punchmonk Double Entendre 22300 Posts user info edit post |
This read is kind of disturbing to me. Granted she did not say where her 70% study comes from but I was just going to poll our little TWW community of ladies. 11/28/2011 9:40:01 PM
NyM410 J-E-T-S 50085 Posts user info edit post |
Not a lady, but why is it disturbing? This is pretty common knowledge, no?
[Edited on November 28, 2011 at 9:42 PM. Reason : x] 11/28/2011 9:41:15 PM
djeternal Bee Hugger 62661 Posts user info edit post |
Any female that replies "no" to this thread, has clearly not slept with me 11/28/2011 9:42:15 PM
BigFletch All American 3302 Posts user info edit post |
This thread is going to hit 10 pages by tomorrow. My gf does about %50 of the time. 11/28/2011 9:42:16 PM
punchmonk Double Entendre 22300 Posts user info edit post |
I didn't know a large majority of women don't orgasm with just intercourse. I guess I am just really surprised and not necessarily disturbed. 11/28/2011 9:42:55 PM
simonn best gottfriend 28968 Posts user info edit post |
itt qntmfred logs in as punchmonk. 11/28/2011 9:43:53 PM
ndmetcal All American 9012 Posts user info edit post |
Any female that replies "no" to this thread, has clearly slept with me 11/28/2011 9:44:01 PM
NyM410 J-E-T-S 50085 Posts user info edit post |
TWW is full of don juan's who hit the g spot every time, but in the real world it's not really exactly a big secret that a lot of girls don't orgasm from JUST intercourse. 11/28/2011 9:44:10 PM
djeternal Bee Hugger 62661 Posts user info edit post |
^^^^and you are currently marinating kid 3, correct?
[Edited on November 28, 2011 at 9:45 PM. Reason : a] 11/28/2011 9:44:13 PM
chocolatervh All American 22986 Posts user info edit post |
i read the bold stuff in the article.
what did i miss that was important?
I know some girls who def don't have the problem though. 11/28/2011 9:44:37 PM
confusi0n All American 5076 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "in the real world it's not really exactly a big secret that a lot of girls don't orgasm from JUST intercourse." |
11/28/2011 9:44:51 PM
Biofreak70 All American 33197 Posts user info edit post |
No way that number is correct 11/28/2011 9:44:56 PM
begonias warning: not serious 19581 Posts user info edit post |
sometimes I do, sometimes I do but it takes a while, and sometimes I don't 11/28/2011 9:45:00 PM
punchmonk Double Entendre 22300 Posts user info edit post |
well, I honestly don't know much about sex at all and more prudish than most, I would say. I just don't know things. 11/28/2011 9:45:05 PM
Skwinkle burritotomyface 19447 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "But overall, if and when women want to reach orgasm when intercourse is involved, they're going to have to be doing something else WITH intercourse to get there -- such as manual clitoral stimulation" |
Important. So if you rub it during, you don't count. 11/28/2011 9:45:23 PM
dropdeadkate nerdlord 11725 Posts user info edit post |
^^this is funny because you are like a pro at baby making] 11/28/2011 9:45:59 PM
mrfrog ☯ 15145 Posts user info edit post |
it sounds like that article is written for people who don't know to use the clit.
Not to say that's the one and only thing to do, as it says, they need to take whatever makes them orgasm when masturbating and get it during sex.
 11/28/2011 9:46:19 PM
confusi0n All American 5076 Posts user info edit post |
I can attest that the difference b/w 30+ yo women and 20yo women is amazing 11/28/2011 9:47:17 PM
djeternal Bee Hugger 62661 Posts user info edit post |
^^^ what I was getting at with my previous post
[Edited on November 28, 2011 at 9:47 PM. Reason : a] 11/28/2011 9:47:22 PM
elise mainly potato 13090 Posts user info edit post |
I have had at most 5 orgasms without any extra clitoral stimulation. I have also had surgery to remove polyps in my cervix and vagina, and have lots of scar tissue. 11/28/2011 9:47:56 PM
djeternal Bee Hugger 62661 Posts user info edit post |
now THAT turned me on 11/28/2011 9:48:31 PM
elise mainly potato 13090 Posts user info edit post |

11/28/2011 9:48:57 PM
NyM410 J-E-T-S 50085 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "it sounds like that article is written for people who don't know to use the clit." |
It sounds like an article that is saying JUST FROM INTERCOURSE and specifically mentioned NOT using direct stimulation on the clit...
(though I didn't read it all, so maybe I'm wrong?) 11/28/2011 9:49:12 PM
mrfrog ☯ 15145 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "I can attest that the difference b/w 30+ yo women and 20yo women is amazing" |
Well, according to the chart, we need to be looking into the 40-50 age group female tennis competitions 
Quote : | "It sounds like an article that is saying JUST FROM INTERCOURSE and specifically mentioned NOT using direct stimulation on the clit..." |
wtf, yes, that's what I was saying. I think.
The article almost presupposes that the both the reading audience and the people who sent them the mail
a) don't use the clit during sex b) apparently either the woman doesn't say what she wants or if she does they don't do anything about it
[Edited on November 28, 2011 at 9:51 PM. Reason : ] 11/28/2011 9:49:44 PM
settledown Suspended 11583 Posts user info edit post |
yeah this statistic is not surprising 11/28/2011 9:49:58 PM
confusi0n All American 5076 Posts user info edit post |
^hey buddy I need to get off too k 11/28/2011 9:50:17 PM
gtherman All American 628 Posts user info edit post |
iop1....  11/28/2011 9:52:03 PM
NyM410 J-E-T-S 50085 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "wtf, yes, that's what I was saying. I think." |
LOL, I'm a retard. I just figured you were saying that sarcastically like, "hey maybe these morons should......" 11/28/2011 9:53:11 PM
LunaK LOSER :( 23634 Posts user info edit post |
i usually don't have a problem with it - kind of depends on whether or not he knows what he's doing though  11/28/2011 9:53:58 PM
Kurtis636 All American 14984 Posts user info edit post |
That's why I'm a pro at eating box.  11/28/2011 9:54:00 PM
chocolatervh All American 22986 Posts user info edit post |
being a vegan. I don't participate in sexual intercourse. But from what I hear, the orgasms means that they have demons in them that need to be released. 11/28/2011 9:54:45 PM
DivaBaby19 Davidbaby19 45208 Posts user info edit post |
but that's only because I have yet to bone DJE 11/28/2011 9:54:59 PM
Slave Famous Become Wrath 34079 Posts user info edit post |
NyM likes to fuck em real slow from the back while whispering David Wright's home/road splits in her ear 11/28/2011 9:55:09 PM
piddlebug ow 2293 Posts user info edit post |
I'd say I climax vaginally most of time when I have intercourse.....but typically that's after foreplay where I have already gotten at least one orgasm  11/28/2011 9:55:36 PM
DivaBaby19 Davidbaby19 45208 Posts user info edit post |
and I meant to say Not all the time...not just a NO 11/28/2011 9:56:22 PM
settledown Suspended 11583 Posts user info edit post |
just so it's clear, this is talking about straight fucking with no clitoral stimulation
that 70% probably drops to 10-15% if the partner is allowed to use all the tools at his/her disposal 11/28/2011 9:56:24 PM
elkaybie All American 39626 Posts user info edit post |
It depends, but other stimulation goes a long way 11/28/2011 9:56:39 PM
Doss2k All American 18474 Posts user info edit post |
If it doesn't work just do whatever it takes to get the job done, problem solved. 11/28/2011 9:57:12 PM
Skwinkle burritotomyface 19447 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Making it a goal to reach intercourse through orgasm alone not only isn't a realistic goal, it's probably going to keep you from having sex you really enjoy. " |
wat 11/28/2011 9:57:55 PM
NyM410 J-E-T-S 50085 Posts user info edit post |
losthokie is one of like three, maybe four people in this thread to actually understand what the article is saying.
[Edited on November 28, 2011 at 9:58 PM. Reason : ^ lol, that hurts my head] 11/28/2011 9:57:59 PM
mrfrog ☯ 15145 Posts user info edit post |
Women, really, you do need to speak up during sex.
Srsly some women just won't speak up even when being asked over and over again what they're thinking and what they want. It's not a goddam game show with me as the host. And then I stop doing something and she's like "you had me going and you had to stop!" Christ, it's your fucking fault for sitting there like you're bored  11/28/2011 9:58:25 PM
settledown Suspended 11583 Posts user info edit post |
i love you NyM 11/28/2011 9:58:35 PM
XSMP All American 16674 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Making it a goal to reach intercourse through orgasm alone not only isn't a realistic goal, it's probably going to keep you from having sex you really enjoy. " |
the writer didn't proof read at all
[Edited on November 28, 2011 at 10:00 PM. Reason : .] 11/28/2011 9:59:12 PM
Skack All American 31140 Posts user info edit post |
TLDR 11/28/2011 10:00:45 PM
settledown Suspended 11583 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "reach intercourse through orgasm alone" |
lol 11/28/2011 10:00:54 PM
mrfrog ☯ 15145 Posts user info edit post |
Making it a goal to reach intercourse through orgasm alone isn't a realistic goal. 11/28/2011 10:01:12 PM
Doss2k All American 18474 Posts user info edit post |
Yes women speak up you aren't gonna hurt my feelings if you point me in the right direction if you want something. 11/28/2011 10:01:16 PM
XSMP All American 16674 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Again, for most women, making it a goal to reach orgasm during intercourse is a bit like making it a goal to find that elusive pot of gold held by a cute little leprechaun at the end of the rainbow." |
LOL 11/28/2011 10:02:08 PM
punchmonk Double Entendre 22300 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "reach intercourse through orgasm alone" |
I do talk during sex so that is prob how the goal is achieved (with a lot of ear kissing).  11/28/2011 10:02:44 PM
elkaybie All American 39626 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "I'd say I climax vaginally most of time when I have intercourse.....but typically that's after foreplay where I have already gotten at least one orgasm" |
Then for the sake of this article that doesn't count. This is talking wham bam thank you mam orgasm.
From what I understood it at least...
[Edited on November 28, 2011 at 10:04 PM. Reason : ] 11/28/2011 10:02:55 PM