The E Man Suspended 15268 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "bears, lions, tigers, cheetahs and wolves -- are on the prowl in eastern Ohio" |
Quote : | "Area residents were urged to stay indoors until all the animals had been controlled. Authorities were "shooting to kill," said Muskingum County Sheriff Matthew J. Lutz. Forty-eight had been freed, and as of 8:40 p.m. ET, about two dozen had been shot, Lutz said." |
hillolbillies 10/18/2011 11:54:44 PM
The E Man Suspended 15268 Posts user info edit post |
lb? 10/19/2011 7:15:32 AM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
Why they got to shoot the camels  10/19/2011 9:07:28 AM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148886 Posts user info edit post |
this is old as shit
i watched a video about it last night on my USA Today app 10/19/2011 9:08:00 AM
TKE-Teg All American 43429 Posts user info edit post |
I don't understand why they're shooting them to kill. At least for the rare animals.
 10/19/2011 9:09:51 AM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148886 Posts user info edit post |
probably so the bears and cats don't maul children at bus stops and stuff 10/19/2011 9:11:56 AM
Wraith All American 27289 Posts user info edit post |
^^IKR, tranquilizer darts can be just as accurate as bullets. Gotta watch out for those giraffes and camels on the prowl though.
[Edited on October 19, 2011 at 9:22 AM. Reason : ] 10/19/2011 9:12:36 AM
scotieb24 Commish 11097 Posts user info edit post |
I did hear them say on the news that they are trying to use tranquilizer guns when possible. They should probably point that out more because "shoot to kill" sounds bad. Although it looks like they are doing more shoot to kill based on the video of all the dead animals.
I feel bad for the animals. Sounds like they were treated poorly by the owner and then when they escape, bam shot on site. 10/19/2011 9:46:55 AM
vinylbandit All American 48079 Posts user info edit post |
I don't understand exactly what happened here as far as all of the animals escaping. Did one kill him when he tried to go in a cage and they all got out? It wouldn't make sense for them all to be in one enclosure.
I'm hoping for some kind of amazing Batman villain deal where he had a control box wired to his heart, and when it stopped beating it sent out a signal that released all of his deadliest animals. 10/19/2011 9:56:27 AM
scotieb24 Commish 11097 Posts user info edit post |
I think no one knows yet what happened. They did say that in a previous incident (Can't remember where) the owner (Not this guy) was tied to their bed and the animals were released or something like that. 10/19/2011 10:00:11 AM
jataylor All American 6652 Posts user info edit post |
Sounds like a sequel to Animal Farm. 10/19/2011 10:03:06 AM
Dammit100 All American 17605 Posts user info edit post |
hooray! My hometown is on the news! 10/19/2011 10:04:18 AM
benXJ All American 925 Posts user info edit post |
he let the animals out and killed himself
and why the shoot to kill, i don't know, and am pissed off about. 10/19/2011 12:19:25 PM
TerdFerguson All American 6603 Posts user info edit post |

Quote : | "This shit is fucking crazy. I don't know how lion got into the neighborhood. I heard some growlin' and shit. So my roommate and I, we go to check this shit out. I look up in the tree, and there's the fucking king of the jungle! It was staring right at me. I almost shit my fucking pants. So I ran inside and called the 5-0." |
10/19/2011 12:34:04 PM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148886 Posts user info edit post |
they said the original responding officers didn't have tranquilizer guns and when they did shoot the animals with them they didn't immediately take effect so it might have temporarily made them more aggressive
before he killed himself he should've put a video camera up to capture all the animals running wild 10/19/2011 12:34:46 PM
classy_J Veteran 233 Posts user info edit post |
i hope they catch the Mexican Staring Frog of Southern Sri Lanka that got loose...
 10/19/2011 1:11:18 PM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "and why the shoot to kill, i don't know, and am pissed off about." |
Because people in Ohio have nothing better to do. 10/19/2011 1:20:04 PM
BigHitSunday Dick Danger 51059 Posts user info edit post |
get serious guys, theres no other choice
blame the bumpkin that allowed the animals to escape. tranquilizing is not an exact science and an overdose can be lethal. I cant get behind you guy's sentiment. I just think its extremely unfortunate. And trust me, i am a wildlife enthusiast 10/19/2011 1:21:59 PM
punchmonk Double Entendre 22300 Posts user info edit post |
oh wow...the owner killed himself? I heard he was killed but I thought one of these carnivores did it.
Wow. 10/19/2011 1:37:55 PM
jbtilley All American 12803 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "I don't understand exactly what happened here as far as all of the animals escaping. Did one kill him when he tried to go in a cage and they all got out?" |
Now I've got a mental image of a long line of cages with one freed tiger fumbling around with a massive ring of keys.
^^Crap! The bear OD'ed on the tranq. Would have had a better chance if we shot it.
[Edited on October 19, 2011 at 2:03 PM. Reason : -] 10/19/2011 2:02:11 PM
BigHitSunday Dick Danger 51059 Posts user info edit post |
well if youre going for tranqs that means you dont want to risk killing the animal or any adverse reaction
but theyre not, they are prioritizing minimizing societal threat to preservation of the animals
[Edited on October 19, 2011 at 4:12 PM. Reason : bv] 10/19/2011 4:11:49 PM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148886 Posts user info edit post |
i like how somebody tried to steal one of the dead cats' bodies (dunno if it was a lion, tiger, etc) and was arrested and will be charged 10/19/2011 4:14:49 PM
BigHitSunday Dick Danger 51059 Posts user info edit post |
maybe it has to do with possession of certain types of wildlife without permit
id imagine those laws still apply. i dont know but thatd be my guess...something like that
plus its theft, id imagine theres investigation that still needs to be done to ensure there is no disease, etc so maybe it became property of the state
[Edited on October 19, 2011 at 4:16 PM. Reason : s] 10/19/2011 4:15:41 PM
punchmonk Double Entendre 22300 Posts user info edit post |
^^^^I totally envisioned The Rise of the Planet of the Apes with that quote.
[Edited on October 19, 2011 at 4:16 PM. Reason : envisioned ] 10/19/2011 4:15:41 PM
Jeepin4x4 #Pack9 35780 Posts user info edit post |
Oh My. 10/19/2011 4:18:57 PM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
They should sell the pelts to pay off debt. 10/19/2011 4:29:23 PM
BigHitSunday Dick Danger 51059 Posts user info edit post |
Wolfpackman All American 1882 Posts user info edit post |
As if this story couldn't get any crazier, it just got stepped up a notch.
The loose monkey has herpes. Hide yo dogs, hide yo cats! 10/19/2011 5:05:43 PM
The E Man Suspended 15268 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "this is old as shit
i watched a video about it last night on my USA Today app" |
this was posted last night? 10/19/2011 7:09:37 PM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148886 Posts user info edit post |
i'm ron burgundy! 10/19/2011 7:17:27 PM
Moox All American 612 Posts user info edit post |

"During the chaos, several individuals were arrested for attempting to steal the carcass of a lion that had been killed. "
[Edited on October 19, 2011 at 8:11 PM. Reason : :]
10/19/2011 8:04:58 PM
Beethoven86 All American 3001 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "and why the shoot to kill, i don't know, and am pissed off about." |
The article I read said that they were trying to get them under control in the dark, and that using a tranquilizer in the dark is a danger to the LEOs out there trying to get these animals under control. So, their options were to shoot to kill, or let them wander in the dark until they could get at them in the light with tranqs. Obviously that wasn't going to work. 10/19/2011 8:10:51 PM
DivaBaby19 Davidbaby19 45208 Posts user info edit post |
My God those animals would make some fantastic handbags. 10/19/2011 8:12:40 PM
Moox All American 612 Posts user info edit post |
Apparently they are burying them on the farm...
Personally, I think they should have auctioned off the things to taxidermists to pay for the search efforts. 10/19/2011 8:14:58 PM
dweedle All American 77386 Posts user info edit post |
I blame these people

and this guy just made it look like a suicide
 10/19/2011 8:57:35 PM
smcain All American 750 Posts user info edit post |
I read a completely different article that said the owner was killed, and someone let out the animals. Maybe some PETA activist gone over the edge acting normal. The animals were well taken care of, said the article. I wish I could find that now...
I think that's awful shooting all of those animals. "Forty-nine of 56 escaped exotic animals had been shot and killed on Wednesday, Sheriff Matt Lutz said." Sounds like they didn't even try to use tranqs. That's ridiculous.
Imagine the breeding programs and zoos those animal could have went to. I'm a little appalled. 10/19/2011 10:23:11 PM
dweedle All American 77386 Posts user info edit post |
sounds like their tranquilizers werent effective 10/19/2011 10:26:07 PM
jbtilley All American 12803 Posts user info edit post |
^^Yeah I thought that tigers were either on, or really close to being on, the endangered list. You'd think they would at least attempt to use tranquilizers on them. 10/20/2011 9:02:46 AM
TKE-Teg All American 43429 Posts user info edit post |
^&^^&^^^ I find all of this very disturbing but what I've found is that if you read into the details it just wasn't possible to tranq and capture a lot of these animals. Tranqs don't always take effect immediately and tracking all those animals after shooting darts into them through the woods is a dangerous and time consuming task.
I'm appalled that this happened, especially the deaths of all those tigers. I would like to think they could have taken more time to carefully retrieved them but I guess the risk of danger to the citizens of that town was just too great.
If you want to pick someone to be angry at over this, pick that piece of shit owner of the animals, who intentionally let them out and then killed himself.  10/20/2011 9:06:59 AM
bottombaby IRL 21958 Posts user info edit post |
The blame in this situation is entirely on the owner of the preserve. The deaths of all of these animals could have been prevented had he simply not let the animals out prior to committing suicide. They are wild animals who have been accustomed to human beings and that makes them dangerous to the community at large. A wild animal without a fear of humans is a dangerous animal. I understand the 'shoot to kill' orders because you don't shoot to injure in that type of situation. I imagine that so many animals ended up being killed because there simply weren't enough tranquilizer guns and drugs to go around in such an extraordinary situation. 10/20/2011 9:19:56 AM
TKE-Teg All American 43429 Posts user info edit post |
They should have set their guns to "stun"
(oh wait, this isn't Star Trek) 10/20/2011 9:20:55 AM
bottombaby IRL 21958 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Lutz told CNN's "Anderson Cooper 360" that none of his deputies are equipped with tranquilizer guns. And with night falling Tuesday, he gave the order to kill the escaped animals.
"If this had been a 9 o'clock or 10 o'clock incident, in the middle of the day, odds are high that we may have been able to surround the area and keep everything contained," he said. "But our biggest problem that we had was nightfall. We had about an hour, hour and a half of light, and we just couldn't take the chance."" |
Like I said, not enough tranqs to go around. 10/20/2011 9:22:39 AM
BobbyDigital Thots and Prayers 41777 Posts user info edit post |
Heh, you know those Ohio police are just acting like hunting down jungle animals in a city isn't completely awesome. 10/20/2011 9:29:41 AM
TKE-Teg All American 43429 Posts user info edit post |
This sounds like the good premise for a new arcade game sequel to Buck Hunter. 10/20/2011 9:37:36 AM
The E Man Suspended 15268 Posts user info edit post |
I can't wait till peta sues the shit out of this county. 10/20/2011 9:50:49 PM
Schmitty All American 982 Posts user info edit post |
As a Halloween costume, I'm thinking about dressing as a tiger, then wearing a trench coat and sunglasses with a bus ticket 10/21/2011 1:09:05 AM
skankinande All American 28213 Posts user info edit post |
^^wtf would peta have to do with this? 10/21/2011 2:17:55 AM
The E Man Suspended 15268 Posts user info edit post |
I dunno, Why would the people for ethical treatment of animals have anything to do with the shooting of 49 animals?
[Edited on October 21, 2011 at 3:02 AM. Reason :] 10/21/2011 3:00:32 AM