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 Message Boards » » Take me to your best friend's house Page [1]  
All American
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Normally we're making out


11/27/2011 1:57:56 PM

56200 Posts
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random phrases rule

saying "_______ doesnt know where it is from, it isnt random" rules even more

11/27/2011 2:05:16 PM

All American
5697 Posts
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this is on tv every 10 min for the last 2 weeks

11/27/2011 2:06:36 PM

New Recruit
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jaybee doesnt know it because its not 30 year old dude with a mac wiki wiki

[Edited on November 27, 2011 at 2:07 PM. Reason : p.s. that song gets on my nerves now though]

11/27/2011 2:06:44 PM

56200 Posts
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no idea what that means...

^^ I realize that, but to randomly make a thread about it?

and yes, its from an iPod commercial.

[Edited on November 27, 2011 at 2:08 PM. Reason : d]

11/27/2011 2:07:32 PM

New Recruit
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he's playing the hell out of that mac

11/27/2011 2:08:41 PM

56200 Posts
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movies made digitally suck, film or nothing yo, and dont you DARE use a guitar that requires electricity.

And while we are at it, when I have surgery, FUCK modern medical equipment, just use a broken elk rib to cut me open.


11/27/2011 2:11:00 PM

New Recruit
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dude, it takes a lot of talent to press play on your mac

11/27/2011 2:12:19 PM

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so you are saying that if I gave you a brand new Mac, fresh out of the box, not only could you sit down and come out with something just as good, that just as many people would enjoy, BUT, you could also do it instantly by hitting "Play"?

11/27/2011 2:13:42 PM

New Recruit
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if I say yes are you going to buy me a mac?

11/27/2011 2:14:28 PM

All American
33197 Posts
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i like where this is going

11/27/2011 2:15:52 PM

56200 Posts
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how about you buy a Mac, if you cant do it, its mine, if you can, I will give you twice its worth and let you keep it

11/27/2011 2:16:21 PM

New Recruit
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11/27/2011 2:17:37 PM

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I mean, if ALL it is literally hitting Play, then this is a no brainer for you... doesnt require any talent, work, effort, trial and error at all, just one finger on one touchpad.

11/27/2011 2:18:45 PM

All American
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this is NOT bragging

but i made this in about 2 min using $40 software with no knowledge of what i'm doing and i think it sounds pleasant (for as bare as it is)

arpeggiators make making music much much easier but i also don't have to the time or resources to devote to making music as a serious endeavor

11/27/2011 2:20:46 PM

All American
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you guys are falling into the Pollock fallacy. A lot of his works look like they could have been done by a 5 year old, and any one of us could have done them- but the fact is, we didn't. If it looks/sounds good, why not appreciate it? Sure, this electronic art might be simpler than learning to play a guitar, but that doesn't mean it sucks.

11/27/2011 2:26:32 PM

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11/27/2011 2:27:11 PM

All American
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[Edited on November 27, 2011 at 2:54 PM. Reason : dude has let the fame get to his head though, and he's a douche now]

11/27/2011 2:53:47 PM

New Recruit
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I just like giving jaybee a hard time because its fun

11/27/2011 3:01:17 PM

All American
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very true- you are good at this

and there is the other side of the token here- art is completely subjective... it is perfectly ok to dislike something because you think it is too simple. Just can't tell someone else that their choice is stupid because of your opinion of it.

now let the hatehatehate continue!

11/27/2011 3:03:06 PM

All American
31924 Posts
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Quote :
"you guys are falling into the Pollock fallacy. A lot of his works look like they could have been done by a 5 year old, and any one of us could have done them- but the fact is, we didn't. If it looks/sounds good, why not appreciate it? Sure, this electronic art might be simpler than learning to play a guitar, but that doesn't mean it sucks."

But Pollock's art doesn't look good...

It looks like total ass.

11/27/2011 3:03:40 PM

All American
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11/27/2011 3:04:32 PM

All American
31924 Posts
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The dude in that commercial has pants that are WAAAY too tight.

11/27/2011 3:33:13 PM

All American
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lol wrong threaad

[Edited on November 27, 2011 at 3:37 PM. Reason : whoops]

11/27/2011 3:35:04 PM

16786 Posts
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can someone tell me which band sings this and what the name of the song is?

11/27/2011 3:38:26 PM

All American
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you can't google the lyrics i've provided?

11/27/2011 3:41:52 PM

16786 Posts
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yahoo nor youtube provided me with positive results

11/27/2011 4:14:19 PM

TX R. Snake
10566 Posts
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I googled the thread title.

First result.

11/27/2011 4:16:04 PM

All American
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I agree- nothing there, especially not the very first link

^haha damn, spent too long letting me google that for him

[Edited on November 27, 2011 at 4:18 PM. Reason : sloooow]

11/27/2011 4:17:57 PM

TX R. Snake
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How does the internet work?!

11/27/2011 4:19:19 PM

16786 Posts
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How does typing in the answer to my question work?

11/27/2011 4:21:25 PM

16786 Posts
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goddamn. jailbait city

11/27/2011 4:23:37 PM

All American
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how does typing in the lyrics to a search engine work? I dunno, you'll have to ask bill gates

11/27/2011 4:25:01 PM

TX R. Snake
10566 Posts
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Your first problem was using Yahoo! as a search engine.

11/27/2011 4:30:12 PM

56200 Posts
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11/27/2011 4:33:12 PM

16786 Posts
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Quote :
"Your first problem was using Yahoo! as a search engine."

I agree.

Forgot that Yahoo! was in business not to find results on the Internet.

11/27/2011 4:38:33 PM

New Recruit
80068 Posts
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lol @ the first comment on that video

Quote :
"it was difficult, but i was eventually able to masturbate to? this."

11/27/2011 5:12:03 PM

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11/27/2011 5:18:48 PM

16786 Posts
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rent is too damn high

11/27/2011 5:22:34 PM

New Recruit
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this song is permanently stuck in my head

12/4/2011 3:59:42 PM

TX R. Snake
10566 Posts
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Bttt because this song has forced itself into my brain.

12/5/2011 9:56:59 AM

All American
31140 Posts
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12/5/2011 10:19:32 AM

All American
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GROUPLOVE coming out with two mind-invading songs in the past few months.

"Colours" is in FIFA 12. It's censored, but still black black green and brown, brown brown brown and blue, yellows violets reds.... damn it.

"Tongue-tied" is better in commercial form.

12/5/2011 10:23:57 AM

2190 Posts
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this thread - rank 7 on google

12/5/2011 11:02:13 AM

All American
31140 Posts
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Now that you mention it, this is very highly ranked for when I search for "Take me to your best friend's house" in Google. I wonder how many people are searching for Take me to your best friend's house these days.

Take me to your best friend's house
Take me to your best friend's house
Take me to your best friend's house
Take me to your best friend's house
Take me to your best friend's house
Take me to your best friend's house
Take me to your best friend's house
Take me to your best friend's house
Take me to your best friend's house
Take me to your best friend's house

12/5/2011 11:05:49 AM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » Take me to your best friend's house Page [1]  
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