aph319 All American 8570 Posts user info edit post |
I received a $20 credit for preordering a video game that was good until Friday. Since I had another video game preordered, I thought I'd be able to apply that discount to the next game but it wouldn't register at the checkout.
So I emailed them with my dilemma and I received a reply pretty quickly letting me know that game wasn't eligible for the credit. However, they knocked $20 off the price anyways. So now I'm getting Dark Souls next week for $40 and still have another $20 credit. w00t.
Amazon has been pretty baller about taking returns and refunding money without any hassles. Who knew that a huge company could have awesome customer service? 9/28/2011 1:17:14 PM
dmspack oh we back 25935 Posts user info edit post |
Only experience I've had with them was when my dad accidentally ordered a $35 book on his kindle. I had to take care of getting that refunded. It was pretty easy and only took a quick email.
I'm still not sure how he accidentally ordered the book...they ask at least twice if you are sure you want to purchase the book lol 9/28/2011 1:29:51 PM
catalyst All American 8704 Posts user info edit post |
amazon has godly customer service
they give me so much promotional credit for normal purchases i end up getting free shit all the time
only thing they are sticklers about is price matching. I ordered an xbox and it dropped $75 the next day and i had to argue to get the difference refunded...but they would gladly allow me to ship it back and rebuy it (??) 9/28/2011 1:31:19 PM
GeniuSxBoY Suspended 16786 Posts user info edit post |
I'm not sure how I feel about unwarranted credits being given for no reason.
While the initial thought is "Woohoo" My secondary thought is "They're rewarding credits without being wrong"
It's like coming up to a teacher and asking why your homework bonus points don't apply to your test. The teacher says because they are for homework only.... but I'll give you +10 bonus points on your test anyway.... and I'll let you keep +10 homework points to use whenever you want. It does more harm than good for the student later in life when he/she goes to college and realizes they're not truly an A student, he/she is a C+ student.
In conclusion, it's a failing business model, and while amazon is HUGE, I feel like things will change drastically on any slight downturn from their yearly increase they're accustomed to. Take advantage of it now if you are the type to take advantage of big places. I think Amazon customers are spoiled and they'll start crying if another company doesn't provide the same level of service. 9/28/2011 1:45:04 PM
21814 Posts user info edit post |
] 9/28/2011 1:46:06 PM
catalyst All American 8704 Posts user info edit post |
surely you are trolling 9/28/2011 1:57:35 PM
mildew Drunk yet Orderly 14177 Posts user info edit post |
Silly Amazon with your failing business model that goes above and beyond for your customers to be a world leading enterprise...
Don't you know the truly best businesses ignore refilling the drinks of customers that sit too close to the cash register and then go talk about the stupid customers on the internet.
In conclusion, Amazon will be bankrupt by 2012. 9/28/2011 2:00:36 PM
Grandmaster All American 10829 Posts user info edit post |
Does that "block everything that DNL posts" script that Froshkiller wrote still work? 9/28/2011 2:00:42 PM
aph319 All American 8570 Posts user info edit post |
Many years ago, they had a deal where if there was a price drop on a product you purchased within the past 30 days, you could email them and they would reimburse you for the difference. Got quite a bit of money back while that lasted.
Quote : | "I'm not sure how I feel about unwarranted credits being given for no reason." |
It's because of awesome service like this that made me become a Prime member and spend thousands of dollars a year on their site. Seems like a pretty good model.] 9/28/2011 2:02:16 PM
DoubleDown All American 9382 Posts user info edit post |
I like Amazon as a company a lot
That is why I spend wayyyy too much money with them. Damn you, Prime!
Quote : | "In conclusion, Amazon will be bankrupt by 2012." |
I'm guessing you are being sarcastic. You know they sell more than books, right?
[Edited on September 28, 2011 at 2:09 PM. Reason : Edit.] 9/28/2011 2:07:40 PM
CalledToArms All American 22025 Posts user info edit post |
Their awesome customer service and price match and return policies have definitely led me to prefer them for a lot of purchases I might have gone elsewhere for. 9/28/2011 2:11:16 PM
mildew Drunk yet Orderly 14177 Posts user info edit post |
^^ Read a few posts above me
Also, I just looked up my spending on mint.com.... $5k+ in the past year with Amazon...
It's addictive, but worth it since I also have not had to go the mall or other stores  9/28/2011 2:14:37 PM
aph319 All American 8570 Posts user info edit post |
+no tax, +free shipping
good stuff. 9/28/2011 2:25:20 PM
Grandmaster All American 10829 Posts user info edit post |
technically you're still liable for the tax, but that's neither here nor there. 9/28/2011 2:27:40 PM
DoubleDown All American 9382 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "^^ Read a few posts above me" |
yeah, i just kind of skip over GeniuSxBoY's posts, oops 9/28/2011 2:39:13 PM
catalyst All American 8704 Posts user info edit post |
i spent an assload of money on amazon every year
UPS dude probably gets sick of coming to my house. i'll order like a pack of clothespins for a buck and it comes prime
when you have a full time and job etc its more convenient to order it and have it show up in 2 days than it is to drive to target. 9/28/2011 2:40:01 PM
bottombaby IRL 21958 Posts user info edit post |
amazon has started taxing. i noticed it recently on my kindle purchases. 9/28/2011 2:46:48 PM
ndmetcal All American 9012 Posts user info edit post |
Paid 0 taxes yesterday on Amazon 9/28/2011 2:47:46 PM
bottombaby IRL 21958 Posts user info edit post |
Huh. I just went through my digital orders to examine them more closely. Some of my Kindle books are taxed and some of them are not taxed. Curious.
Amazon and the state of NC (and other states) have been at war over sales tax for what seems like forever.
The digital books sold by Amazon are tax free, those sold by a publisher like Penguin books, etc are taxed.
[Edited on September 28, 2011 at 2:57 PM. Reason : figured it out!] 9/28/2011 2:54:59 PM
GeniuSxBoY Suspended 16786 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Silly Amazon with your failing business model that goes above and beyond for your customers to be a world leading enterprise...
Don't you know the truly best businesses ignore refilling the drinks of customers that sit too close to the cash register and then go talk about the stupid customers on the internet.
In conclusion, Amazon will be bankrupt by 2012." |
Bet you said the same thing about fannie mae, freddie mack, lehman brothers, etc. you all are just tooo smart for me. Big companies never have a failing business plan. 9/28/2011 3:10:05 PM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
I don't use Amazon as much as I probably should. Probably because I often don't decide to buy something until I'm in the store and see it  9/28/2011 3:15:19 PM
catalyst All American 8704 Posts user info edit post |
amazon and prime has cursed me such that i am no longer able to purchase things at retail stores 9/28/2011 3:21:18 PM
dinoantncsu Collector of Gnomes 422 Posts user info edit post |
They work at keeping customers happy. I had downloaded something I didn't mean to download, and they refunded me the credit the next day. 9/28/2011 3:59:17 PM
wdprice3 BinaryBuffonary 45912 Posts user info edit post |
I got some mp3s for free once because my CC was expired and apparently they used to start the download before the CC transaction was processed. After I had downloaded the files I got an email saying my order was pending due to the expired CC... so I emailed amazon and they basically said don't worry about it 9/28/2011 4:04:01 PM
rflong All American 11472 Posts user info edit post |
Yeah Amazon is awesome. During the holidays, I bet I order something off there at least once/day thanks to slickdeals. 9/28/2011 6:02:57 PM
bottombaby IRL 21958 Posts user info edit post |
The card I have on file for Amazon just expired and I had ordered a book without realizing that they couldn't process the charge. I already have the book on my Kindle and I'm reading it. I receive an Email telling me that I have 5 DAYS to update my payment info for the order. I could read the whole book and let them pull it from my digital library with that amount of time. I <3 Amazon. 9/28/2011 6:07:31 PM
simonn best gottfriend 28968 Posts user info edit post |
when i first moved i ordered a lot of shit from amazon, and for whatever reason like three things came a day late (3 instead of 2). they gave me a $15 credit every time, it was awesome. i'd go to order stuff and amazon would be like "hey surprise, this is free".
also, amazon is so brilliant. their customer service and free 2day shipping make it silly to order anything not from amazon. brilliant.
[Edited on September 28, 2011 at 7:25 PM. Reason : .] 9/28/2011 7:24:41 PM
logo Veteran 426 Posts user info edit post |
I ordered a phone case from Amazon and it ended up breaking. I sent an email to the case manufacturer to see if they would do anything about it. They told me they couldn't honor the warranty because I bought it from Amazon. They were saying it might be a fake. I forwarded their response to Amazon and they told me to send it back to them for a full refund. This was 9 months after I bought it.  9/28/2011 9:20:45 PM
DoubleDown All American 9382 Posts user info edit post |
Sometimes I'll be at a store and see something I like. I'll scan the barcode with my phone, see it is 25% cheaper on Amazon that at the store I am at, and buy it with that 1-press purchase thing, all while standing in the store. Way too easy 9/28/2011 9:29:45 PM
GREEN JAY All American 14180 Posts user info edit post |
i got shoes from endless.com with super fast shipping to canada. of course, i had to pay have the price again in duties, but i had my shoes for a stupid event. 9/28/2011 9:46:04 PM
El Nachó special helper 16370 Posts user info edit post |
One time I ordered something from a company off of the Amazon Store (so not directly through Amazon) and they dicked me around and took about a month to send my order and charged me too much. After I asked the company to refund me the money they owed me they said they wouldn't refund my money until I removed the negative feedback I had left. I contacted Amazon's Customer Service and explained to them that I was basically being blackmailed they not only refunded the money they owed me but gave me a full refund plus shipping. The only "complaint" I had about the situation was that they never emailed me with any sort of resolution. I just happened to notice that the money was placed back on my card a month or so later. But I don't suppose I can complain much about that, all things considered. 9/28/2011 9:53:11 PM
ussjbroli All American 4518 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Bet you said the same thing about fannie mae, freddie mack, lehman brothers, etc. you all are just tooo smart for me. Big companies never have a failing business plan" |
Nigga you just went full retard 9/28/2011 10:16:39 PM
GeniuSxBoY Suspended 16786 Posts user info edit post |
AIM Name : jedirdead 9/28/2011 11:24:46 PM
slaptit All American 2991 Posts user info edit post |
Does anyone use the Amazon Visa? I've been thinking about getting one... 9/29/2011 12:31:36 AM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Shipping Method: Two-Day Shipping
Delivery estimate: Oct. 28, 2011" |
How is that two day shipping  10/24/2011 1:29:29 PM
GeniuSxBoY Suspended 16786 Posts user info edit post |
today is 24. they submit package on 25th shipping on 26 and 27 (two days) arrive on 28
BAM! 10/24/2011 1:43:35 PM
BridgetSPK #1 Sir Purr Fan 31378 Posts user info edit post |
I tend to see stuff I like and note the price. Then I go home to see if it's cheaper on Amazon.
This practice is totally cool except when you say it right in front of the shopkeeper: "OOOOOoooo, I really like this! Don't you love this?!??!? Let's look for it online later tonight." 10/24/2011 1:45:23 PM
Exiled Eyes up here ^^ 5918 Posts user info edit post |
I bought a TV at the beginning of the year. was originally $1100, and had a discount of $350 that was supposed to apply at check out. So I jumped on that, but when the conformation email came over it was still the original price of $1100. So I got in a chat with customer service and the dude applied the $350.
But then...
The next day I get an email from Amazon stating there was an error with my transaction that didn't apply the discount...so they took off another $350
tl;dr - Scored a $1100 TV for $400 10/24/2011 1:46:25 PM
BobbyDigital Thots and Prayers 41777 Posts user info edit post |
Shopkeeper? are you living in 1879? 10/24/2011 1:47:17 PM
se7entythree YOSHIYOSHI 17379 Posts user info edit post |
^^^^i ordered something from amazon on sunday the 23. with 2 day shipping it will be here on the 26th. if i had ordered it today before 8pm, it would still be here on the 26th.
24th - processing 25th - shipping 26th - shipping/arrival at house
what wolfpackgrrr's describing is not 2 day shipping. 
Quote : | "I tend to see stuff I like and note the price. Then I go home to see if it's cheaper on Amazon." |
i do this, except i scan the barcode w/ the amazon app then order it while still standing in the store. i do this a lot.
[Edited on October 24, 2011 at 1:50 PM. Reason : ] 10/24/2011 1:48:15 PM
DoubleDown All American 9382 Posts user info edit post |
shopkeep, tell me the price of thy bucket of oats 10/24/2011 1:50:30 PM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "We thought you'd like to know that we shipped your items, and that this completes your order. Your order is being shipped and cannot be changed by you or by our customer service department.
Your estimated delivery date is: October 27, 2011" |
That's still not two day shipping in my book but it's better than the 28th lol. 10/24/2011 1:59:42 PM
se7entythree YOSHIYOSHI 17379 Posts user info edit post |
do you live in BFE somewhere? 10/24/2011 2:22:31 PM
NyM410 J-E-T-S 50085 Posts user info edit post |
I'm sure the guy who owns a failing pizza shop in Va Beach knows way more about how to run a multi-billion dollar profit business with an estimated net worth of over 78 billion than the actual execs.. 10/24/2011 2:28:43 PM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
^^ Apparently I do even though I live in Cary  10/24/2011 2:45:32 PM
aph319 All American 8570 Posts user info edit post |
I forgot to add that my Dark Souls game came a day late but I sent them an email and the gave me a $15 credit. I was satisfied. 10/24/2011 3:18:10 PM
aph319 All American 8570 Posts user info edit post |
http://m.techi.com/2011/10/reddit-teaches-amazon-the-power-of-over-the-top-customer-service/ 10/24/2011 3:29:02 PM
se7entythree YOSHIYOSHI 17379 Posts user info edit post |
the thing i ordered yesterday that wasn't supposed to be here until wednesday...it showed up on my doorstep this afternoon  10/24/2011 6:04:20 PM
OldBlueChair All American 5405 Posts user info edit post |
I ordered a Redken styling product, and they shipped me 2 on accident
 10/24/2011 6:06:28 PM
catalyst All American 8704 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "shopkeep, tell me the price of thy bucket of oats" |
10/24/2011 7:46:22 PM