BigFletch All American 3302 Posts user info edit post |
I hated the dude for a long time but he's actually pretty funny. He still gets on my nerves sometimes but not as much lately. Does this mean that something is wrong with me? 9/16/2011 12:09:54 AM
hey now Indianapolis Jones 14979 Posts user info edit post |

9/16/2011 12:11:49 AM
willembahh All American 2378 Posts user info edit post |

9/16/2011 12:28:11 AM
Netstorm All American 7547 Posts user info edit post |

9/16/2011 12:28:35 AM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148885 Posts user info edit post |
 9/16/2011 12:29:06 AM
BigFletch All American 3302 Posts user info edit post |
Seems like this fool hasn been around as much lately. I kinda miss him. 11/21/2011 12:14:19 PM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
He's funnier than pack_bryan, which isn't saying much, but it's something. 11/21/2011 12:16:14 PM
GrayFox33 TX R. Snake 10566 Posts user info edit post |
Same goes for LeonIsPro.
HMM! 11/21/2011 12:16:33 PM
BigFletch All American 3302 Posts user info edit post |
Where the fuck did this dude go? The pizza bidness must be hoppin. 11/24/2011 9:18:37 PM
GrayFox33 TX R. Snake 10566 Posts user info edit post |
I hear he's closed till January.
Holiday hours. 11/24/2011 9:20:03 PM
GeniuSxBoY Suspended 16786 Posts user info edit post |
I dunno where he went
Anyway, I stayed away for a week but came back because I was OWS and TSB motivated.
I got as far as I thought I would with it... nowhere
perhaps I should finish up the 20 days left 11/24/2011 9:22:44 PM
LeonIsPro All American 5021 Posts user info edit post |
 Stay away...
11/24/2011 9:24:11 PM
BigFletch All American 3302 Posts user info edit post |
Fuck that. You made me laugh and I'm bored so entertain me. Haters gonna hate. 11/24/2011 9:24:41 PM
LeonIsPro All American 5021 Posts user info edit post |

11/24/2011 9:26:05 PM
GrayFox33 TX R. Snake 10566 Posts user info edit post |
What did you do with your week off?
Hopefully you weren't looking for the Chamberpot of Secrets... 11/24/2011 9:27:57 PM
Netstorm All American 7547 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "He's funnier than pack_bryan, which isn't saying much, but it's something." |
I guess I'll give him that. 11/24/2011 11:12:07 PM
GeniuSxBoY Suspended 16786 Posts user info edit post |
I bought an Iphone 4s and have been playing with it.
Downloaded the basics.. QR code reader, Words with friends, dwolla, twitter, facebook, linked them, signed my privacy away for everything... Apple knows more about me than I can remember off the top of my head.
pwnt. 11/24/2011 11:18:48 PM
GrayFox33 TX R. Snake 10566 Posts user info edit post |
How's that Siri though?
"Make pizza...
.... Siri? Did you hear me? MAKE PIZZA" 11/24/2011 11:19:51 PM
GeniuSxBoY Suspended 16786 Posts user info edit post |
It's not bad. You can tell they didn't do any error testing:
Me: "Call Mom"
>Which "mom" >Mom cell >Mom home
Me: "Mom Cell"
>"Mom cell" >I don't know who mom's mother is... 11/24/2011 11:30:10 PM
GrayFox33 TX R. Snake 10566 Posts user info edit post |
I read that scenario several times before I understood it (I think).
Perhaps I will upgrade from the Droid v0.1 to something more iPhoney in nature. 11/24/2011 11:32:01 PM
GeniuSxBoY Suspended 16786 Posts user info edit post |
I don't even understand where it got mom's mother from
Me: "Call Mom"
>Which "mom" >Mom cell >Mom home
Me: "Cell"
>Which "mom" >Mom cell >Mom home
Me: "Cell"
>calling mom cell...
Nice. 11/24/2011 11:38:17 PM
GrayFox33 TX R. Snake 10566 Posts user info edit post |
>Siri, fire the missiles.
>>Which missiles? 11/24/2011 11:43:52 PM
GeniuSxBoY Suspended 16786 Posts user info edit post |
Me: "Can you kill Bambi?"
>"can you kill bambi" >sorry I do not know what "can you kill bambi" means.
Me: "Open Contacts
>"open contacts" >I'd like to, Josh, but I'm not allowe to. Sorry about that.
Want me to ask it anything? 11/24/2011 11:44:46 PM
GrayFox33 TX R. Snake 10566 Posts user info edit post |
I'm sure the joke has been made already, but whatever.
>Disable Siri "I'm sorry, Josh, I can't let you do that"
 11/24/2011 11:51:52 PM
pryderi Suspended 26647 Posts user info edit post |

11/25/2011 12:00:02 AM
BigFletch All American 3302 Posts user info edit post |
I have changed my mind. His trolling seems forced lately.
 12/6/2011 6:28:50 PM
GeniuSxBoY Suspended 16786 Posts user info edit post |
Leaf me alone.
I'm stick and ired of these high standards 12/6/2011 10:05:54 PM
Roflpack All American 1966 Posts user info edit post |
After long deliberations, the only thing I have concluded that he is definitely not a genius. Or a boy. 12/6/2011 10:27:29 PM
GeniuSxBoY Suspended 16786 Posts user info edit post |
I hear the same tired jokes so much, I might as well change my name to Michael Bolton  12/6/2011 10:34:33 PM
Roflpack All American 1966 Posts user info edit post |

12/6/2011 10:38:01 PM
BigFletch All American 3302 Posts user info edit post |
I like sarcastic and funny GeniuSxBoY much more than straight up antagonistic asshole GeniuSxBoY. 12/6/2011 10:38:05 PM
GeniuSxBoY Suspended 16786 Posts user info edit post |
I'm pisces. 12/6/2011 10:44:30 PM
bottombaby IRL 21958 Posts user info edit post |
dirty fish 12/6/2011 10:44:49 PM
0EPII1 All American 42569 Posts user info edit post |
yeah, not that bad (and actually, he has made some good points lately that i have agreed with in soap-box-in-chit-chat threads), except for ....
Quote : | "As with reporting this "grown man that's having sex with a 12 year old boy." Perhaps they're both happy? Who knows. It's not my business. It's between the parents, the boy, and the grown man." |
Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? 12/7/2011 7:35:00 AM