Novicane All American 15416 Posts user info edit post |
got a "friend" who was "let go" back in april of this year. He was probably making 50k a year.
so how long does his unemployment benefits last? nigga is buying ipads/iphone4s like it ain't shit.
[Edited on December 14, 2011 at 8:41 PM. Reason : sada] 12/14/2011 8:39:48 PM
kdogg(c) All American 3494 Posts user info edit post |
Based on the definition, I would say until he finds a job. 12/14/2011 8:41:02 PM
Novicane All American 15416 Posts user info edit post |
unemployment benefits i should say. 12/14/2011 8:41:41 PM
The Coz Tempus Fugitive 26760 Posts user info edit post |
99 weeks, and it's a bunch of BS that it lasts that long. Total disincentive to get back to work. 12/14/2011 8:42:35 PM
Novicane All American 15416 Posts user info edit post |
I asked him the other day "any leads? anything lined up?" - flat out - nope - not even tryin' 12/14/2011 8:43:12 PM
gunzz IS NÚMERO UNO 68205 Posts user info edit post |
well he will have to try and apply to at least 2 jobs per week
if he gets called into for a review, they will ask him for detailed paperwork on his job search and applications.
if he cannot supply that information then he could possibly lose his benefits 12/14/2011 8:44:46 PM
dweedle All American 77386 Posts user info edit post |
I got it for a few months from Virginia
I had to put in information about where I had applied for jobs, etc and report it weekly
I guess people can flat out lie about applying for jobs and stuff, though, to keep it going 12/14/2011 8:45:14 PM
wwwebsurfer All American 10217 Posts user info edit post |
Why would you try?
the government needs an unemployment program, sure, but almost 2 years is freaking rediculous. I might think on extendinng it past 6 months only as supplemental income. For instance if you grab a job doing something out of your field i would vote to continue paying you. Just hate the people who are doing nothing... 12/14/2011 8:47:01 PM
ncstatetke All American 41128 Posts user info edit post |
^^^ I was receiving unemployment for the better part of 2 years and I never got called in once
honestly, all of the people I know who have been on unemployment have never been called in
[Edited on December 14, 2011 at 8:47 PM. Reason : d] 12/14/2011 8:47:14 PM
Novicane All American 15416 Posts user info edit post |
wow so he won't need a job until 2013? jesus fucking christ. 12/14/2011 8:52:25 PM
justinh524 Sprots Talk Mod 28536 Posts user info edit post |
And this is why America sucks now. 12/14/2011 9:01:48 PM
Cherokee All American 8264 Posts user info edit post |
Unemployment lasts as long as most members of Congress are continually re-elected, thus hampering any sort of economic recovery. 12/14/2011 9:03:32 PM
wdprice3 BinaryBuffonary 45912 Posts user info edit post |
and libbies wonder why I don't like unemployment? 12/14/2011 9:06:07 PM