ClassicMixup All American 3877 Posts user info edit post |
...that I had missed my alarm. I fumble around in the dark for my cell phone to check how late I my groggy state I see it's' mind reads this as past 8am alert alert alert so I scramble out of bed and into the shower. I feel like it's unusually dark outside for this time of the morning.
The warm shower isn't helping. I feel sick and groggy. I didn't drink last night did I? Did someone roofie me? I'm so confused. I'm overwhelmed with phlegm deep inside my chest causing me to cough and cough and cough. Finally I start gagging, resulting in a little bit of puking. I still feel awful. What is going on?!
I finish my shower and climb out. I brush my teeth and stare at my pale reflection in the mirror. When did those bags under my eyes become so noticeable? Why do I look like death? Did I remember to finish those files last night? Did I at least send some of them?
I return to my room. The sun still isn't up. Weird. I hear car doors slamming outside. I take a peek; it's some guys stumbling out of a taxi. Late night fun I suppose...
I turn around to check my cell, surely I have some new messages. The time on the blackberry says 1:09am. That can't be right...I look at my alarm clock...1:19am...huh? I check the time on the work cell...1:09am. It begins to dawn on me...I had only been sleeping for 45 mins...
At first I was like

But then I realized I had another 6 hours to sleep
 11/22/2011 1:21:47 AM
yrrah All American 894 Posts user info edit post |
sounds like a ClassicMixup 11/22/2011 1:25:19 AM
Roflpack All American 1966 Posts user info edit post |
Too long. I didn't read it. 11/22/2011 1:26:11 AM
Mr. Joshua Swimfanfan 43948 Posts user info edit post |
No barking from dog No smog etc. 11/22/2011 1:30:05 AM
mrfrog ☯ 15145 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "I turn around to check my cell, surely I have some new messages. The time on the blackberry says 1:09am. That can't be right...I look at my alarm clock...1:19am...huh? I check the time on the work cell...1:09am. It begins to dawn on me...I had only been sleeping for 45 mins..." |
And posted on TWW at 1:21am.
No, but for real, coughing up phlegm might not be normal. Even for 1am. In fact, the time doesn't really have much to do with the screwed up ness of that. 11/22/2011 1:56:35 AM
JBaz All American 16764 Posts user info edit post |
I thought this was about the soda... 11/22/2011 2:22:51 AM
Bweez All American 10849 Posts user info edit post |
You thought the 1 in 1:02 was an 8? 11/22/2011 3:04:26 AM
JBaz All American 16764 Posts user info edit post |
it could happen... if your eyes aren't focusing on the plane of the digits, you could merge the 1 and the 0 together; kind of like cross eyes and then your mind fills in the rest of trying to find the proper visual context, specially if you are trying to read the numbers with your head sideways on a pillow.
I have done this before. 11/22/2011 3:16:30 AM
mrfrog ☯ 15145 Posts user info edit post |
1011101000101010 11/22/2011 3:18:56 AM
ClassicMixup All American 3877 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "And posted on TWW at 1:21am.
No, but for real, coughing up phlegm might not be normal. Even for 1am. In fact, the time doesn't really have much to do with the screwed up ness of that." |
My alarm clock is like 10-15 mins ahead. Also, the phlegm thing happens a lot. Blame asthma? Only coughed up blood once  11/22/2011 8:07:50 AM
0EPII1 All American 42569 Posts user info edit post |
Cool story bro.
Liked the style of writing.
Plz to get into more ClassicMixups and post about them.
 11/22/2011 8:41:48 AM
Bweez All American 10849 Posts user info edit post |
^^^^If your head is sideways on a pillow and your eyes cross it would just be a really tall 1 11/29/2011 3:17:01 AM