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EMCE posted that and it made me think

how many of you suffer from this?

i don't mean "aw shucks, i have to go to work tomorrow, that is less than cool"

i mean that building dread in the pit of your stomach - that feeling of impending doom

not wanting to go to sleep on sunday night because you know the next time you open your eyes it will be time to head to the job that is killing your soul

i used to have that but now i'm in the "aw shucks" category that i suspect covers the majority of people

6/23/2011 10:41:47 PM

40922 Posts
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i like my job

6/23/2011 10:42:31 PM

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6/23/2011 10:42:35 PM

All American
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not me. LOL

sucks for y'all

I'm AstralAdvent and i approved this message.

6/23/2011 10:42:41 PM

10253 Posts
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wow that must be a sad feeling

6/23/2011 10:43:10 PM

All American
9999 Posts
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ITT you realize you have depression, and that while other people might not wish they could work 90 hours a week, still enjoy their jobs

I'm AstralAdvent and i approved this message.

6/23/2011 10:43:59 PM

balls deep
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I should also add that I don't hate my job
and honestly, mondays aren't that bad
but goddamn.... that feeling the fun weekend is over and I have to go back to not fun work tomorrow isn't so awesome.

in closing, this is why I say sunday night is much worse than monday

6/23/2011 10:44:14 PM

11583 Posts
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i think less than 50% of people like their jobs

you guys are pretty lucky

6/23/2011 10:44:44 PM

All American
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There's a difference between not liking your job and loathing your job. I have one job that i loathe and another one that is in actuality pretty lame but i have fun most of the time doing it and i stay pretty distracted so i don't really mind it. lol

I'm AstralAdvent and i approved this message.

[Edited on June 23, 2011 at 10:48 PM. Reason : ]

6/23/2011 10:47:33 PM

All American
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i HATE my job

and get the sinking feeling EVERYDAY i have to work. like wish a bomb would drop on my head


i just cut down to 2 days a week and am leaving for good (after i train a replacement) in august

it is a FT retail job soooo it sucks big balls as one might imagine

it was killing my soul. i feel so much better now that i know the end is in sight. i feel like i am actually human again. the next job i get is going to be a job i actually want/like. for sheezy. i know a job is a job, but it doesn't have to be so awful that i dread going or would rather scoop out my own eyeballs with a spoon than go into work again.

^ exactly. it has gotten to the point where i loathe my job.

[Edited on June 23, 2011 at 10:50 PM. Reason : .]

6/23/2011 10:48:55 PM

40922 Posts
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i could probably be a garbageman and still like my job

i just have the kind of personality that wants to master stuff

i mean, i gave my heart and soul to retail for 6 years because i wanted to learn how to work with the public.

[Edited on June 23, 2011 at 10:51 PM. Reason : speaking of giving one's heart and soul for years on end...i need to get back to work]

6/23/2011 10:50:03 PM

11583 Posts
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Quote :
"There's a difference between not liking your job and loathing your job"

really? no shit?

oh, wait, that's exactly what i said in the first post

shit i'm being a cunt


6/23/2011 10:50:22 PM

All American
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I dare you to find me someone who likes working retail

I'm AstralAdvent and i approved this message.

[Edited on June 23, 2011 at 10:51 PM. Reason : There is an art to making an thread, and that includes proper formatting in the OP]

[Edited on June 23, 2011 at 10:51 PM. Reason : aka i only read like 2 lines of that shit]

6/23/2011 10:50:49 PM

40922 Posts
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^ what do i win?

6/23/2011 10:51:45 PM

Duke is puke
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I am just sad that the weekend is over.

6/23/2011 10:52:34 PM

All American
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yea it isn't really the retail aspect of it i mind (i mean sometimes i mind that, but that doesn't bring about the loathing). the loathing comes from the environment i work in, mostly. i work with people that are terrified of change.

i need to work in a progressive environment where problems are arise and solutions are formed and applied to the problem or issue to make whatever it is better/more efficient/etc/etc

i can't stay in a stagnant environment where if i move the trashcan from the left to the right people freak out and are like "OH MY GOD CHANGE WE CAN'T HAVE IT"

6/23/2011 10:53:55 PM

11583 Posts
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you're right about one thing, AstralAdvent

threads are art

6/23/2011 10:53:57 PM

All American
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I'm AstralAdvent and i approved this message.

6/23/2011 10:56:08 PM

All American
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and everyone at my job is super negative and gossipy

i wonder if people are like that at all jobs? 100% negative. and gossipy. i know the second i am not there they are bad mouthing me because they do that to the other employees when they are gone.

i don't like it. i don't like it at all.

6/23/2011 11:00:37 PM

11583 Posts
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i bet your last day will feel amazing

what are you going to do after that?

6/23/2011 11:01:20 PM

balls deep
89856 Posts
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Don't feel sorry for khcadwal

I offered her the sweet life. All she would have to do is be my on demand sex toy, and eat all the ice cream she could eat to feed her fat knees

she declined. that bitch is beyond help.

6/23/2011 11:03:20 PM

All American
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^^ get a big girl job! it would be SUPER nice to find one before i leave to go straight into BUT it will also be nice to have some time off.

i am kind of planning on being unemployed in september and hopefully having new employment by october or november. i mean. i can't afford to be unemployed for too long. but i know it is really hard to find a job these days. i am basically hoping that the universe throws me a bone.

i guess we'll see how this plan works out

^ lol is the offer still open?

[Edited on June 23, 2011 at 11:04 PM. Reason : .]

6/23/2011 11:04:29 PM

balls deep
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6/23/2011 11:05:38 PM

All American
6759 Posts
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Quote :
"i wonder if people are like that at all jobs? 100% negative. and gossipy. i know the second i am not there they are bad mouthing me because they do that to the other employees when they are gone."

my job is like that, too. i take out a lot of anger on innocent bystanders (my dog, boyfriend, dishwasher, etc) when i get home at the end of the day.

6/23/2011 11:10:27 PM

All American
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^ same here!!

and i realized i didn't like that about myself and i didn't really know what was causing it. then i realized my job is causing like 90% of my frustrations in life. ok probably like 70% but still. i also realized i have a lot of personality traits of my own that i need to work on. but basically i am just done being unhappy and miserable and am now taking proactive steps to be done with all that.

6/23/2011 11:15:19 PM

All American
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it's really not anything my actual JOB that makes me feel that way, it's the gossip and negativity that have been slowly eating away at me for four years and now i'm almost nothing. except dramatic.

6/23/2011 11:16:41 PM

All American
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yea. mine is both. my job isn't my career though or what i even want to be doing so it is prob easier for me to just be like, enough. enough is enough is enough.

this other girl has worked there for 7 years but she LOVES what she does and that is why she stays even though she hates the negativity and gossip and is frequently a victim of both :/

if it was what i wanted to do or i was really helping people or something, it'd be different. but i'm not helping anyone, using my brain at all and it def isn't what i want to do so that coupled with the gossip and negative environment is just like...too much. the old me would stay and be miserable until something else came along. but the new me is proactive (or at least trying to be).

[Edited on June 23, 2011 at 11:20 PM. Reason : .]

6/23/2011 11:18:47 PM

All American
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i don't do shit on the weekends anymore anyway, i'm not overly joyed when friday comes nor overly depressed when monday comes. its all just another day to me

6/23/2011 11:21:20 PM

oh we back
25819 Posts
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"sunday night depression" describes going to grade school for me. I dreaded Mondays.

I'm more "aw shucks" now...

6/23/2011 11:21:34 PM

All American
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I personally love what I'm doing now and was always excited to go into the clinic, regardless of how tired I was (or nervous about the day)

HOWEVER... the summer after I graduated college was terrible. I have no other word for it. I didn't get into grad school the first go-round, and I was immensely depressed. I felt like a failure, and that I had let everyone down. I didn't even want to get out of bed and sometimes I would lay in my room with the lights off and not answer my phone so my roommate and others wouldn't think I was there. I absolutely hated my job - although, even that is hard to describe. I loved my boss (we are still very close) but I DESPISED my coworkers. Everything was petty. Once I asked the rules regarding wrist tattoos (because I was thinking of getting one), and the lady I asked said she wasn't sure so she forward the email to one of the supervisors (not my supervisor though) and the female attorney. The bitchy, evil, psychotic supervisor (for reasons other than this) sent me an email with the previously mentioned people attached, as well as my MOTHER and wrote out a long response about how if her daughter wanted a tattoo she would hope someone would warn her so she could talk her daughter out of it. 1) I was 22 at the time, aka a legal adult and could make my own decisions. 2) She better be happy I had already talked to my mom about it because if I hadn't, she would have been in a load of shit - that was over the line and unnecessary.

But anywho, it was shiz like that over, and over, and OVER again. All the time. Petty stuff. I felt like I was wasting my life and wasting my degree... I would count down the days until I could even just apply to grad school again. I took me a while to get out of the slump and all of the factors combined really affected some of my relationships (which I realize was my fault due to the depression). I didn't even have sex with my fiance' for almost 2 months, and then it was probably just me feeling bad for never wanting to be intimate. It was just really hard to make it through the days.

And to end this long winded response, Sunday nights were usually the worst.


6/23/2011 11:27:34 PM

All American
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^ damn that is terrible but i understand. i have been feeling the same way in my current job. and i have had 2 miserable...beyond miserable, depressed, horrible, never-ending bad stuff happening years. and i don't care if i have to claw and scratch my way out of the miserableness i am so done feeling this way. mostly because i am just too exhausted to feel miserable anymore.

which is one reason why i'm quitting my job (before finding another job). and when i go to NYC in Sept i'm going to visit some nursing schools and talk to the admissions people. i have kind of a laundry list of things and each one that i get to cross off makes me feel more accomplished and happy - even if the tasks don't seem like a big deal to other people.

i have realized some things about myself that i don't like and i am also working to change those. it is really easy for me to get discouraged. and i am also a HUGE people pleaser and constantly looking for approval from ANYONE. even people who don't or shouldn't matter. so then i stay in situations that are ultimately detrimental to ME because i am too scared to disappoint people. well fuck it, you can't please all the people all the time and trying to do so has only left me disappointed in myself SO. yay life changes. i am going to have some mega obstacles but...whatever. i welcome the risk of obstacles vs. guaranteed misery every day at my current rate.

6/23/2011 11:41:44 PM

All American
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I work enough on weekends to not be bothered by Mondays.

6/23/2011 11:43:46 PM

All American
3942 Posts
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This is a thing for me

6/14/2015 5:00:17 AM

All American
12428 Posts
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i hate my job but i'll be able to retire when I'm 50 with a pretty sweet deal, so...i'm dealing with it.

6/14/2015 5:52:33 AM

All American
9974 Posts
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My job is pretty cool.

6/14/2015 8:05:43 AM

All American
9974 Posts
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Also I'm grilling in the backyard. Come on over!

6/14/2015 1:37:41 PM

All American
977 Posts
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[Edited on June 14, 2015 at 11:17 PM. Reason : .]

6/14/2015 11:13:51 PM

All American
9257 Posts
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I started a new job not too long ago. My commute used to be 12 minutes, tops. But now commute is 30-45 minutes. As I get older, I am realizing 6-7, even 8 hrs of sleep is not enough. I feel like I am still adjusting.

6/14/2015 11:22:14 PM

41758 Posts
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ibt outside sales

6/15/2015 12:09:24 AM

All American
7339 Posts
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I used to feel that way on Sunday.. then I quit my job of 6 years and got a new one three weeks later. A++ would do again.

6/15/2015 10:25:18 AM

5608 Posts
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I think it's 90% the people you work with. If your managers and coworkers suck it ruins even a good job.

6/15/2015 11:53:28 AM

All American
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kill me now.

6/21/2015 10:27:06 PM

All American
977 Posts
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kill me now.

6/21/2015 10:27:06 PM

All American
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I'm on the countdown until I quit. Somewhere between 7 weeks and 7 months depending in how miserable it is and how much of my relocation I want to pay back.

6/22/2015 12:50:44 AM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
31378 Posts
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I'm finally too tired at night to get depressed.

Now I have the morning blues. I wake up sad for some reason. And it's strange to me.

6/22/2015 12:59:03 AM

All American
2281 Posts
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you guys should work Tuesday through Saturday

problem solved

6/22/2015 10:15:35 AM

41758 Posts
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its monday

I am at home in basketball shorts, a tshirt, and a baseball cap, no shower yet. Working from home FTW.

6/22/2015 11:15:12 AM

All American
6786 Posts
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Quote :
"I think it's 90% the people you work with. If your managers and coworkers suck it ruins even a good job."

that is very true

6/22/2015 1:05:42 PM

All American
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6/18/2017 6:17:59 PM

All American
6759 Posts
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Damn, almost forgot those days. What I wouldn't give to get back to the "stress" of 2011.

6/18/2017 8:04:39 PM

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