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 Message Boards » » So a bro came at me Page [1]  
Dick Danger
51059 Posts
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and got shoved into traffic, the left side of his face looks like the terminator

10/16/2011 4:17:29 AM

All American
16764 Posts
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cool starry bra

10/16/2011 4:29:54 AM

All American
4458 Posts
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This reminds me of what I saw earlier this evening, which I'll share with everyone, because I got a good laugh out of it:

I was in my living room watching Pac 12 football, when I heard screaming from the street corner. Curious, I went to the window to catch the commotion. It was there that I watched a young couple display the full spectrum of love in hate in about a span of 5 minutes. It was intense, it was passionate, it was beautiful. She started yelling at him, he yelled at her, and she stormed off calling him a dick for everyone to hear. Then, he said something that triggered the greatest display of unbridled hatred I've ever scene emanate from 120 lb girl. She paused, turned around, ran across traffic as fast as she could and punched him right in the nose. Broke it. Clean break. Blood rushed out immediately. He leaned over, completely surprised that a girl would land a haymaker with such precision, and donated blood all over the city sidewalk. She called him an asshole, and got into an argument with one of his friends only to realize how abusive she had just been.

Then the cops arrived. They immediately went to the boyfriend, assuming he was at fault. After they realized that he had just gotten his bell rung, they left, probably to go arrest an actual man with a pair. The girl, sobbing hysterically, apologized to the dapper young gentlemen, and the two held each other in a warm embrace. Each of them sobbing, the two decided work out their differences. A tender moment of human emotion, where passion overrules the obvious signs of an unhealthy, dysfunctional relationship. They scurried off into the night, promising one another to heal the wounds of young love.

Satisfied, I went back to my couch to finish my initial plans of entertainment. The Oregon ducks held on to win, 41-27

10/16/2011 4:37:40 AM

All American
6116 Posts
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was he curling in the squat rack?

10/16/2011 4:43:41 AM

Status Name
11321 Posts
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^and you didn't post it on YouTube?

10/16/2011 8:40:00 AM

All American
10506 Posts
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Did you say "come at me bro" and then "pwnt" after he got pwnt?

10/16/2011 9:40:21 AM

13178 Posts
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And all his bros were saying that was "leet" and they tagged some walls with "1337" and "pwnt, go home."

10/16/2011 10:07:41 AM

Dick Danger
51059 Posts
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One shot bro!

^^^^^ha good story but you can't say a dude doesn't have a pair if he gets hit by a girl because societal norm allows for chicks to run rampant doing whatever with ^no checks and balances

Not only can we not hit them back the police don't even do anything about it, beat the girl down and youre shunned, either way we look pussy

[Edited on October 16, 2011 at 11:24 AM. Reason : Y]

10/16/2011 11:08:39 AM

All American
1882 Posts
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Should have sent that crazy bitch to the slammer.

10/16/2011 11:16:59 AM

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10/16/2011 11:46:11 AM

Doc Rambo IV
All American
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Shoving into traffic is an awesome tactic because you know what hits like a truck? A fucking truck.

10/16/2011 12:02:49 PM

15294 Posts
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And you swallowed.

Go back to huggin buff dudes in spandex gay boy

I'm Krallum and I approved this message

10/16/2011 12:13:10 PM

All American
10217 Posts
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Quote :
"I was in my living room watching Pac 12 football, when I heard screaming from the street corner. Curious, I went to the window to catch the commotion. It was there that I watched a young couple display the full spectrum of love in hate in about a span of 5 minutes. It was intense, it was passionate, it was beautiful. She started yelling at him, he yelled at her, and she stormed off calling him a dick for everyone to hear. Then, he said something that triggered the greatest display of unbridled hatred I've ever scene emanate from 120 lb girl. She paused, turned around, ran across traffic as fast as she could and punched him right in the nose. Broke it. Clean break. Blood rushed out immediately. He leaned over, completely surprised that a girl would land a haymaker with such precision, and donated blood all over the city sidewalk. She called him an asshole, and got into an argument with one of his friends only to realize how abusive she had just been.

Then the cops arrived. They immediately went to the boyfriend, assuming he was at fault. After they realized that he had just gotten his bell rung, they left, probably to go arrest an actual man with a pair. The girl, sobbing hysterically, apologized to the dapper young gentlemen, and the two held each other in a warm embrace. Each of them sobbing, the two decided work out their differences. A tender moment of human emotion, where passion overrules the obvious signs of an unhealthy, dysfunctional relationship. They scurried off into the night, promising one another to heal the wounds of young love.

Satisfied, I went back to my couch to finish my initial plans of entertainment. The Oregon ducks held on to win, 41-27"

post of the day

10/16/2011 3:18:39 PM

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