NSFWhttp://gawker.com/5846473/woman-gets-completely-naked-on-argentinas-dancing-with-the-stars[Edited on October 4, 2011 at 4:58 PM. Reason : also found this: http://gawker.com/5721464/argentinas-dancing-with-the-stars-is-pretty-much-straight]
10/4/2011 4:53:44 PM
10/4/2011 5:25:39 PM
10/4/2011 5:52:22 PM
she has golden nipples?anyway, I'm pretty sure they weren't dancing
10/4/2011 5:58:55 PM
LolThat announcer guy at the end is all
10/4/2011 6:03:58 PM
yoI'd smack her around with my cock-n-balls for approximately 49 minutesword
10/4/2011 6:04:32 PM
I made this topic about Argentina's DWTS (Bailando por un sueño ) a little over a year ago. It's always been full of good South American ass.http://www.thewolfweb.com/message_topic.aspx?topic=595645
10/4/2011 6:20:41 PM
Here's the site with some downloadable HD sets.http://austinmiushi.blogspot.com/
10/4/2011 6:23:12 PM
aaaaahahaha the host guy was NOT PLEASEDw/e its not like she's bad to look at or anything. I'm way more upset when ugly people get naked. cuz gross.[Edited on October 4, 2011 at 6:39 PM. Reason : oh girl from second link is way hotter ]
10/4/2011 6:34:37 PM
On grainy youtube type video you can't really tell if they are hot or not. I just don't want to see fatties naked, is all.
10/4/2011 6:44:56 PM
She was hot. The host needs to be screencapped for a carlface picture.
10/4/2011 6:46:54 PM
Both chicks are hot. They need to drop the faggy dance partners and do a routine together. Then let the audience make it rain on them.
10/4/2011 6:50:25 PM
^^^Really? I can tell they're pretty damn hawt.]
10/4/2011 6:51:24 PM
fuck yeahamerican network tv sucks compared to thisi would watch the fuck out of this shitbut we get chaz fucking bono ... http://www.google.com/search?q=Cinthia+Fernandez.&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&biw=1366&bih=546the naked chick is sooooo hot[Edited on October 4, 2011 at 6:54 PM. Reason : sdf]
10/4/2011 6:52:07 PM
Seems like the best show ever.
10/4/2011 7:19:31 PM
More link Sinthia, amirite?
10/4/2011 7:21:27 PM
The way I see it...this is only awesome because we don't get to see it.if we saw it all the time, this thread wouldn't exist.
10/4/2011 7:25:56 PM
10/4/2011 7:27:46 PM
more like Dancing with a Boner amiriteoramirite?
10/4/2011 7:28:33 PM
10/4/2011 7:47:11 PM
10/4/2011 8:18:25 PM
Sometimes I wish that Americans weren't so close-minded about nudity. But then I remember what most Americans look like naked.
10/5/2011 2:17:24 PM
10/5/2011 2:19:12 PM
she has an incredible figure
10/5/2011 2:22:59 PM
Hotness! But if this came on at 7pm and I had kids I'd be pissed. Is this like a "late night" show or something?
10/5/2011 3:54:35 PM
chick looks like krystal steal
10/5/2011 3:57:07 PM