I'd have no reason to stay with an android device. I'm looking forward to iOS 5 for sure and cloudy goodness.

6/6/2011 6:49:22 PM

All American
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It will already sync wirelessly with your computer, why pay $25 to sync it from the cloud instead? What is it going to get you?

6/6/2011 7:42:22 PM

All American
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if ur out and about you can get any songs from your library. thats helpful if ur library is larger than the storage on your device.

also, this will make piracy really great b/c people will start releasing icloud versions of albums shrunk down to the minimum size required for it to match and credit you the album

6/6/2011 7:46:33 PM

El Nachó
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Quote :
"It will already sync wirelessly with your computer, why pay $25 to sync it from the cloud instead? What is it going to get you?"

You're not paying the $25 to sync from the cloud, that bit is free for music you've purchased from iTunes. The $25 is to allow you to add mp3s from non-iTunes sources. That could be from CDs you've ripped, mp3s you've bought from Amazon or another online source, or (as Shaggy has pointed out no less than 3 times now) stuff you've illegally downloaded.

Basically, it's a fee you're paying to be able to launder your collection of mp3s you downloaded from Kazaa in 1998 into legitimacy.

6/6/2011 8:21:05 PM

All American
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It will be interesting to see how well the Match actually works.

6/6/2011 8:29:02 PM

El Nachó
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Does anybody remember circa 1999 or so? They used to have something oddly similar to this. It was a little exe you downloaded and it read the code off a cd that you put in your PC and gave you access to a streaming version of the CD. It was pretty sweet while it lasted. Sucks it took 10+ years and a yearly fee before something like it came along again.

6/6/2011 8:34:52 PM

All American
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I'm interested to see how this works. How can Apple know whether or not I paid for my songs on my computer (all of my music is legit)? The vast majority of my music I ripped from my own cd's or downloaded from online music sites like

I'm very interested in the idea of cloud space just so I can have a centralized location to store all my music, but I don't want to pay a $25 yearly pirated music fee if I've already paid for all my music.

6/6/2011 9:13:11 PM

El Nachó
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Quote :
"How can Apple know whether or not I paid for my songs on my computer"

They can't. They don't care.

Quote :
"I don't want to pay a $25 yearly pirated music fee if I've already paid for all my music."

Just don't think of it as a pirated music fee. You're paying for the songs to be stored and accessed from their servers. It's just that Apple has no way of verifying if you've legally purchased the song or not (unless you bought it from them) so everybody is in the same boat. It's really the same as before where people had the option of importing mp3s from other sources (both legal and illegal) into iTunes and then syncing them to their iPod. Just now replace the whole import-to-iTunes-sync-to-iPod process with import-to-iTunes-sync-to-iCloud-and-pay-Apple-$25-per-year.

I still wanna know what happens to the songs you accessed through Match if you stop paying the $25/yr.

6/6/2011 10:25:45 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Kazaa in 1998"


6/6/2011 10:27:18 PM

El Nachó
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I thought about looking up when kazaa was actually out, but realized that I didn't even care enough to make a 3 second google search to find out.

I knew some know-it-all would correct me though. congrats.

6/6/2011 10:31:17 PM

All American
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So basically this sounds like Apple is offering you piracy amnesty for $25/yr. How is this possible? What voodoo did they use to get the labels to go along with this? I realize that the labels are getting $0 for the pirated music now, but this just sounds so out of their comfort zone.

I also wonder if there would be any way for the labels to determine if the song you are loading through iTunes Match is ripped from a legit source or pirated? Are there digital watermarks out there that we aren't aware of? What would stop Apple from turning people in/feeding the data to the labels about songs that trigger piracy alerts or whatever. I would hate to sign up for iTunes Match and then get slapped with a stupid RIAA lawsuit or something. I am sure I am being paranoid or whatever, but these might be the first set of T&C's that I actually read.

6/6/2011 10:45:52 PM

All American
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From what I understand you're not actually storing your non-iTunes music in the cloud and the service only works for songs that have matches on iTunes

The service just scans your iTunes library and if it finds a match on iTunes for the song it makes it available for you in the cloud, if there is no iTunes match for the song then you're just out of luck as far as that particular song goes.

You're not actually storing your music in the cloud because you're not uploading anything, it's just making the song available in your iCloud but the actual file is still residing on the iTunes servers. It's a lot like how DropBox works, scanning uploads to identify identical files that have already been uploaded by others users and rather than keeping duplicate copies of files on their servers they just have one single copy that's made available to everyone that has uploaded an identical file.

6/6/2011 11:05:01 PM

El Nachó
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Quote :
"What voodoo did they use to get the labels to go along with this?"

No voodoo. Just cold, hard cash.

Quote :
"I also wonder if there would be any way for the labels to determine if the song you are loading through iTunes Match is ripped from a legit source or pirated?"

What if you pirate it from a legit source? Pirating is nothing more than copying mp3s from one place to another. It's entirely possible to have legally ripped mp3s from a cd you own. Then you give the copy to a friend, which is piracy, but it's still an exact copy of a legal mp3. I suppose it would be possible for record companies to plant watermarked copies of stuff out there, but that would mean going to a lot of trouble for very little payoff. Remember, all these scare stories you hear about people getting fined $10,000 per song are all from people who got caught uploading mp3s to various p2p sites (most of the time unknowingly). There's no money for the RIAA in going after individual downloaders. The most they can go after you for is $.99 per song.

At the end of this day this isn't promoting piracy, or really even legitimizing it. People that pirate are gonna pirate, and people that pay for stuff aren't. You could always take illegally downloaded copies of songs and put them on your iPod. Really, the only thing that's changed is the way you get them there.

Quote :
"The service just scans your iTunes library and if it finds a match on iTunes for the song it makes it available for you in the cloud, if there is no iTunes match for the song then you're just out of luck as far as that particular song goes."

I'm pretty sure Jobs said that if the song you had on your computer wasn't on iTunes it would upload a copy to the cloud. I could be wrong on that, but I think that's what I heard.

[Edited on June 6, 2011 at 11:14 PM. Reason : yep. "Unmatched content will be uploaded"]

6/6/2011 11:08:55 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I'm pretty sure Jobs said that if the song you had on your computer wasn't on iTunes it would upload a copy to the cloud. I could be wrong on that, but I think that's what I heard. "

Yeah I went back and read the official description of iTunes Match on Apple's website and it appears it does upload what it can't match

6/6/2011 11:14:31 PM

All American
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if microsoft bought pandora and merged it w/ zune pass where i basically had pandora but backed by the zune library + all the normal stuff in zune pass i'd pay 15/month for that. But with this i might need to get back into piracy. havent done that shit in forever, but apple's making it pretty nice.

6/6/2011 11:23:12 PM

All American
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Great idea. Get $25 from pirates from whom you would ordinarily get $0

6/6/2011 11:30:11 PM

All American
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That's $2/month... very reasonable.

6/7/2011 12:06:01 AM

All American
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Without the ability to stream my content, this really doesn't appeal to me that much. Yes, you technically have your full library available at any point, but you don't really seem to have that ability to surf the songs as they would need to be pulled onto your device to actually listen to them. Why not offer the stream?

6/7/2011 12:10:47 AM

All American
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Quote :
"if microsoft bought pandora and merged it w/ zune pass where i basically had pandora but backed by the zune library + all the normal stuff in zune pass i'd pay 15/month for that. But with this i might need to get back into piracy. havent done that shit in forever, but apple's making it pretty nice."

Don't need Pandora. SmartDJ is coming in Mango.

6/7/2011 12:45:55 AM

All American
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Quote :
"if ur out and about you can get any songs from your library. thats helpful if ur library is larger than the storage on your device."

one song at a time? fuck that.

6/7/2011 1:09:07 AM

All American
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I like how this is seen as revolutionary by some, when cloud services for music/photos/games/etc have been out for quite some time already. About fuckin' time Apple.

The $25 fee per year for uploading non-itunes music isn't bad, but some may not like the 20,000 song cap, per cloud. So this "revolutionary" service should be available to the billions of itunes users sometime in the fall. I suppose the revolutionary spin is relative when compared to previous apple services, not to mention the failed launch of the expensive mobileme.

[Edited on June 7, 2011 at 8:30 AM. Reason : -]

6/7/2011 8:22:33 AM

All American
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well NOTHX apple i will gladly synchro my musics via ENCRYPTED SSH TUNNEL to practically UNLIMITED STORAGE on my guild's vps whenever *I* want

just like i've been doing for years

lol enjoy the diet kool-aid APPLE FANS or should i say APPLE CULTISTS or should i say SHEEPLE


the internet's idea of a representative consumer

6/7/2011 8:29:35 AM

37709 Posts
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Google Music says hi

6/7/2011 8:48:30 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Don't need Pandora. SmartDJ is coming in Mango."

smartdjs engine isnt as good as pandoras and i wasnt a fan of the way it generated a static playlist instead of generating new suggestions more on the fly like pandora does. Pandora probably does generate short lists for its users, but if you ever skip past a few songs in a similar genre it jumps to a new one. with smartdj you'd have to regenerate the playlist somehow.

not that the playlist thing isnt something they could easily change in smartdj.

6/7/2011 9:04:47 AM

All American
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Spotify or bust.

6/7/2011 9:48:29 AM

All American
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I just downloaded the new iTunes with cloud sync, and it automagically had some documents i downloaded to my iPod, that I opened with iBooks, on my desktop iTunes client.

I am very impressed so far...

[Edited on June 8, 2011 at 12:01 AM. Reason : ]

6/8/2011 12:00:59 AM

40435 Posts
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well this is interesting. everybody assumed iCloud was powered by the new data center they built in Catawba County. this shows they are using S3 and Azure at least in part as well

6/14/2011 5:25:02 PM

All American
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It wouldn't surprise me. I bet icloud is the reason apple abruptly stopped selling Xserves. What sense does it make for apple to sell them to other people if they aren't able to use them themselves?

And I don't think people assumed it was the nc data center, I felt like apple released info to this effect... It could be that they haven't stood the systems up there and the amazon cloud is transitional?

6/14/2011 8:07:39 PM

25063 Posts
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apple undoubtedly will have to use more datacenters than just US based ones if they want to play in the public sector of almost every major country outside of the US - it's fairly standard for countries to have laws surrounding data on government devices to not reside on servers outside of the country - mainly due to governments being able to legally obtain data stored in the country

it's been fairly big news in australia and it's caused me to search for the same type of news stories elsewhere

6/15/2011 12:00:16 AM

El Nachó
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6/16/2011 12:39:51 PM

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Cool now I have something else to help explain my golden spiral tattoo to people with

6/16/2011 3:22:53 PM

All American
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Good article:

Anyone use MOG?

6/21/2011 7:35:21 AM

El Nachó
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Quote :
"The last icloud topic was too old."

The fuck it was.

10/12/2011 4:53:51 PM

El Nachó
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Well that was fun while it lasted.

10/12/2011 5:23:08 PM

All American
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^^ more than 90 days, I tried to post in it first.

10/12/2011 7:03:20 PM

All American
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As soon as I updated to iOS5 I got the message "This phone could not be backed up. Not enough storage space available."

So it looks like if I want to backup to iCloud I'll have to purchase more storage space, no thanks, I'll just backup wirelessly to my Mac

10/12/2011 7:05:58 PM

All American
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im guessing you need osx lion to back up wirelessly with ios5?

ive got snow leopard on an older MBP. 3,1

10/12/2011 11:51:37 PM

now with sarcasm
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I too would like to know if I need to update to Lion if I want to use iCloud. Still using Snow Leopard.

10/13/2011 7:32:44 AM

All American
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10/13/2011 8:18:28 AM

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