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 Message Boards » » Time Warner is my middle finger ..l.. Page [1]  
Garage Mod
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I just wanted to let you know...FUCK YOU....I love my new AT&T U-Verse service. Better service, better features and half the price. gotta love it!!

9/20/2011 4:13:08 PM

All American
43429 Posts
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AT& is my middle finger...

You fucks installed U-Verse in my neighborhood and it is within range of every house but mine. What's that, you don't know when you'll "plug that hole in service"? (most likely never).

Yeah...fuck you

9/20/2011 4:14:37 PM

All American
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Uverse seemed just as expensive and their picture quality is only 1080i, seemed more pixelated. Their service guy used a bunch of component cables for the video input instead of HDMI cable and said it didn't make much difference. child please.

The ability to record 4 shows at once is cool though.

9/20/2011 4:24:42 PM

Garage Mod
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TWC is only 1080i. picture quality is just as good as TWC but the guy also told me I had a very high signal strength reading so that may play a part. they also recently came out with wireless receivers, so the unit in my bedroom only has a power cord and HDMI cable going to the TV. i basically have the equivalent of TWC Signature Home (whole house DVR, etc) for half the price. LOVE IT!!

9/20/2011 4:33:01 PM

All American
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Probably switching back to TWC this month. Never thought I'd say that, but some guy came by doing the door-to-door sales thing and offering a 200 channel package, Roadrunner, and digital phone for $79.99. Add $15 for DVR & HBO. I'm paying $130ish for the same on U-Verse except I don't have the phone.

I still have ill feelings toward TWC for the way they treated me before U-Verse came to town though.

[Edited on September 20, 2011 at 4:42 PM. Reason : s]

9/20/2011 4:42:07 PM

All American
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I get extremely annoyed with all the U-Verse junk mail

9/20/2011 4:43:28 PM

5290 Posts
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Quote :
"AT& is my middle finger..."

you fucks don't think my town is big enough to offer Uverse

also fuck TWC

i need to switch to AT&T dsl to get away from these ridiculous bottlenecks

9/20/2011 4:45:27 PM

All American
4127 Posts
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I just filed a complaint against AT&T with the BBB. AT&T is the absolute worst company I have ever down business with hands down. U-Verse TV looks like dog shit.

9/20/2011 5:06:26 PM

All American
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Ah, if only anyone gave a shit about the BBB anymore. I would have done the exact same thing but with TWC

perfectly happy with u-verse thus far

9/20/2011 5:10:06 PM

All American
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yeah- I still prefer uverse... I think DirectTV has the best product for the price, but losing service is a non-option for me- I'd flip my shit if that happened. That, and I don't like paying such high fees for extra DVR's and non-universal recordings is not my style anymore. U-verse makes me happy, with the increased prices and all

9/20/2011 5:16:52 PM

All American
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I have heard nothing but horrible things about U-Verse from every single person I know who has had it

all of them canceled not long after signing up for it

9/20/2011 5:17:48 PM

In Pressed Silk
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Quote :
"Never thought I'd say that, but some guy came by doing the door-to-door sales thing and offering a 200 channel package, Roadrunner, and digital phone for $79.99. Add $15 for DVR & HBO."

i once went with a door-to-door TWC sales package. a woman showed up at my place at like 8 or 9 pm. normally i would have kindly told her to leave, but when she told me the discount she could give me off my CURRENT TWC bill i called her the next day to go with her deal. i never understood it...if she had her own sales area, and could knock my price down considerably, why was it always so expensive before? where were all the other sales people at TWC?

9/20/2011 5:19:23 PM

All American
14296 Posts
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the thing that really pisses me off about all these companies is that they never tell you the price after the first x months. And if you do actually decide to cancel at some point they make it a giant pain in the dick. They always at least delay you another month and you have to call and go round in circles for hours to get your payment re-credited. Holy fuck balls.

9/20/2011 5:24:08 PM

All American
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i disagree with all of you, FUCK CHARTER...

9/20/2011 5:41:29 PM

Universal Magnetic!
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hard to beat twc internet in the raleigh area

[Edited on September 20, 2011 at 7:35 PM. Reason : at]

9/20/2011 7:14:46 PM

All American
52917 Posts
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^^^ That's why I loathe Dish Network.

That, and the basic package is fucking worthless. It might be 100 channels or something, but no-kidding only about 3 of them are worth watching.

9/20/2011 7:16:58 PM

All American
6511 Posts
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i have only been around since 2002,

but has anyone ever made a thread hating on TWC before?

[Edited on September 20, 2011 at 7:18 PM. Reason : register]

9/20/2011 7:18:11 PM

All American
5021 Posts
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Thread does not deliver.

9/20/2011 7:23:37 PM

All American
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Quote :
"the thing that really pisses me off about all these companies is that they never tell you the price after the first x months. And if you do actually decide to cancel at some point they make it a giant pain in the dick. They always at least delay you another month and you have to call and go round in circles for hours to get your payment re-credited. Holy fuck balls."

That's exactly why I left TWC in the first place. Every 6 months my bill would skyrocket and I had to waste 30-60 minutes on the phone threatening to leave to get them to lower it. The deal I posted about earlier sounds like some sort of 2 year contract. Presumably with cancellation fees if I quit early, but no price increases for at least two years.

9/20/2011 7:38:13 PM

Collector of Gnomes
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I used to hate Time Warner. I'd rate them 2 out of 10. Then I got charter. When comparing the two, Time Warner is like an 11, and charter is now the 2. I wonder if anyone is satisfied with their service provider?

9/20/2011 7:59:03 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
35386 Posts
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i've been pretty happy with directv except i think it's overpriced and it goes out when a storm rolls in

[Edited on September 20, 2011 at 8:28 PM. Reason : and the lag between the remote and box or whatever]

9/20/2011 8:28:18 PM

2019 Egg Champ
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I pay fifty bucks a month for this shitty ass internet, and the only reason I can post this now is because the neighbor's network is unsecured.

[Edited on September 20, 2011 at 9:48 PM. Reason : and it took me like fifty tries to post this...fuck twc]

9/20/2011 9:40:58 PM

All American
5160 Posts
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^Call and tell them you want to pay less for internet...they will oblige.

Quote :
"Uverse seemed just as expensive and their picture quality is only 1080i"

Ummm, no one broadcasts in anything higher than 1080i, so what does this matter?

That being said, U-verse does have the absolute worst picture quality I have seen...its nothing but pixel city when there is any moderate amount of motion at all.

Quote :
"the thing that really pisses me off about all these companies is that they never tell you the price after the first x months. "

If you understand math at all, its not that difficult to figure out...I know what my DirecTV bill is for the next 12 months, and I know what it will be after that (still cheaper than Dish).

9/20/2011 10:15:07 PM

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