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 Message Boards » » LulzSec Page [1]  
Aging fast
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Has anyone been following all these shenanigans? Opinions?

Lulzsec info:!/LulzSec

I've been following these kids for a few weeks now, and it seems like they're all over the damn internet at this point.

6/22/2011 1:21:16 PM

40435 Posts
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there's been a couple threads round these parts lately.

i've been following it casually. my impression is it's mostly a bunch of kids trying to out-kid each other, sprinkled in with maybe a few truly bright folks

they are all going to get pwnt eventually though

6/22/2011 1:32:12 PM

All American
31058 Posts
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I just hope these asshats don't fuck it up for the rest of us. The thing about "the system" is that you don't want to fuck with it too much, because it has a tendency to FUCKING OVERREACT.

6/22/2011 1:44:52 PM

16786 Posts
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I like it.

6/22/2011 1:51:08 PM

Aging fast
12262 Posts
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I think this will raise some awareness concerning SQL injection vulnerabilities (finally), but I'm not sure it will cause too much other blowback.

Sony stocks have fallen, but It's only about $5 since April.

6/22/2011 1:54:42 PM

35217 Posts
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Quote :
"LulzSec isn’t making any friends in the U.S. government or within any of the numerous companies that own the websites it has hacked, and apparently the group has managed to rub a few other hackers the wrong way as well. A website said to belong to a Dutch member of the hacker group LulzSec has reportedly been hacked by another group known as “TeaMp0isoN.” The site has since been taken down, but not before a 17-year-old TeaMp0isoN member was able to infiltrate it and post a statement. “Stop telling yourself that u are hackers, putting a ip into a irc is NOT hacking nor is using pre-made tools and scripts to grab databases,” the statement read. “You do not represent the anti-sec movement, u are not allowed to greet underground groups like zf0, ab, h0n0, el8 like your member ‘AnonSabu’ was doing, you will never be apart of the underground scene, if anyone thinks you are underground and can actually hack they have no idea about what happens in the underground scene.” The hacker went on to state that he plans to expose pictures, addresses, passwords, IP addresses and phone numbers belonging to members of LulzSec."

6/22/2011 2:49:38 PM

play so hard
60921 Posts
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here's what is currently the main thread on them - message_topic.aspx?topic=614247

6/22/2011 3:20:35 PM

All American
51898 Posts
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thank you thread police

6/22/2011 3:21:51 PM

Aging fast
12262 Posts
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I'm not sure if you're just providing some more background for this discussion, or suggesting that we don't need another conversation on the topic.

I'd hoped the conversation would be a little more technical here in Tech Talk, as opposed to a bunch of jokes about the "Hackers" movie from the 90's. I don't think it's unreasonable to bring the topic over here.

Plus, TT doesnt look like it's exactly slam full of new topics (It looks like the last posts in 1/3 of the front page threads haven't been touched in a week.).

6/22/2011 3:54:33 PM

8379 Posts
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Just a bunch of dickheads with computer skills. I thought it was ok when they were doing it for a reason (activism/exposing security flaws). Since they start releasing username/pw databases, I lost all interest.

6/22/2011 4:17:01 PM

play so hard
60921 Posts
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for frosh, i'll reply with frosh's MO:

for granite:
Quote :
"I'm not sure if you're just providing some more background for this discussion, or suggesting that we don't need another conversation on the topic."

the former. notice the word 'currently'

6/22/2011 4:18:35 PM

Aging fast
12262 Posts
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To noone's surprise, our passwords are generally pretty damned weak.

Quote :
"The top passwords from the LulzSec dump, according to an analysis by programmer Aviv Ben-Yosef? You guessed it: "123456", followed by "123456789" and in third place, "password".

passwords hackers lulzsecAnalysis by Aviv Ben-Yosef, The Code Dump (click to enlarge)Other top passwords from the LulzSec sample contained common words like "romance" and mystery," perhaps revealing also some users' desire for thing whole login thing to be less mundane. Other users went the simple route: about 20 percent of the passwords were all numbers.

Despite password best practices-using a mix of uppercase letters, numbers, and special characters-only 2 percent of the LulzSec passwords contained capital letters and a mere 0.85 percent contained special characters."

[Edited on June 22, 2011 at 6:03 PM. Reason : text wall]

6/22/2011 6:02:32 PM

Aging fast
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Quote :
"The FBI launched a raid against ISP company DigitalOne's servers Tuesday morning in an attempt to catch LulzSec. Digital One had already complied with these agencies in identifying which servers hosted the IP address they were after. The raiders took several enclosures of servers, rather than the servers. The confusion apparently came from DigitalOne's use of a blade system, in which multiple servers are stored on a single Chasis. Even accounting for this confusion, the question remains: why confiscate the server?

If the FBI wanted to prevent its usage, they've failed. The server could be copied and replaced overnight with no harm. If the FBI wanted the data on the server, they could have asked for a copy. If the FBI wanted to monitor traffic, they could have inserted any number of digital surveilance programs. Instead, they decide to take the server. Is this a new bugdet-cutting initiative?"

Quote :
""FBI was interested in one of our clients and in his servers, but they took besides target servers tens of not related servers of other customers," he said. "Most of our customers are sub-providers which host hundreds and thousands of smaller customers.""

[Edited on June 23, 2011 at 11:40 AM. Reason : OH SNAP!]

6/23/2011 11:38:28 AM

4833 Posts
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Quote :
From the LulzSec press release:

We are releasing hundreds of private intelligence bulletins, training manuals, personal email correspondence, names, phone numbers, addresses and passwords belonging to Arizona law enforcement. We are targeting AZDPS specifically because we are against SB1070 and the racial profiling anti-immigrant police state that is Arizona.

The documents classified as “law enforcement sensitive”, “not for public distribution”, and “for official use only” are primarily related to border patrol and counter-terrorism operations and describe the use of informants to infiltrate various gangs, cartels, motorcycle clubs, Nazi groups, and protest movements.

Every week we plan on releasing more classified documents and embarassing [sic] personal details of military and law enforcement in an effort not just to reveal their racist and corrupt nature but to purposefully sabotage their efforts to terrorize communities fighting an unjust “war on drugs”.

Hackers of the world are uniting and taking direct action against our common oppressors – the government, corporations, police, and militaries of the world. See you again real soon! ;D

Not exactly "just for the lulz" anymore. Wonder where this is all going.

6/24/2011 12:52:49 AM

(\/) (;,,,;) (\/)
11608 Posts
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Jail if they're not a good as they think they are.

6/24/2011 1:29:53 AM

I'm Randy
4693 Posts
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This will not end well.

6/24/2011 1:34:04 AM

All American
10829 Posts
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Well, I think it's time to end this session
It seems journalism's become a dangerous profession
risking ostracism; extradition
to provide a clear picture of the world we live in
but without truth history will certainly repeat
the same wars in this time of universal deceit
telling the truth has become a revolutionary act
so let us salute those who disclose the necessary facts

6/24/2011 1:46:42 AM

All American
3186 Posts
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It doesn't really seem like their attacks have any sort of focus or direction to them.

6/24/2011 2:47:47 AM

16786 Posts
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It's because Lulz isn't one person, it's hundreds of persons.

6/24/2011 4:16:19 AM

45908 Posts
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while i may agree with some of their ideas, the releasing of these documents is not the way to go about this. they are potentially putting low level people at risk of injury or death.

6/24/2011 7:52:06 AM

Thots and Prayers
41777 Posts
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^ definitely agree with that.

It's one thing to release information that's embarrassing or outs government abusing power, breaking laws, etc, but not cool to put peoples' lives at risk that have little to do with whatever they're protesting against.

6/24/2011 10:16:10 AM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
10992 Posts
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Quote :
"The torrent, entitled "Chinga La Migra!"—which translates as "f**k the police" or "f**k the border patrol"—contains documents pertaining to "border patrol and counter-terrorism operations and describe the use of informants to infiltrate various gangs, cartels, motorcycle clubs, Nazi groups, and protest movements." The documents themselves are variously marked "law enforcement sensitive", "not for public distribution", and "for official use only."

Many of the documents appear to be mundane. There are bulletins describing suspects with outstanding warrants, court documents, and interdepartmental e-mail correspondence. The presumed source of the files are the e-mail accounts of seven police officers listed in LulzSec's press release. The officers' e-mail passwords are also included, and demonstrate a very low level of awareness of computer security; passwords include "12345", "rosebud", and officers' badge numbers.

The Arizona DPS has confirmed that it has been hacked, and has disabled its Web-based e-mail and Web site in response. DPS spokesman Steve Harrison confirmed that the documents seemed to be authentic, and said that the agency's IT people were investigating the attack. He also claimed that the agency had heard rumors or a tip that its systems were going to be attacked."

6/24/2011 12:36:29 PM

All American
5596 Posts
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They're playing with fire. It's one thing to chase after corporations and even some government agencies. However, when you specifically start targeting law enforcement, the Senate and the intelligence communities, you're just asking for trouble. Government is a slow and lumbering beast and tends to be ineffective with these sorts of things typically because its attention is divided; after all, with other problems out there, why are they going to pay attention to some Internet vandals. When you provoke it however by repeatedly going after them and dumping their data on the Internet, then it becomes a whole different game.

That's probably why they've got hacker groups coming after them: LulzSec is drawing too much attention to cyber security issues and is about to make life much more difficult for all hackers and not just these guys.

6/24/2011 3:33:23 PM

All American
7863 Posts
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Quote :
"See you again real soon! ;D"

evidence enough that this is a bunch of dumb faggots.

6/24/2011 3:53:34 PM

play so hard
60921 Posts
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Quote :
"Reusing passwords is kind of like owning multiple houses and using the same key for each one. Don't expect people not to steal your shit."

6/24/2011 3:53:52 PM

16786 Posts
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1st - they'd have to get their hands on one of the keys

2nd - they'd have to magically know where your other houses are.

6/24/2011 4:15:10 PM

2953 Posts
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They picked up one of lulzsecs dudes in Britain a few days ago. 20 something living at his parents. way to be a stereotype guy.

6/25/2011 1:06:08 PM

3125 Posts
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he was anonymous, not lulzsec

6/25/2011 3:50:33 PM

(\/) (;,,,;) (\/)
11608 Posts
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^ you act like they're different

6/25/2011 7:13:33 PM

All American
10829 Posts
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Anonymous != AnonOps != Lulzsec

6/25/2011 8:20:06 PM

Aging fast
12262 Posts
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Lulzsec is gone. They abruptly made a farewell tonight.

$10 says they're arrested soon.

6/25/2011 10:01:23 PM

40435 Posts
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sounds like somebody pissed their pants once they realized what inevitably would be in store for them

long live lulzsec

6/25/2011 10:41:44 PM

8379 Posts
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I'm guessing this and this has something to do with it.

They scurred.

6/25/2011 11:24:12 PM

16786 Posts
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Now we have madclown aka BERRI. His real name is Peter. He claims to be Trans Gendered.

His real Name, Username, PC Name, and Home IP is: Peter

He doesn't really do anything except have gender identity issues.

originating ip: (

hahahahaha this is quality shit.

Man, there were at least two transgender "hackers" in the group. That's sooo weird to me.

6/27/2011 2:56:00 PM

All American
26584 Posts
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6/27/2011 4:41:18 PM

All American
15411 Posts
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I guess they missed out on the free kevin era. Can't blame the kids.

6/27/2011 6:19:44 PM

All American
26584 Posts
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I had a free kevin bumper sticker in HS.

When I got suspended from TWW several years later (I forget what for), memory of that sticker lead me to create a similar image and FF thread to "free dakota" (also I bought an ad and used the image for it). And that's how the FREE ******* thing started on TWW.

[Edited on June 27, 2011 at 7:00 PM. Reason : suspended from, not on]

6/27/2011 7:00:32 PM

8379 Posts
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Quote :
"He doesn't really do anything except have gender identity issues."


6/28/2011 1:12:47 PM

Thots and Prayers
41777 Posts
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^ aha lewisje exposed?

6/28/2011 1:23:30 PM

 Message Boards » Tech Talk » LulzSec Page [1]  
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