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 Message Boards » » AVIS is retarded Page [1]  
All American
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My boss lost the receipt for a car she rented in July. No problem, just call up AVIS and get a copy right? Well you would be dead wrong.

Their idiotic system can't pull up the information just using the name and phone number, if the rental was more than 90 days ago they can't use the pick-up date, and apparently they can't use the credit card number either. BUT if you go through their annoying ass automated voice system before they send you to a human, it goes something like this:

What is the last name on the reservation?
Where was the pick-up location?
Okay, I have found two reservations. Is it A or B?

You choose A, they send you to the human, and the human goes, "I can't find the reservation."
"But your automated system just found it and kicked me to you."
"Oh well that computer uses a different system than mine."


tl;dr version: AVIS is retarded, don't ever lose your receipts from them if you want to get reimbursed by your company.

10/27/2011 12:58:42 PM

63151 Posts
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not their fault your boss can't handle her own shit like an adult

10/27/2011 1:01:25 PM

Dick Danger
51059 Posts
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Avis is all around difficult to deal with

I use enterprise because enterprise is hood and free upgrades are pretty much a guarantee

10/27/2011 1:01:26 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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So did your boss tell "Get online and bitch about this for me"?

10/27/2011 1:01:56 PM

17148 Posts
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National emails you a receipt

10/27/2011 1:03:55 PM

All American
39759 Posts
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Quote :
"not their fault your boss can't handle her own shit like an adult"

Except every other rental car company on the planet can look up your past reservations with your name and the pick-up location.

^ AVIS still uses a dot matrix printer for most of their shit apparently

[Edited on October 27, 2011 at 1:04 PM. Reason : a]

10/27/2011 1:04:07 PM

45208 Posts
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this is common with a lot of companies (I only speak of retail because that's all I know ha)

its only recent that they're able to pull up receipts...they can see that you bought it, but actual recepits aren't saved in the system forever.

10/27/2011 1:04:08 PM

Dick Danger
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Could this be considered a case of anti competition?

10/27/2011 1:04:28 PM

All American
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^^ When I was working at the travel agency, I could pull up stuff from months and months and months ago for people and print it off for them. You'd think AVIS would have a similar system in place. Hell, if my boss had booked this through a travel agent they'd just be able to go into Sabre and pull this up for me but AVIS can't manage to do that internally? wtf

10/27/2011 1:08:58 PM

45208 Posts
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How many branches did your travel agency have?

Think of updating a system with thousands of branches....not as simple

10/27/2011 1:10:56 PM

Fuckwads SS '15
20681 Posts
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10/27/2011 1:15:26 PM

All American
39759 Posts
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It's irrelevant. Sabre is the system pretty much all travel agents use. Plus, there's no reason that Hertz and Enterprise are able to do this easily and AVIS can't.

^ Guh trust me Sam I wish she had! But this whole debacle started before I was even working here

[Edited on October 27, 2011 at 1:16 PM. Reason : a]

10/27/2011 1:15:41 PM

Fuckwads SS '15
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lol @ dot matrix

it sounds like the automated systems are smarter than the actual AVIS agents

10/27/2011 1:18:58 PM

All American
39759 Posts
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Yeah pretty much. I told the woman in our accounting department that I'm done calling these morons and if she wants that receipt so badly she can call around to get it herself. I've got better things to do with my time, like my own job

10/27/2011 1:19:59 PM

Dick Danger
51059 Posts
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I think the chair they sit in is smarter than an Avis rep.

i have never seen someone call the manager so much and print the wrong price so many times in one outing

we had to do the math for this nigga one time, we had to walk HIM through how the online discount was supposed to work as he sat and let bojangles chicken grease and biscuit crumbs dribble off his chin.

he looked like he spent a fortnight leveling in world of warcraft

we were pretty abhorred at how that transaction had went all the way around.

[Edited on October 27, 2011 at 1:22 PM. Reason : []

10/27/2011 1:20:12 PM

148886 Posts
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10/27/2011 1:23:01 PM

All American
39759 Posts
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Quote :
"he looked like he spent a fortnight leveling in world of warcraft"


And yes, the background is exactly what I was doing while on the phone with these people for the THIRD FUCKING TIME TODAY.

10/27/2011 1:25:00 PM

Fuckwads SS '15
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Have you tried looking it via

10/27/2011 1:32:03 PM

All American
39759 Posts
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Yeah but on their website you need the rental agreement number, and the rental agreement number is on the receipt that I am trying to get a copy of

10/27/2011 1:34:14 PM

Fuckwads SS '15
20681 Posts
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No confirmation number either?

She doensn't have the reservation confirmation email?

sounds like a major headache

10/27/2011 1:35:21 PM

All American
39759 Posts
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Yeah she did this reservation at the counter rather than doing it online, and apparently AVIS doesn't send you any sort of email confirmation if you do it at one of their counters. Hopefully she's learned her lesson and will just use the online reservation system or a damn travel agent next summer

10/27/2011 1:38:12 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » AVIS is retarded Page [1]  
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