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Burn it all down.
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Everyone ignored the exodus oceanic.
Now I’m a hitchhiker, I ain’t got no home planet.
Got a babelfish all up in my tympanic,
so know where your towel is and don’t panic.

MC 117:
They began it, a race of pandimensional beings
who commissioned what they wishin’ from the great Magratheans
who designed a computer that could finally reason out
the answer that’d had a universe disagreein’.

See the computer was our world and the sum of it’s bases
meant that organic life now formed a part of its matrix.
Set the timer for two million years and let’s bake this.
And every single human’s just a speck in the cake mix.

Woke up this morning feeling locally threatened
when my hoopy frood Ford came and offered protection.
See I didn’t even know that a great answer beckoned,
but after two million years we’re at the very last second.

Now a Vogon constructor fleet came down to wreck this.
Destroying the Earth was just a box on they checklist.
In my wildest dreams I could never expect this—
I’ve done six impossible things before breakfast.


The smart ones just do what they’re told, relinquish control.
Don't need to listen to’em, they spoke at the polls.
Handed over the keys to this galactic miasma.
Gettin' trim from here to ZZ9 plural Z alpha.

‘Cuz I'm the president, but I got my own damn agenda
on an endeavor to render the infinite comprehender's
ultimate question then make the answer align.
This ain't about philosophy, man, it's about that bottom line.

Trekkin' cross endless open spaces lookin' for traces of stasis
'cuz the place I'm locatin' is in hibernation.
Tryin'a get some yeses and noes out of these maybes,
but I always make time to shake hands and kiss babies.

But you think I take orders from mice? That's a fallacy.
This is my ship and this is my fuckin' galaxy.
This chick was cute, but now she's tryin'a ruin my fun.
Man, I got 42 problems, but a hitch ain't one.


I wish I was a little bit positronic,
failing that a hypersonic saw, or just a turbolift door.
'Cuz though my IQ's off the chart, I have to deal with relegation
to just a metal porter sometimes used for sanitation.

Just look at me for pity's sake—they built me like a car wreck
and I've got about the same maneuverability as a Dalek
Is it any wonder or surprise I'm such a mess
When I'm just a toaster in disguise... God I'm so depressed!

By design I got the intellect but aesthetically all wrong
'cause I was made by Sirius Cybernetics not Dr. Noonian Soong
There in lies my problem see I simply can't compete
with these next generation androids who have made me obsolete

and life? don't talk to me about it—I can do without it.
Now I lay me down to sleep, try to count electric sheep.
Be careful who you grab that hitch off, Vogons are in town.
And now I guess I'll just switch off before I bring you down.


Patricia is my given name, out here you call me Trillian.
Earth is signed away, but yet nobody thought to fill me in.
Eclectic and eccentric with the widest of eyes.
Lost without a purpose in the darkest of skies.

I’ll get up in your face then I have a heart of gold.
This depressive droid and pretty boy are starting to get old.
It was adventure that I sought, and adventure that I got.
Reunited with the nerdy boy so fearful and distraught.

Questions, perspectives, love, improbability.
Drivin’ toward an answer while I’m filled with such uncertainty.
Kidnapped and stolen; wreckless and strong.
The Vogons start their droning and I know it won’t be long

‘til we get it all together and I’m free to spread my wings.
Settling at home or exploring Saturn’s rings.
Plant a kiss on Arthur and the boy is flabbergasted.
All I really wanted was to go to Madagascar.


[Edited on October 9, 2011 at 3:26 PM. Reason : LYRICS]

10/9/2011 3:24:30 PM

All American
15213 Posts
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I think you meant to post this

Bones, sinking like stones,
All that we fought for,
And homes, places we've grown,
All of us are done for.

And we live in a beautiful world,
Yeah we do, yeah we do,
We live in a beautiful world,

Bones, sinking like stones,
All that we fought for,
And homes, places we've grown,
All of us are done for.

And we live in a beautiful world,
Yeah we do, yeah we do,
We live in a beautiful world.

And we live in a beautiful world,
Yeah we do, yeah we do,
We live in a beautiful world.

Oh, all that I know,
There's nothing here to run from,
Cause, yeah, everybody here's got somebody to lean on.

10/9/2011 3:28:12 PM

TX R. Snake
10566 Posts
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I think you mean meant to post this

10/9/2011 3:35:28 PM

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