Smath74 All American 93281 Posts user info edit post |
So they took half off the price  9/28/2011 5:52:55 PM
ncsuapex SpaceForRent 37776 Posts user info edit post |
Going to the Ale House was your malfunction. 9/28/2011 5:56:02 PM
Meg All American 6759 Posts user info edit post |
but they have good cheese fries 9/28/2011 7:21:33 PM
DivaBaby19 Davidbaby19 45208 Posts user info edit post |
You should have gotten African American with them 9/28/2011 7:32:46 PM
Slave Famous Become Wrath 34079 Posts user info edit post |
They just opened an Alehouse in Charlotte
Few care 9/28/2011 7:35:23 PM
Smath74 All American 93281 Posts user info edit post |
after i spoke with the manager (I was very polite) there was grimy shit in my next drink. I will never go to the Ale House on creekside drive again. 9/28/2011 7:46:47 PM
moron All American 34503 Posts user info edit post |
^ yeah that ale house is particularly bad.
Most of those chain-bars have retards in the kitchen. Generally they don’t mess up the fried foods, but it’s not too surprising when they do. 9/28/2011 7:56:41 PM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
You're gonna get worms 9/28/2011 8:05:16 PM
Smath74 All American 93281 Posts user info edit post |
i mean i had at least 2 wings that were red in the middle dripping red juice and the manager said "well, our lights give off a pinkish glow" 9/28/2011 8:07:54 PM
Meg All American 6759 Posts user info edit post |
i can only be polite for so long in those kinds of situations
i'm crazy 9/28/2011 8:18:36 PM
Smath74 All American 93281 Posts user info edit post |
i mean the way i see it the wings were only like 7 bucks... not worth getting my blood pressure up for (that was what the wings were supposed to do)
i just will never go back there and spread my story and convince others not to go there as well. 9/28/2011 8:21:05 PM
Meg All American 6759 Posts user info edit post |
that ale house in particular is kind of shady. i've really only been there when heading home from big boss tap room and i was pretty wasted. i liked what i had, but honestly i would have thought taco bell was gourmet at that point. sucks for ale house.
[Edited on September 28, 2011 at 8:24 PM. Reason : ] 9/28/2011 8:24:15 PM
BettrOffDead All American 12559 Posts user info edit post |
Doesnt big boss's taproom have some douchey name 9/28/2011 9:02:21 PM
ncsuapex SpaceForRent 37776 Posts user info edit post |
hornyblows 9/28/2011 9:03:09 PM
Meg All American 6759 Posts user info edit post |
and now i realize it's been way too long since i've been there 9/28/2011 9:05:16 PM
Biofreak70 All American 33197 Posts user info edit post |
^^^, ^^ Not anymore
[Edited on September 28, 2011 at 9:11 PM. Reason : u] 9/28/2011 9:05:32 PM
Talage All American 5131 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "i had at least 2 wings that were red in the middle dripping red juice and the manager said "well, our lights give off a pinkish glow"" |
I would have tried to persuade my entire party to leave immediately with that kind of response. If they're fucking up the stuff you can see that badly, what do you think they're doing back in the kitchen where you can't see shit  9/28/2011 9:28:23 PM
TerdFerguson All American 6603 Posts user info edit post |

9/28/2011 9:42:11 PM
Meg All American 6759 Posts user info edit post |
also, i accidentally spit beer on my friend at that ale house
can't be a good place 9/28/2011 9:46:38 PM
ncstatetke All American 41128 Posts user info edit post |
^^^ hate to break it to ya, but every restaurant you've ever been to is filthy as shit 9/28/2011 9:49:38 PM
lewoods All American 3526 Posts user info edit post |
The crossroads one is equally shitty, maybe worse. They will offer you a refund to get you to be quiet, then never give it to you. They made me really sick (felt like lava flowing out my butt) and didn't give a shit. 9/28/2011 9:50:01 PM
Meg All American 6759 Posts user info edit post |
to be fair, sometimes real good wings can give you the shits
that doesn't mean they weren't delicious going down 9/28/2011 9:58:36 PM
Exiled Eyes up here ^^ 5918 Posts user info edit post |
Never been a big fan of any of the Ale Houses....all their food has this strange aftertaste, and its always ridiculously packed for no good reason.
Plenty of other smaller places I can go for better food and better venue for game-watching 9/28/2011 10:14:17 PM
Meg All American 6759 Posts user info edit post |
like fox & hound
probably my favorite place for plain ol uncreative bar food 9/28/2011 10:19:05 PM
Biofreak70 All American 33197 Posts user info edit post |
Are they ever gonna build their "roof top" ale house on glenwood south? I made a thread about it a year or two ago, and I haven't heard anything about it 9/28/2011 10:28:14 PM
PaulISdead All American 8852 Posts user info edit post |
ale house in greenville sc is still busy. you cant throw a rock without hitting a bar food joint in this town. 9/28/2011 10:33:24 PM
Meg All American 6759 Posts user info edit post |
we are going to greenville sc for nye
random, i know 9/28/2011 10:34:36 PM
CEmann All American 1913 Posts user info edit post |
didnt get them to finish cooking just took the 3 dollars off and called it a win? 9/28/2011 11:51:27 PM
GeniuSxBoY Suspended 16786 Posts user info edit post |
I had a customer order tonight tell me my pizzas tasted funny and that they wanted their money back.
History of the customer:
---They ordered twice in the same night in two separate orders. (Weird for someone who didn't like it) ---They asked for free breadsticks which my employee DID give to them despite the fact that the coupon says "5 free B.S. with purchase of pizza at regular price." They used a 2 pizza for $19.99 deal. ---They called back 4 times: 1. "Can you add extra sauce to the pizza" 2. "Can you put a ranch in the box" 3. "Can you throw in a marinara" 4. "Can I have add another pizza and 5 wings" (the other order just came out of the oven was about to go out the door. Had to send them out separately)
Both drivers get there. They are rude to them. They didn't tip either one of my two drivers.
They had the nerve to call back and say my pizzas "tasted funny" and they wanted a refund. I made the pizzas myself, and pulled them out of the oven, and they were picture perfect. (I even went back and asked the customers in my store if my pizzas tasted funny, which they said uhh no.) There was nothing wrong with those pizzas.
Refund denied.
They were black, too.
[Edited on September 29, 2011 at 12:06 AM. Reason : .] 9/29/2011 12:06:14 AM
specialkay All American 1036 Posts user info edit post |
racist troll is racist. Another brilliant move DumbassxBoy. 9/29/2011 7:38:31 AM
rufus All American 3583 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "(I even went back and asked the customers in my store if my pizzas tasted funny, which they said uhh no.)" |
Brilliant! 9/29/2011 7:58:31 AM
Talage All American 5131 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "hate to break it to ya, but every restaurant you've ever been to is filthy as shit" |
No shit. The point was if they don't care enough to try and put on pretences of having their shit together in front of the customers, then they're more likely to be doing dangerous shit in the kitchen. (Cross-contaminating vegetables and meats, storing stuff at the wrong temperature, etc.) 9/29/2011 8:24:38 AM
BigMan157 no u 103356 Posts user info edit post |
don't you die on me Smath 9/29/2011 8:50:47 AM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "hey
we are going to greenville sc for nye
random, i know" |
Why would anyone do this on purpose? That's like someone coming to Raleigh for NYE  9/29/2011 8:57:35 AM
BobbyDigital Thots and Prayers 41777 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "History of the customer:
read GeniuSxBoY posts on TWW" |
9/29/2011 9:30:35 AM
modlin All American 2642 Posts user info edit post |
Since we're talking about it, I got some raw chicken at Shane's Rib Shack over at Triangle Town Center like a year ago. Like cool in the middle. Manager gave us a coupon for anther meal. Didn't use it.
I don't understand how the appropriate response in that situation wouldn't be to not charge for the food. I mean, I might change my mind at some point, but that night the last thing I wanted was a coupon for some more free food that I just thought was terrible. 9/29/2011 10:00:59 AM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
^ Because they'd rather bank on you not using that coupon than lose money on food they already prepared. 9/29/2011 10:05:40 AM
modlin All American 2642 Posts user info edit post |
I know why they did it. My point is that's not the smart choice.
They 'saved' ~8 bucks one night on one kid's chicken fingers basket at the cost of me never going back. 9/29/2011 10:36:33 AM
moron All American 34503 Posts user info edit post |
^ for a restaurant, the loss is minimal. Customer service is the most important thing. It really is dumb for them not to comp the food if it's not cooked well. 9/29/2011 10:53:05 AM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
You probably don't want to go back to a place that doesn't know how to properly cook chicken anyway  9/29/2011 11:12:23 AM
GrayFox33 TX R. Snake 10566 Posts user info edit post |
Has GxB ever announced the name of his pizza place?
If I'm not mistaken, it's in VB. I'm curious if I've ever eaten there. 9/29/2011 11:12:26 AM
AndyMac All American 31924 Posts user info edit post |
I've worked in restaurants before and some are definitely much more filthy than others. 9/29/2011 11:17:57 AM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
^^ He has. Can't remember the name though. 9/29/2011 11:21:11 AM
Snewf All American 63558 Posts user info edit post |
Failhouse 9/29/2011 12:14:35 PM
GeniuSxBoY Suspended 16786 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "I don't understand how the appropriate response in that situation wouldn't be to not charge for the food. I mean, I might change my mind at some point, but that night the last thing I wanted was a coupon for some more free food that I just thought was terrible.
" |
You should ask Amazon's customer service why you're acting like this is a surprise. Theyll give you some Amazon credit. 9/29/2011 1:48:49 PM
occamsrezr All American 6985 Posts user info edit post |
Enjoy that salmonella. 9/29/2011 6:24:30 PM
d357r0y3r Jimmies: Unrustled 8198 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "gross
but they have good cheese fries" |
Is it possible to fuck up cheese fries? 9/29/2011 6:25:02 PM
Meg All American 6759 Posts user info edit post |
^ doubt it. i've never had any i didn't like. jax used to have some bomb ass cheese fries. nom nom nom nom 
Quote : | "Why would anyone do this on purpose? That's like someone coming to Raleigh for NYE " |
because there is a bomb ass event happenin 9/29/2011 7:11:05 PM
Ragged All American 23473 Posts user info edit post |
God that place sucks soo bad. I don't know why the fuck I go there 9/30/2011 1:07:13 AM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
Last time I went to a Carolina Ale House was back in June I think it was? It was an absurdly early dinner so my table was one of maybe three seated at that time. Waitress took her sweet ass time coming over to take our orders, then managed to get all three of our orders wrong. When we told her the orders were wrong she replied, "No they're not." This goes back and forth for awhile before the manager finally gets involved and he offers to cut our bill in half but not remake the food. wtf Last time I have ever been to one of these things. 9/30/2011 8:05:53 AM