qntmfred retired 41010 Posts user info edit post |
i think probably yes. who knows how to science me this question? 9/26/2011 10:39:39 AM
ncsuapex SpaceForRent 37776 Posts user info edit post |
Yes. It's from all the unhealthy food they eat 9/26/2011 10:41:06 AM
pilgrimshoes Suspended 63151 Posts user info edit post |
ill fart in a jar and mail it to you, as you collect empirical evidence.
for science. 9/26/2011 10:41:31 AM
smoothcrim Universal Magnetic! 18976 Posts user info edit post |
^^ although vegetarian/vegan farts are gross too
[Edited on September 26, 2011 at 10:42 AM. Reason : ^this] 9/26/2011 10:41:43 AM
mikey99cobra All American 1138 Posts user info edit post |
I consider myself fat and my wife to be normal. She by far has the smelliest farts in the family. The cat will actually hiss at her and leave the room they are so bad. So based on that I would say its more of female vs. male farts. 9/26/2011 11:15:15 AM
toyotafj40s All American 8649 Posts user info edit post |
Hahahahah 9/26/2011 11:22:09 AM
BigHitSunday Dick Danger 51059 Posts user info edit post |
Do they have fatter bacteria in their gut? 9/26/2011 11:25:24 AM
Byrn Stuff backpacker 19058 Posts user info edit post |
No, but I think vegetarians often do. 9/26/2011 11:41:16 AM
renegadegirl All American 2061 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "What makes farts stink?
The odor of farts comes from small amounts of hydrogen sulfide gas and skatole in the mixture. These compounds contain sulfur. The more sulfur-rich your diet, the more sulfides and skatole will be produced by the bacteria in your guts, and the more your farts will stink. Foods such as cauliflower, eggs and meat are notorious for producing smelly farts, whereas beans produce large amounts of not particularly stinky farts. " |
 9/26/2011 11:59:50 AM
Skack All American 31140 Posts user info edit post |
Those healthy cereals with all the grains and junk give me the worst farts known to man. 9/26/2011 12:10:55 PM
PKSebben All American 1386 Posts user info edit post |
I ate a box of Raisin Bran in one sitting once, fucking gas chamber for the next few hours. 9/26/2011 12:12:44 PM
Skack All American 31140 Posts user info edit post |

1) Eat Kashi 2) Clear rooms
9/26/2011 12:21:56 PM
sumfoo1 soup du hier 41043 Posts user info edit post |
old people farts smell like rotting corpses... no joke 9/26/2011 1:09:19 PM
puck_it All American 15446 Posts user info edit post |
This guy I went to hs with had the nastiest fucking farts ever. They smelled like rotting eggs, all the time, 24/7  9/26/2011 1:11:29 PM
mildew Drunk yet Orderly 14177 Posts user info edit post |
I've got balls of steel 9/26/2011 3:30:08 PM
Mr. Joshua Swimfanfan 43948 Posts user info edit post |
I have have the worst farts ever when I have an empty stomach. 9/26/2011 3:31:24 PM
paerabol All American 17118 Posts user info edit post |
I eat kashi almost every morning and my farts don't st--
Oooooooohhhhhhh... 9/26/2011 3:42:07 PM
Metricula Squishie Enthusiast 4040 Posts user info edit post |
I find that celery gives me terrible smelling farts.
I'm not ashamed of this aspect of my biology. I make up for it in other areas. 9/26/2011 9:00:18 PM
dropdeadkate nerdlord 11725 Posts user info edit post |
kashi never gave me horrible farts? it does however taste like cardboard so...... fiberplus ftw 9/26/2011 9:14:04 PM