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 Message Boards » » How to create the most epic shopping stampede ever Page [1]  
All American
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If you were a retailer trying to create stampede conditions what would you do?

11/24/2011 11:13:10 PM

All American
5021 Posts
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Anal um?

11/24/2011 11:14:05 PM

TX R. Snake
10566 Posts
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11/24/2011 11:15:13 PM

Burn it all down.
18443 Posts
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Free ipads suspended 10 feet above the floor in the center of the store with one ladder beneath them.

11/24/2011 11:15:19 PM

All American
12803 Posts
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I'd rather just keep all the TVs and whatnot in the back, then put several marbles in a huge pool of oatmeal. Find a marble, we'll hook you up with one of our TVs.

11/24/2011 11:20:21 PM

All American
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11/24/2011 11:21:49 PM

All American
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I'd hide special 100% off coupons throughout the store that were good for one item (any item) and periodically hint over the PA system where customers might be able to find them. They'd be forced to murder one another for the special coupons and they'd completely wreck my store looking for them.

11/24/2011 11:23:34 PM

TX R. Snake
10566 Posts
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The real answer is much, much simpler:

11/24/2011 11:24:48 PM

All American
16674 Posts
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Quote :
"Free ipads suspended 10 feet above the floor in the center of the store with one ladder beneath them.

1,000 times yes

11/24/2011 11:25:36 PM

All American
4328 Posts
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lmao...quality thread

11/24/2011 11:28:41 PM

All American
579 Posts
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the more injuries during the stampede the better

11/24/2011 11:36:07 PM

11725 Posts
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this thread ended up being far more entertaining that I was expecting

11/24/2011 11:38:38 PM

All American
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The real key would be advertising relentlessly the limited supply of something like an ipad 2 maybe 5 per store at like $99 per ipad. You would have to make sure the customers could see the items through the glass. I also like the idea of making the items nearly inaccessible. Dangling from the roof, on the top shelf of an aisle in the back of the store, ect. It would really take an eccentric billionaire to pull something like this off though. Screw collecting priceless art, traveling the world, collecting mansions and or exoctic cars. I spend my riches on creating, studying, and enjoying the most epic retail stampede conditions this world has ever seen.

[Edited on November 24, 2011 at 11:53 PM. Reason : ]

11/24/2011 11:45:30 PM

TX R. Snake
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I also would like to add my backup idea, based on relentless research conducted during the '90s:

11/24/2011 11:47:53 PM

45208 Posts
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Arnold will stop at nothing to get that TurboMan doll

11/25/2011 12:09:28 AM

TX R. Snake
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11/25/2011 12:12:02 AM

All American
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Quote :
"FAYETTEVILLE (WTVD) -- Police were called to a shooting at Cross Creek Mall early Friday morning.

Authorities said a fight broke out at the Fayetteville mall shortly after 2 a.m. during Black Friday shopping, which lead to the shooting.

They are in the early stages of their investigation, but said shots were first fired outside the mall near the food court entrance where a group of people had gathered for after Thanksgiving deals.

They said they believed the intended target of the shooting, then ran inside the mall and was followed by a person who fired additional shots near the Macys department store.

At this point, the sheriff's office tells ABC11 that no injuries have been reported.

"It's scary because I have young children and my niece was with me so what if one of those bullets had hit her or someone who had nothing at all to do with that," eyewitness Eddrena Wiggins said. "And it's like, they didn't think about the other people that were here."


Quote :
"Shooting near Myrtle Beach Walmart spoils Black Friday shopping
By Kennan Oliphant

MYRTLE BEACH, SC (WMBF) A swarm of Myrtle Beach Police Officers rushed to the scene of a Black Friday shooting near a local Walmart.

Myrtle Beach Police Captain Kevin Heins said, just after 1 a.m., three people were approached by two men in a parking lot across the street from the Seaboard street Walmart. The men asked for one of the victims' purse, police said.  

Captain Hines said two men tried to rob the group at the trunk of their car.  Moments later, a 25 year old man was hit in the head.  A shot was also fired, striking a 55 year old woman in the foot, Hines said.  A 58 year old woman somehow got to her gun and began firing shots into the air, police said. 

Myrtle Beach first responders rushed the gunshot victim to a local hospital.  There's no word on her condition. In the meantime, police are searching for the armed suspects.  Hines said they don't have a clear description of who they're looking for at this time. "

11/25/2011 9:38:06 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Twenty people, including children, were injured when a woman at a San Fernando Valley Walmart store used mace against other customers in what authorities referred to as a "competitive shopping" incident.

The Los Angeles Times reports that a scuffle broke out shortly before 10 p.m. Thursday night, just before shopping was to begin, among customers waiting to buy Xbox gaming consoles and Wii video games.

Alejandra Seminario, told the Times she was waiting in line to buy toys about 9:55 p.m. when there was a commotion in the next aisle when shoppers began tearing off plastic encasing gaming consoles..."

11/25/2011 9:54:37 AM

TX R. Snake
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If video games are any indicator, that one shot to the foot is likely to be fatal.

11/25/2011 10:14:26 AM

All American
7207 Posts
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Quote :
10504 Posts
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Free ipads suspended 10 feet above the floor in the center of the store with one ladder a 2' step stool beneath them.

11/24/2011 11:15:19 PM"


11/25/2011 11:22:54 AM

15294 Posts
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People should have to answer trivia in order to get their deals today

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

11/25/2011 11:55:35 AM

Deucefest '04
7584 Posts
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Apple products would be crucial for this.

11/25/2011 12:03:42 PM

now with sarcasm
9841 Posts
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Instead of giving away all the good deals the second the door opens, they should randomly announce insane deals throughout the day at random times.

*bzzt* Attention Best Buy shoppers, we've hidden a coupon for a $99 iPad 2 in one of the display items in our appliance section. To be valid, it must turned in within the next 60 seconds! Go. *bzzt*

If retailers and cable TV had any vision, they could turn Black Friday into the worlds biggest and best Japanese-style game show.

Millions would watch.

11/25/2011 12:26:04 PM

26647 Posts
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Put her in the window.

11/25/2011 12:32:04 PM

All American
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i believe wal-mart solved the stampede riddle with their $2 waffle makers - stampede like I have never seen before

heres the video:

11/25/2011 8:23:44 PM

TX R. Snake
10566 Posts
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Where was that?

11/25/2011 8:25:11 PM

11725 Posts
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aaaaaaahahahah so much ass crack

11/25/2011 8:26:53 PM

All American
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some rural southern super walmart from the looks of the scenery in the video

11/25/2011 8:27:21 PM

All American
34495 Posts
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^^^^ i puked in my mouth a little

11/25/2011 8:33:39 PM

All American
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the more i watch that video the more i realize those customers are acting like a bunch of damn farm animals..i guarantee 75% of the people in the video live on some form of gov subsidy

11/25/2011 8:36:37 PM

TX R. Snake
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What could she possibly need all those waffle makers for?

I mean, waffles, of course. But damn - she takes breakfast seriously.

11/25/2011 8:38:52 PM

4764 Posts
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11/25/2011 8:50:23 PM

45208 Posts
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That bitch will be like Oprah this Christmas! Everyone gets a waffle maker!

11/25/2011 10:02:18 PM

All American
31140 Posts
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I'm seriously thinking of setting up an internet Pay Per View titled "iPad 2: Beyond Thunderdome" thanks to bbehe.
I'm pretty sure I can make at least $300k off this.

[Edited on November 25, 2011 at 10:59 PM. Reason : sh]

11/25/2011 10:48:34 PM

All American
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Quote :
"If video games are any indicator, that one shot to the foot is likely to be fatal."

If video games are any indicator some people wouldn't even aggro with a shot to the foot, and the people that did would still be able to run full sprint unhindered.

11/25/2011 11:51:33 PM

All American
15858 Posts
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Haha, that animal/shopping mob video you shot is fucking ridiculous.

People screamin over god damn waffle makers.

11/26/2011 1:57:49 AM

All American
6209 Posts
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Quote :
"A 58 year old woman somehow got to her gun and began firing shots into the air, police said. "



11/26/2011 2:59:19 PM

All American
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Quote :
"People screamin over god damn waffle makers."

We were sitting around on Thanksgiving day, looking at the sales, and my Aunt commented on the $2 waffle makers. My sister wanted to go get one, and my aunt said, "you can go at nine am for that, no one is door busting for a waffle maker." I sent her that video yesterday.

11/26/2011 9:26:07 PM

All American
39759 Posts
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Haha what did she reply back with?

11/26/2011 9:32:50 PM

All American
3001 Posts
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She just laughed and said "why the hell would you fight to save $10 on a waffle maker from Walmart when you could be at Best Buy getting $9 DVDs!!"

11/26/2011 9:44:44 PM

All American
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11/27/2011 12:06:55 AM

45208 Posts
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I wonder how many of those people had waffles for dinner last night?

breakfast this morning?

11/27/2011 12:09:32 AM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » How to create the most epic shopping stampede ever Page [1]  
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