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 Message Boards » » The downside to eating breakfast at 6am Page [1]  
All American
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is you start getting hungry before lunch time

10/24/2011 9:28:16 AM

All American
23447 Posts
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I try to stave off breakfast as long as possible for this reason. I either eat right before I leave the door for work, or I take a small breakfast to work.

Usually works out pretty well.

10/24/2011 9:31:32 AM

All American
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Yeah I should just eat half my breakfast at home and then bring the other half to work. Now I'm left eating the jerky bits at the bottom of my empty jerky bag

10/24/2011 9:35:53 AM

114663 Posts
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you're saying this like there's actually some kind of upside to it :-\

10/24/2011 9:36:43 AM

Fuckwads SS '15
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thats what happens to me

I'll eat at like 7am but by 10am, I'm starving. I take a granola bar for a mid-morning snack

10/24/2011 9:37:02 AM

Deucefest '04
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The key is to include the right food in your breakfast. Eggs or oatmeal will keep you feeling full until lunch.

10/24/2011 9:37:08 AM

All American
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^ But I had oatmeal for breakfast

Quote :
"you're saying this like there's actually some kind of upside to it :-\"

You're not hungry at 6am?

10/24/2011 9:38:05 AM

All American
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a little bit of hunger is good for you.

first world problems...

10/24/2011 9:52:06 AM

37776 Posts
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People not knowing what brunch is, ITT.

10/24/2011 10:01:20 AM

All American
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I'm not a Hobbit

10/24/2011 10:01:39 AM

35382 Posts
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i find if i break up my breakfast it helps. i'll eat my banana and have my coffee when i first get into the office at 7 (i get up at 6:10), then i have my oatmeal at 8 and my hard boiled egg around 9:30/10 depending on how hungry i am.

i find on Mondays i am hungrier during the day - usually because my schedule gets thrown off on the weekends and i sometimes don't eat enough on the weekends.

10/24/2011 10:28:56 AM

TX R. Snake
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Eat a bigger breakfast, non-Hobbit.

I'm talking Denny's all star fasho fasho

10/24/2011 10:38:36 AM

All American
23447 Posts
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Quote :
"People not knowing what brunch is, ITT."

Brunch is for the weekends.

10/24/2011 10:40:43 AM

All American
9417 Posts
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I don't eat breakfast. Today, looks like I won't eat lunch either.

10/24/2011 10:42:00 AM

Eyes up here ^^
5918 Posts
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I'm ususally pretty good until lunch, but I've had this eating schedule for years and I drink a lot of water.

10/24/2011 10:44:10 AM

All American
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This thread is relevant to my first world problems.

Eggs and toast at like 6:30AM.

11:28 and I'm about to eat this guy sitting next to me in class.

And I can't really eat until 1:30. That is, without spending money.

10/24/2011 11:29:32 AM

oh we back
25936 Posts
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Downside to eating breakfast at that it means you're probably not still asleep at 6am.

10/24/2011 11:30:38 AM

All American
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Somebody put mini brownies in the break room. I'm saved til 1pm!

10/24/2011 11:32:03 AM

All American
43429 Posts
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Quote :
"The key is to include the right food in your breakfast. Eggs or oatmeal will keep you feeling full until lunch."

I can't think of a single thing I could eat that would prevent me from getting hungry again within a 6 hour period (assuming OP is taking her lunch break at 12). I'd suggest eating a snack around 9-10am. Something like yogurt or fresh fruit.

10/24/2011 11:32:25 AM

68205 Posts
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im eating breakfast right now
pancakes, home fries with peppers / oninos and bacon

10/24/2011 11:32:51 AM

All American
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Quote :
"I can't think of a single thing I could eat that would prevent me from getting hungry again within a 6 hour period (assuming OP is taking her lunch break at 12)"

Truth, and usually I end up doing lunch at 1pm. I really should start keeping some apples at my desk or something.

10/24/2011 11:33:20 AM

All American
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This is why I don't eat before I leave the house. Wake up 7-ish, leave house 7:40 equipped with coffee and a light breakfast (usually yogurt, granola, or cereal & milk), and eat it once I get to my desk and am starting my day. Breakfast at 8:30 and lunch at 1-ish works well for me.

[Edited on October 24, 2011 at 1:31 PM. Reason : extraneous lunch]

10/24/2011 1:30:41 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » The downside to eating breakfast at 6am Page [1]  
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