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All American
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Any body get contacted by these guys? They called me on the auspices of helping me find a job, they pilfered my info off monster. They said they're recruiters, its free etc. I'm like ok, cool, free doesnt raise a flag, they usually get a fee from the company that hires.

so then they ask that you first talk to the recruiter that will be handling your account. ok, cool. no red flags.

the second thing they ask is that you meet with their retirement consultant for an hour. wat? to make sure i'm on track for retirement, cant start too young, etc. oooookaaaay.

"so how much do you have saved away for retirement?"

"i'm not going to disclose that"

"well, this is so they can tailor their presentation to you"

"great, i'm not telling you how much i've got"

"well some people have IRAs, things like that"

"ok i have an IRA and i have savings"

"well, would you say it's in the under 50k range?"

"i would say that it's not really any of your business"

What the fuck is this guys problem, is he trying to sell me something? then he's like "ok i dont see your address on your resume, let me go ahead and get that so i can send our retirement consultant out to you" uhhhhh. wat. i told him i'd rather not meet them at my house.

so i set something up for monday at Starbucks. we'll see if i decide to go through. I'm googling them right now. anyone been called by these people? are the legit? are they gonna butt nap me?

9/13/2011 12:48:11 PM

All American
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9/13/2011 12:50:36 PM

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Are you meeting him at a Starbucks in Nigeria?

9/13/2011 12:50:39 PM

All American
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you gonna get amway'd

9/13/2011 12:52:10 PM

All American
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^what i was thinking.

i googled them and found a post on clark howard forums.

i've got time to kill. i might meet them and act like i'm trying to recruit them for some cult.

9/13/2011 1:06:36 PM

All American
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Make sure you lay them the swindle.

9/13/2011 1:21:23 PM

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Sit down, spin a laptop around with tdub already loaded, steep your fingers and stare.

9/13/2011 1:21:31 PM

All American
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any job that would ask you that is a job you shouldn't take.

9/13/2011 1:33:00 PM

All American
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I agree, but to be fair, they werent offering me a job.

someone posted this on clarkhoward's forums.

Quote :
"I researched these guys last year.

They seemed to have gone through a couple of name changes in the past few years which is not a good sign. Ironically, they are based just a couple of miles from where I live and I had never heard of them up until last year.

My opinion is, while they are not a "scam", they are not being entirely straight with you either. Their ultimate goal seems to be to get their hands on your 401k from your previous employer and have you roll it over in to an IRA that they manage.

which, if they want to find someone to hire me, whatever, but they wont get to touch my money.

9/13/2011 1:34:48 PM

All American
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I wouldn't even let these shady characters help me find a job.

9/13/2011 1:55:57 PM

All American
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sounds like somebody isnt unemployed.

9/13/2011 1:56:59 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » Work Save Retire? Page [1]  
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