wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
the Xbox. what are the chances she'll be found and arrested? 11/25/2011 3:45:43 PM
BigMan157 no u 103356 Posts user info edit post |
do what? 11/25/2011 3:46:12 PM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "LOS ANGELES (AP) — A woman trying to improve her chance to buy cheap electronics at a Walmart in a wealthy suburb spewed pepper spray on a crowd of shoppers and 20 people suffered minor injuries, police said Friday.
The attack took place about 10:20 p.m. Thursday shortly after doors opened for the sale at the Walmart in Porter Ranch in the San Fernando Valley." |
11/25/2011 3:47:34 PM
LeonIsPro All American 5021 Posts user info edit post |
It wasn't an Xbox it was a game.
I want to know which game. Because I didn't see some super magical game sale on anything that popular besides A Creed, Uncharted and Arkham. All of which if you wait a month will be down at that price anyway. 11/25/2011 3:48:36 PM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
lol damn that makes it even worse  11/25/2011 3:49:45 PM
Netstorm All American 7547 Posts user info edit post |
BF3 and MW3. 11/25/2011 4:38:14 PM
LeonIsPro All American 5021 Posts user info edit post |
Isn't MW3 just a rehash of MW2. At least Black OPs added the highly unrealistic factor. 11/25/2011 4:39:28 PM
GrayFox33 TX R. Snake 10566 Posts user info edit post |
You didn't get to kill nearly as many black people in MW2 as you do in MW3. 11/25/2011 4:47:06 PM
El Borracho All American 13971 Posts user info edit post |
mw3 commercial is the best commercial i have ever seen for a video game. 11/25/2011 5:04:58 PM
merbig Suspended 13178 Posts user info edit post |
I'm sure she will just get placed on administrative leave where people will defend her because the other shoppers ignored a direct order and therefore they "had it comming." 11/25/2011 5:09:19 PM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
Suspect identified:

Quote : | "Valle said given the video and other technological evidence, the woman is better off turning herself in.
“We hope she turns herself in instead of making us use manpower looking for her,” he said." |
lol wouldn't count on her turning herself in.
[Edited on November 25, 2011 at 6:48 PM. Reason : a] 11/25/2011 6:37:53 PM
merbig Suspended 13178 Posts user info edit post |
That's the same logic police use for searching people's places/cars. "Don't make us WORK and get a warrant, just let us do it because if you don't that means you have something to hide." 11/25/2011 6:55:33 PM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
True. 11/26/2011 10:37:16 AM
begonias warning: not serious 19581 Posts user info edit post |
this makes me want to add 'bear mace' to my christmas list 11/26/2011 10:53:53 AM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "(NewsCore) - A woman believed to have used pepper spray to gain a competitive advantage over other Black Friday shoppers in a Los Angeles Walmart has turned herself into police, FOX News Channel reported Saturday. The woman, who came forward late Friday, was questioned by police and released pending further investigation, police officials told the channel. She was not immediately booked or charged. Her identity was not released. " |
Well I'll be damned. And why the fuck wasn't she arrested for assault? 11/26/2011 9:36:49 PM
GoldenGirl All American 6475 Posts user info edit post |
hahaha this should be walmart's fault for shitty security. Target was orderly and no issues. 11/26/2011 10:13:20 PM
LeonIsPro All American 5021 Posts user info edit post |
Walmart is going to attract lower class. 11/26/2011 10:14:54 PM
GeniuSxBoY Suspended 16786 Posts user info edit post |
Target attracts 50 shoppers all day.
Walmart attracts 2000 in the first hour. 11/26/2011 10:18:46 PM
paerabol All American 17118 Posts user info edit post |
^ you must be single 11/26/2011 10:22:30 PM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
Lol 11/27/2011 9:10:26 AM
The5thsoth All American 4813 Posts user info edit post |
^^^lol, you don't know shit. 11/27/2011 9:26:02 AM
Str8BacardiL ************ 41759 Posts user info edit post |
Target is an up and coming Kmart. 11/27/2011 10:05:14 AM