ScottyP All American 1131 Posts user info edit post |
I couldn't think of any better ideas for a 1000th post, so I apologize in advance for this ridiculous, incredibly pointless thread.
ITT: We assign a beer to each character from the 90's children's show, BEAST WARS. Which must always be capitalized. Because.
I'll begin with a couple.

Character: Cheetor Beer: Miller Lite
Why?: Of all the un-manly, sissy-girl, annoying pander-to-young-boys crap that happens in BEAST WARS, Cheetor is responsible for 99% of it. He needs to, quite simply, man-up. Miller Lite's commercials tell me this is possible to do with their beer, so it goes to Cheetor.

Character: Megatron Beer: Guiness Black Lager
Why?: Anyone that's ever heard this Megatron-in-name-only speak knows why. And the answer is, simply, Yessssssssss.

Character: Waspinator "Beer": Four Loko
Why?: Well, for one, Waspinator has plans. And how better to plan except with a drink (ok, maybe not necessarily beer) that's downright illegal in some places. Waspinator needs all the energy he can get, since he's blown up, mangled, and nearly destroyed on a regular basis.
There are plenty of characters left, or you can do these again if you want. Hell, pick non-show characters from the short IDW Comic run or some of the ridiculous characters from the Japan only sequel shows.
Or, you can let this thread die a slow death and get buried on page 20 or something. Either way, wooo, 1000 posts. I'll never get to 2000. 12/8/2011 10:49:32 AM