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 Message Boards » » Anyone Still Smoke? Page [1] 2 3, Next  
All American
6475 Posts
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Just curious.

And if you did but don't anymore why'd you quit?

11/7/2011 3:03:00 PM


21814 Posts
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I tried smoking but I hated it , will never do again.

11/7/2011 3:04:19 PM


15145 Posts
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I quit because...

Seriously? Do you really need me to give you a reason?

11/7/2011 3:05:03 PM

soup du hier
41043 Posts
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[Edited on November 7, 2011 at 3:05 PM. Reason : .]

11/7/2011 3:05:16 PM

All American
21263 Posts
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Quote :
" Do you really need me to give you a reason?"

11/7/2011 3:05:31 PM

11583 Posts
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people generally quit because smoking is unhealthy

you're welcome

11/7/2011 3:06:10 PM

All American
21263 Posts
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11/7/2011 3:07:06 PM

All American
5286 Posts
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you talking bout smoking tobacco right? if so, never did never will

11/7/2011 3:10:14 PM


15145 Posts
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Quote :
"Correction: I tried smoking but I hated it, will never do again. "

I remember trying it right after I turned 18. I have a hard time finding the words to describe just how vile and and terrible that was. After probably 1/4th a cigarette I had marked it off my list and the rest of a pack which I had no idea what to do with.

They smelled nice though. I mean, before set on fire. After they're lit, terrible.

But several years later I acquired a taste for it. I frankly don't remember how. Maybe it was a few nights drinking when friends tried to argue that I wouldn't be able to hold it down (no one tells me I can't do something). After you've got the taste for it, any time you're open to starting a new addiction they're there for you.

Honestly, on a personal level I'd rather they be banned altogether. I don't want this for the rest of society, b/c that would be infringing on the rights of others. But if it was just about me, I'd rather they disappear from the face of the Earth.

[Edited on November 7, 2011 at 3:12 PM. Reason : ]

11/7/2011 3:11:35 PM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
34079 Posts
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you talking bout smoking cock right? if so, always have always will

11/7/2011 3:11:43 PM

All American
6475 Posts
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I am trying to get deeper than just for health reasons.

like I quit because I am having a child. or I quit b/c I couldn't work out without choking etc.

I dunno I'm not a smoker.

11/7/2011 3:12:35 PM

11583 Posts
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awful thread

11/7/2011 3:12:51 PM

All American
31924 Posts
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I smoke cigars occasionally. And by occasionally I mean maybe twice a month.

Cigs, never have.

11/7/2011 3:12:54 PM

All American
6475 Posts
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At least there are more than two people in it excluding me. ha.

11/7/2011 3:14:07 PM

Zinc Saucier
18949 Posts
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Quote :
"like I quit because I am having a child."

I thought you were saying that you're pregnant when I read this.

11/7/2011 3:14:43 PM

11583 Posts
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does it matter that they're all here to call you a dumb cunt

11/7/2011 3:15:51 PM

All American
6475 Posts
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lol no not me.

11/7/2011 3:17:55 PM

11149 Posts
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My manager recently quit smoking. I think it was because her family has been having a lot of health problems lately, cancer with her Mom and heart catherder for her hsuband. Also, her 12 year old daughter was giving her a lot of grief over it. But, I feel like she wanted to quit an that is ultimately why she did.

11/7/2011 3:18:14 PM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
34079 Posts
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I can't respect anyone who quits by succumbing to outside pressures. If you want to quit on your own accord, fine. But don't cave to someone else's desires.

11/7/2011 3:20:50 PM

All American
45553 Posts
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i still smoke.

11/7/2011 3:21:21 PM


21814 Posts
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it's gotta be crazy expensive, if not for health reasons then maybe some people because of the $$?

11/7/2011 3:22:16 PM


15145 Posts
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Quote :
"I am trying to get deeper than just for health reasons. "

No doubt there are many. It kind of helps with relationships. No, not kind of, it does. Smokers do not smell good, but more importantly, don't have a good sense of smell themselves. That always bothered me.

Not all that long after I quit I was a relationship with a girl I would never have had a chance with if I was still smoking. And honestly, I don't blame people like that. Dating a smoker if you were forever a non-smoker would be a little nasty methinks. On top of that, people in my immediate family have smoked in rotation, and every one of them hid it, just because we don't "feel" like a family who smokes.

Sometimes I do try to have it both ways, bumming smokes as a way to start conversation. It's possible I might go back to smoking, but I really don't want to, so it would be very sad if I did.


11/7/2011 3:22:31 PM

11097 Posts
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I still do occasionally. Usually comes with drinking. The wife doesn't like it either so that helps me keep it in check. I never was a true smoker though. When I smoked most back in college I was still only like 3-5 cigs a day avg.

11/7/2011 3:25:01 PM

11149 Posts
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3-5 sounds like a lot to me. I'm allergic to cigarettes, it can give me an asthma attack. Luckily, my boyfriend hates cigarettes as much as I do. Also, all my friends hate cigarettes.

11/7/2011 3:29:13 PM

All American
6475 Posts
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edit post spurred by the commercial on the front page.

It got me thinking I honestly know 0 smokers in CA and maybe 1 back in NC.

11/7/2011 3:29:37 PM


21814 Posts
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on a side note: apparently Peace College has overturned it's smoke-free campus policy. It's all been hush-hush. I made a comment that I wondered with all the changes if they got some funding from RJ Reynolds-- apparently I wasn't too far off from the mark

11/7/2011 3:42:55 PM

All American
7323 Posts
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what does OP mean by "still smoke". Did it become unpopular to smoke in the past few months or something?

11/7/2011 3:46:56 PM

All American
6475 Posts
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The OPs original assumption was a lot more people smoke in college than out of college.

11/7/2011 3:48:39 PM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
34079 Posts
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11/7/2011 3:49:57 PM

wear sumthin tight
60155 Posts
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only after sex.

(from the friction)

11/7/2011 3:50:03 PM


21814 Posts
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11/7/2011 3:53:55 PM

In Pressed Silk
2978 Posts
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i used to be a habitual smoker, now it's only when i drink. problem is, i'll go through almost a whole pack from one night of drinking.

11/7/2011 3:58:34 PM

All American
63556 Posts
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I only smoke at work

11/7/2011 4:52:55 PM

All American
6475 Posts
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what? Why?

11/7/2011 4:55:32 PM

Dick Danger
51059 Posts
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11/7/2011 4:55:54 PM

All American
63556 Posts
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smoking is just too easy at my job

its hard to lay off it

11/7/2011 4:56:22 PM

Dick Danger
51059 Posts
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11/7/2011 4:56:57 PM

All American
52917 Posts
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Quote :
"you talking bout smoking cock right? if so, always have always will"

Quote :
"I am trying to get deeper"

11/7/2011 4:57:05 PM

All American
26824 Posts
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I still smoke. Right at about a pack a day. It's seriously about the hardest thing I've ever tried quitting, and hell, I don't really enjoy it like I used to.

Bad thing is, I quit for 4 years. Last longterm relationship I was in, she smoked. Made it damn easy to start back. What's really bad...when we broke up, about the only thing she left me with was a bad smoking habit.

Went out with somebody I really liked for a short period of time. REALLY liked this one...but it didn't work out because I smoke...and couldn't bring myself to quit.

I feel like I need to go to fucking rehab or something. Only thing I haven't tried is Chantix.

11/7/2011 5:01:29 PM

oh we back
25935 Posts
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I've only had a couple of cigarettes when sober and it's not something I'd do again. I only smoke when I'm drunk (not every time) and I should quit doing that.

11/7/2011 5:23:04 PM

All American
6511 Posts
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i smoked for a long time.

then one day while smoking a cig i tried to think of how I would tell my child I wasn't going to make it to his/her wedding because I was dying of cancer.

That pretty much put a wrap on it.

11/7/2011 5:25:16 PM

All American
13206 Posts
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I enjoy the occasional cigar( maybe 2 or 3 a year max) and even rarer a pipe. I don't really care for how it makes me smell or feel or the taste it leaves in my mouth the next day but i enjoy it all in the moment with a glass of whiskey in my hand and a clear starry sky above my head

11/7/2011 5:34:17 PM

All American
52917 Posts
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^^^^ You are going to motherfucking die a horrible, slow, painful death, Dan.

Plus, a pack a day is about the financial equivalent of a $7500 car loan. All other things being equal, you could sell your Accord and buy a very nice S2000, 330i, 350z, etc

or maybe like a nice E36 M3 and a good motorcycle.

Think about how much better you'd feel, physically/mentally/emotionally, if you stopped smoking, started working out, and drove an M3 or a motorcycle every day.

[Edited on November 7, 2011 at 5:37 PM. Reason : ]

11/7/2011 5:35:40 PM

All American
6511 Posts
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my name's not Dan and I don't have an Accord

11/7/2011 5:36:52 PM

All American
26824 Posts
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I know to whom he's directing his tirade.

All words I have heard millions of times and know to be true.

11/7/2011 5:38:35 PM

All American
52917 Posts
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not trying to be a dick...just trying to put it in concrete terms. $150/month is just a number. Sports cars and motorcycles are fucking real.

[Edited on November 7, 2011 at 5:42 PM. Reason : accords are real, too. real lame.]

11/7/2011 5:41:24 PM

All American
26824 Posts
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Duke...I totally know you're not trying to be a dick. Leave me to my crackpipe, lol.

11/7/2011 5:46:46 PM

All American
33197 Posts
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I still do- I will quit eventually, but the proper motivation has not hit me yet

11/7/2011 5:47:44 PM

All American
26824 Posts
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I will still take sex over cigarettes. Now if I had an endless supply of sex. Masturbation just doesn't cut it.

11/7/2011 5:50:30 PM

All American
52917 Posts
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then stop smoking and start working out

you'll have better luck with being in good shape and driving that BMW and motorcycle than you will in the Accord, with ashtray breath, and a few dozen pounds heavier.

Also, if you are fucking dead, you will most certainly not be humping anyone.

11/7/2011 5:53:58 PM

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