mrfrog ☯ 15145 Posts user info edit post |
So there was some Nobel prize lately to the people who discovered dark energy - which is an observation that distant galaxies are accelerating away from us.
Look, here's the deal: gravity pulls us together, so it previously made sense that we'd fall into a big point. But that would'a been kind of like a cool little party. A little high temperature party where everything is close by before we all merge into the same singularity.
But with dark energy eventually even atoms will rip apart, which is really rather lonely and depraved. The universe will basically have an end, even though time goes until forever. We won't be able to continue to live when everything is ripping itself apart.
So what's the point? Do we have physicists in the vague hope that we might find some way to be a good galactic citizen? More than likely, no other intelligent life will ever exist before our part of the universe goes all Kamikaze.
Before then, robots will probably kill us and take over anyway. But they're sure to read the bleak thought patterns that humans have trodden and similarly be confused at the lonely and pointless universe.
Use this thread to convince our future robot overlords to kill themselves. 10/6/2011 1:31:41 AM
puck_it All American 15446 Posts user info edit post |
Dark energy, cosmological dick 10/6/2011 1:57:39 AM
PackBacker All American 14415 Posts user info edit post |
I found this thread scientifically enlightening.
Will read again. 10/6/2011 1:59:57 AM
Mr. Joshua Swimfanfan 43948 Posts user info edit post |
I am disgusted by the racism in this thread. 10/6/2011 2:08:28 AM
aph319 All American 8570 Posts user info edit post |
How is this supposed to help me get a 10 speed? 10/6/2011 2:40:23 AM
raiden All American 10506 Posts user info edit post |
All hope is lost, might as well control your own destiny and kill yourself before the dark matter rips you apart. 10/6/2011 6:01:39 AM
Smath74 All American 93281 Posts user info edit post |
entropy death of the universe won't happen for like hundreds of trillions of years. PLENTY of time for new lifeforms to evolve. 10/6/2011 8:00:44 AM
quagmire02 All American 44225 Posts user info edit post |
this doesn't concern me one iota...not because i will be billions of years dead before it happens, but because we will have transcended corporeal form and the existence of the universe will be irrelevant 10/6/2011 8:10:49 AM
NCSUStinger Duh, Winning 62544 Posts user info edit post |
i plan to use the ansible to travel back in time when this happens 10/6/2011 9:02:40 AM
dyne All American 7323 Posts user info edit post | 10/6/2011 9:12:45 AM
qntmfred retired 41010 Posts user info edit post |
oh noes, not my face! :[ 10/6/2011 9:21:23 AM
GREEN JAY All American 14180 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | " Before then, robots will probably kill us and take over anyway. But they're sure to read the bleak thought patterns that humans have trodden and similarly be confused at the lonely and pointless universe." |
cant decide if this phrase makes me want to laugh or cry more 10/6/2011 9:26:02 AM
Fareako Shitter Pilot 10238 Posts user info edit post |
The Universe will take off. 10/6/2011 10:05:46 AM
mrfrog ☯ 15145 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "PLENTY of time for new lifeforms to evolve." |
Imagine a fish bowl. You watch the fishbowl waiting for life to evolve, hoping that it does so before your stopwatch runs out.
This is missing a piece. The fishbowl is getting smaller as time goes on.
Yes, the universe is expanding - but that's space that's expanding, and life needs matter and energy. The quantity of matter that can reach us (as allowed by relativity) is constantly shrinking. Oh, and the energy is constantly being depleted.
Yes, there is plenty of opportunity left for life to evolve. The Fermi Paradox is the observation that no alien life has contacted us yet, in spite of the fact that there was opportunity for life to do so. Now the question is - is there equal or greater opportunity for life to do so in the future? Well, the biggest factor is the fact that Earth's reverse-facing time cone only sees the recent form of the close galaxies, so life could have already evolved but we can't see it.
Still, we can't unambiguously say that there is a greater chance for "first contact" between Earth and aliens from here on out. There probably is, but it's not a given. 10/6/2011 10:07:50 AM
qntmfred retired 41010 Posts user info edit post |
<----- future robot overlord 10/6/2011 10:24:02 AM
DeltaBeta All American 9417 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "How is this supposed to help me get a 10 speed?" |
I don't want do anything illegal, but I'd kill a man for a 10 speed. 10/6/2011 10:40:45 AM
dyne All American 7323 Posts user info edit post |
It's likely that after any kind of event that eliminates all matter in the universe save for trace radiation, that a new big bang event will take place and begin the cycle all over again. For all we know we could be on the nth+1 cycle of universes. 10/6/2011 10:45:04 AM
modlin All American 2642 Posts user info edit post |

10/6/2011 11:23:42 AM
roguewarrior All American 10893 Posts user info edit post |
^^ Like the matrix!!  10/6/2011 11:46:08 AM
TerdFerguson All American 6603 Posts user info edit post |
This explains my expanding waistline, fucking dark matter 10/6/2011 11:57:28 AM
Smath74 All American 93281 Posts user info edit post |
^^^I almost stole that image for a lesson in my astronomy class and then i looked at it closely HA 10/6/2011 11:59:38 AM
JBaz All American 16764 Posts user info edit post |
you should totally use it and see if anyone is paying attention. 10/6/2011 12:10:28 PM
GeniuSxBoY Suspended 16786 Posts user info edit post |
Human capabilities outpace the growth of the universe.
It's taken the universe 12 and 14 billion years to get this far. Humans have only taken 7 to 10 thousand years to get to our present technological status.
In fact, technology and innovation in the last 100 years has outpaced technology an innovation from the last 9900 years.
At this rate, humans will be able to build universes themselves regardless of the state of the current universe and waaaay before this universe ends.
[Edited on October 6, 2011 at 12:59 PM. Reason : .] 10/6/2011 12:58:22 PM
TerdFerguson All American 6603 Posts user info edit post |
^wow thats pretty optimistic 10/6/2011 1:20:00 PM
dyne All American 7323 Posts user info edit post |
^^ take into the consideration of an impending extinction level event in the (relatively) near future. Reset the technology capabilities to zero. 10/6/2011 1:22:06 PM
GeniuSxBoY Suspended 16786 Posts user info edit post |
Speeding up your thought processes will slow down time, right?
If you can get more stuff done in half the time, time lasts longer? 10/6/2011 1:22:59 PM
GeniuSxBoY Suspended 16786 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "^^ take into the consideration of an impending extinction level event in the (relatively) near future. Reset the technology capabilities to zero." |
take into consideration that we haven't found evidence of any animal or life form to come as far as we have with technology.
if you look at the universe and the question "Why do we exist" then we exist because atoms built us. Why would atoms build us? Atoms build us to build things in the universe faster. We will subsequently build robots that will build things in the universe even faster. What are we building to when we build to infinity? We are building to be able to build universes.
[Edited on October 6, 2011 at 1:29 PM. Reason : .] 10/6/2011 1:27:00 PM
mrfrog ☯ 15145 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "In fact, technology and innovation in the last 100 years has outpaced technology an innovation from the last 9900 years.
At this rate, humans will be able to build universes themselves regardless of the state of the current universe and waaaay before this universe ends." |
Let's assume the technological singularity happens instantly, right now.
The super-smart robots that replace us still can't violate the laws of the universe. It can travel outward at the speed of light, never mind the difficulties, they're smarter than us. They can still go no faster than c.
They can use fusion power, and have almost unlimited energy, or wait... no they don't, they have E=mc^2 energy. But we're not finished, if they grow too fast, they'll cook. Literally. Temperature will increase until solid matter can't be maintained. But they're smart. So they'll burn just enough energy to keep the temperature of space in check.
You can fairly easily start writing the equations for this all. Like many things in physics, just model the singularity as being spherical.
Our robot overlords might be intelligent way beyond our comprehension. But I can take solace in knowing that the universe is ready fuck their ambitions already.
Someday the robots are going to start getting all emo, and we're going to be like "man, we invented that shit". 10/6/2011 1:37:35 PM
GeniuSxBoY Suspended 16786 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Let's assume the technological singularity happens instantly, right now.
The super-smart robots that replace us still can't violate the laws of the universe. It can travel outward at the speed of light, never mind the difficulties, they're smarter than us. They can still go no faster than c. " |
First, they wouldn't need to travel faster than c, maintained machines can last forever. When you eliminate time, distance is no problem. (unless you have a deadline)
Second, the speed of light is the speed of light for a reason. Once we solve the riddle for why the speed of light maxes out at 3x10^8 m/s then we can manipulate it. We always know light can be slowed down, so there is a barrier, either imaginary, coded, or invisible to the naked eye that exists. Everyone says that the speed of light is the fastest speed in the universe, but everyone also said the earth was flat. It just doesn't make sense that light goes as fast as it does and not be able to go any faster without a solid reason or set of instructions to tell it not to go faster.
2) Humans won't be humans in the future, we are already morphing into bionic machines. We will be able to change body parts, download thoughts, upload them in other bodies, anything you can imagine between human and machine. Chances are 100% humans (as we know them) will be extinct in the time frame you called the "impending extinction level event in the (relatively) near future" (10,000 years)
Don't worry about individuality and souls. Body parts and brains are made out of physical material. If your brain is a harddrive, you can swap harddrives with another computer and it'll have the same soul. We think this universe is about us as much as you think you're special standing in a crowd of 10,000 people. You don't really mean anything in the grande scheme. (But while you're here, might as well have fun with whatever since it's within your capability and fun is what we're coded to enjoy)
The laws of physics are laws of physics because someone or something put them there. E=mc^2 is a law of the universe, but it could have easily been "coded" to be E=mc^3 if.. that closest black hole wasn't present, or if we were located on the other side of the black hole.
I'm not sure I buy the laws of physics holding us back. Airplanes defy gravity because of another law of thrust. We have laws that counteract laws that counteract laws and in the end, whichever law is the biggest, wins. But then again, when something gets too big, you can defeat it with something microscopic... like a virus kills humans.
In conclusion, this universe exists. Our imagination exist. Anything in our imagination can be built in this universe because we are made of the same components of the universe. We can manipulate the universe and the universe can manipulate us. We are one. We are built by the same building blocks and as long as our imagination exists we can turn our imagination into reality
Moreover, if you can think it, it can exist.
[Edited on October 6, 2011 at 4:37 PM. Reason : .] 10/6/2011 4:33:46 PM
Mr. Joshua Swimfanfan 43948 Posts user info edit post |
My cat's breath smells like cat food. 10/6/2011 4:37:59 PM
GeniuSxBoY Suspended 16786 Posts user info edit post |
feed it pine-sol.  10/6/2011 4:38:58 PM
modlin All American 2642 Posts user info edit post |
Planes don't defy gravity. 10/6/2011 4:38:58 PM
GeniuSxBoY Suspended 16786 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Planes don't defy gravity." |
What would a plane have to do to convince you that it defies gravity? 10/6/2011 4:42:18 PM
elise mainly potato 13090 Posts user info edit post |

10/6/2011 4:44:19 PM
modlin All American 2642 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "What would a plane have to do to convince you that it defies gravity?" |
Perhaps I wasn't clear. Planes don't defy gravity. 10/6/2011 4:48:20 PM
GeniuSxBoY Suspended 16786 Posts user info edit post |
Do you have an answer or what? 10/6/2011 4:52:26 PM
mrfrog ☯ 15145 Posts user info edit post |

Quote : | "Perhaps I wasn't clear. Planes don't defy gravity." |
Then how the fuck do they fly moron? 10/6/2011 4:54:19 PM
elise mainly potato 13090 Posts user info edit post |
They dont defy gravity, the use other forces to counteract the effects of gravity 10/6/2011 4:55:46 PM
GeniuSxBoY Suspended 16786 Posts user info edit post |
Does it matter how? We know how.
We are concentrating on how gravity is affecting them while they are flying? Gravity does not affect them while they are flying. They are defying gravity. 10/6/2011 4:56:41 PM
modlin All American 2642 Posts user info edit post |
Serious? Gravity always acts on a plane, whether it's on the ground or it's flying.
Nothing a plane does causes the force of gravity to not act on it. 10/6/2011 4:58:54 PM
elise mainly potato 13090 Posts user info edit post |

10/6/2011 4:59:02 PM
GREEN JAY All American 14180 Posts user info edit post |
Their motion creates an opposing force that is stronger than gravity. They don't fucking float with the engine off. 10/6/2011 4:59:35 PM
dweedle All American 77386 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Gravity does not affect them while they are flying." |
lulz 10/6/2011 5:03:10 PM
GeniuSxBoY Suspended 16786 Posts user info edit post |
These planes have engines on and the wings in proper position and weight set just right, and air density is right.
and that makes the entire difference between defying gravity and not defying gravity.
[Edited on October 6, 2011 at 5:03 PM. Reason : .] 10/6/2011 5:03:39 PM
modlin All American 2642 Posts user info edit post |
The entire difference is that planes don't defy gravity. wings, weight, air density, all that stuff doesn't matter.
Gravity is not something that is defied.
[Edited on October 6, 2011 at 5:07 PM. Reason : [] 10/6/2011 5:05:14 PM
GeniuSxBoY Suspended 16786 Posts user info edit post |
Not sure if you know what defy means. 10/6/2011 5:08:48 PM
GeniuSxBoY Suspended 16786 Posts user info edit post |
I can't believe so many college students doesn't know what defy means.
I feel sick to my stomach. 10/6/2011 5:10:15 PM
GREEN JAY All American 14180 Posts user info edit post |
What, did somebody tell you that you were so special when you were a kid that everytime you jumped in the air, you defied gravity? If somebody ever cared enough to drop a knowlege bomb[b] on GeniuSxBoY and he could actually comprehend it, he would start jumping up and down, repeating in a Cleveland Jr voice "aha. I was trolling you guys, seeee? I'm defyin' gravity, I'm defyin gravity, hahaha!"
Get back in the kitchen and make me a pizza, bitch. People are trying to work here.
[Edited on October 6, 2011 at 5:13 PM. Reason : Lalalalalala bomba] 10/6/2011 5:11:20 PM
puck_it All American 15446 Posts user info edit post |
Oh. My. God. 10/6/2011 5:12:02 PM
modlin All American 2642 Posts user info edit post |
That's not the only thing you're unsure of. 10/6/2011 5:13:09 PM