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9/27/2011 5:01:03 PM

TX R. Snake
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Is it so shocking that these organizations and the individuals who compose them are motivated by self-interest?

Apparently the British been mighty idealistic/optimistic if that's all it takes to make their jaws drop.

[Edited on September 27, 2011 at 5:09 PM. Reason : ]

9/27/2011 5:08:33 PM

hey now
Indianapolis Jones
14979 Posts
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That's actually a good video to watch and think about. If you weren't such a douche you would take out the NSFW so others would actually watch it.

9/27/2011 5:08:50 PM

16786 Posts
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Technically... it's not safe for "WORK as we know it.

9/27/2011 5:11:39 PM

TX R. Snake
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I have no choice but to do this now...

9/27/2011 5:15:11 PM

16786 Posts
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I'm sorry if you don't like my theme leading into the first global recession

9/27/2011 5:18:55 PM

16786 Posts
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Article associated with video:

9/27/2011 5:25:08 PM

68205 Posts
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since the op doesnt understand what NSFW means

9/27/2011 5:31:11 PM

16786 Posts
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You know "Not safe for work" has more than one meaning.

"Not safe for work"

"Not safe for work"

C'mon man.

[Edited on September 27, 2011 at 5:34 PM. Reason : .]

9/27/2011 5:34:11 PM

hey now
Indianapolis Jones
14979 Posts
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So confusing. Explain it one more time.

9/27/2011 5:34:40 PM

16786 Posts
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You know "Not safe for work" has more than one meaning.

"Not safe for work"

"Not safe for work"

C'mon man.

[Edited on September 27, 2011 at 5:35 PM. Reason : .]

9/27/2011 5:35:11 PM

TX R. Snake
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[Edited on September 27, 2011 at 5:39 PM. Reason : ]

9/27/2011 5:39:01 PM

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9/27/2011 5:40:36 PM

TX R. Snake
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9/27/2011 5:42:29 PM

All American
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What is everyone shocked about? That a trader can make money on a downturn or that some guy thinks there is going to be a downturn? The former is old news, not a bad thing. The latter is just a guess on his part. If he invests as if there is going to be a collapse then there isn't one, he will lose all his money.

9/27/2011 6:38:49 PM

16786 Posts
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Quote :
"The latter is just a guess on his part."

Everyone is shocked because he's not saying it might happen, he's saying he knows it's going to happen.

9/27/2011 6:40:20 PM

Norrin Radd
All American
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LOL - he just trolled all of the viewers

He is preparing for a "crash" and basically just told everyone watching to "protect" their assets (ie take money out of the market) - which will cause the crash he is trying to profit from.

9/27/2011 11:57:57 PM

16786 Posts
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Yeh, but what I've learned from speculating is that it's going to go up after this.

And then right about the time he changes his mind and thinks everything is okay, that's when it crashes biiiiig time.

9/28/2011 12:47:53 AM

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“It’s Going to Get a Lot Worse”: ECRI’s Achuthan Says New Recession Unavoidable

10/1/2011 1:12:57 PM

All American
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In other words...Just buy a new BMW. Same ROI, way more fun.

[Edited on October 1, 2011 at 2:05 PM. Reason : l]

10/1/2011 2:05:17 PM

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Despite popular belief, buying a car does not solve any of the economic problems the world is currently facing nor would driving an automobile by any particular manufacturer make me happier when all I do is use the car to get myself from point A to point B.

Money is the only thing that interests me right now. Money buys me time and relieves my mind of worry and the cost of employee incompetence. Time buys me the ability to live my life and see my kids more. Time that I don't get back.

10/1/2011 2:55:44 PM

All American
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that went way over your head buddy

10/1/2011 2:57:13 PM

Sup, B
53288 Posts
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when you look at your employees as little more than incompetent bumbling fools, you shouldn't be surprised that they fuck you over. you also shouldn't be surprised when your business goes belly up

10/1/2011 2:57:39 PM

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^^You're probably right. I didn't bother to define ROI.

I made up my own "realm of interest"

[Edited on October 1, 2011 at 3:00 PM. Reason : .]

10/1/2011 2:58:25 PM

16786 Posts
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Quote :
"when you look at your employees as little more than incompetent bumbling fools, you shouldn't be surprised that they fuck you over. you also shouldn't be surprised when your business goes belly up"

You're a pretty incompetent bumbling fool if you think minimum wage can buy you anything better than incompetent bumbling fools

10/1/2011 2:59:39 PM

All American
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you'd think after more than 8 thousand posts you'd learn to use the "edit post" feature instead of double posting

also, your second post is far from the truth if you treat those minimum wage "bumbling fools" with a shred of respect

10/1/2011 3:05:22 PM

16786 Posts
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Heh. Fools.

You guys don't know shit about "the real world". do you?

10/1/2011 3:07:23 PM

All American
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I don't watch that show.

10/1/2011 3:08:07 PM

16786 Posts
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I can tell.

10/1/2011 3:08:34 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » FUCKED? Page [1]  
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