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 Message Boards » » Laser Eye Surgery. What's a rough price estimate? Page [1]  
488 Posts
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Most of my family has had laser eye surgery but it has been about 10 years and they don't remember how much they paid. I am wondering if anyone has an idea roughly of how much it would cost to get both eyes done from a good doctor. Thanks.

12/20/2011 1:29:59 PM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
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Usually about 2500 a pop, but a lot of places run BOGO specials for the Holidays.

12/20/2011 1:30:42 PM

11687 Posts
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please to contact philip rivers

12/20/2011 1:31:08 PM


15145 Posts
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Quote :
"Usually about 2500 a pop"

an eye?

Quote :
"a lot of places run BOGO specials for the Holidays"

I just don't think this makes any sense. Charge less because there's higher demand at that time? I believe it for grocery stores but not major medical procedures.

12/20/2011 1:33:30 PM

All American
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I have an astigmatism so my estimates were a little higher than normal but just last month I visited 2 laser eye clinics and I was quoted $4200 and $3500 (that's total for both eyes).

12/20/2011 1:35:30 PM

488 Posts
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Ok thanks. I just made an appointment to get the exam done to see what they say. TKE that's kind of what I was thinking around $4,000 for both. It pays for itself after about 8 years of having to pay the eye doctor for yearly exams and new contacts. Im looking forward to being able to fall asleep and not worry about taking them out. =)

12/20/2011 1:48:41 PM

All American
8704 Posts
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does the cost vary depending on how bad your eyes are

ie is it just a setting on the laser or does it require multiple passes to achieve the correct curvature

12/20/2011 1:49:27 PM

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12/20/2011 1:50:07 PM

488 Posts
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It probably varies slightly depending on if you have problems like an astigmatism which is why no laser eye doctor's websites have prices. You probably need the free exam to get an actual price tailored to your eyes, but the overall average price is probably pretty similar. That's why I was asking TWW to see if anyone has had it done recently.

12/20/2011 1:53:47 PM

All American
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Will look into this in a few years, just spent $700 on two new pairs of glasses with the new perscription.

12/20/2011 1:57:49 PM

All American
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i think it would be bizarre to see perfectly without glasses/contacts but im too much of a pussy to put my eyes under lazers

maybe if I was sedated or something

12/20/2011 2:04:09 PM

926 Posts
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I would guesstimate ~ $1500 per eye when it is all said and done

12/20/2011 2:05:04 PM

Sink the Flagship
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my mom did this. got LASEK instead of LASIK, which was supposed to be more painful but also more effective. she ended up seeing more than three times as bad as she did before. She also went to Duke and had one of the foremost ophthalmologists in the state do her eyes. I realize it's rare, but it does happen.

12/20/2011 2:10:46 PM

All American
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First make sure you are a candidate for the surgery. If your prescription is still changing frequently, you should wait for it to stabilize.

12/20/2011 2:11:20 PM

wear sumthin tight
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I am not a candidate.

12/20/2011 2:21:24 PM

428 Posts
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^^^ Same thing happened to my father, he could see so-so but now is basically blind

12/20/2011 2:59:51 PM

All American
4843 Posts
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I just got mine done a few months ago at Raleigh Eye Center by Dr. Kiley. I paid $2100 total including consultation fee (although it may be higher now because it was a special that was going on), and they let me finance it at 0% APR for 1yr. Went from 20/300 vision to 20/15. Was not painful at all. It was by far the best money I've ever spent.

12/20/2011 3:38:39 PM

Deucefest '04
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There was a thread in the lounge about this a few years ago

12/20/2011 3:42:58 PM

Sup, B
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12/20/2011 3:47:50 PM

All American
8704 Posts
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one of these horror stories is enough to scare me off

12/20/2011 4:12:42 PM

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12/20/2011 4:17:03 PM

Drunk yet Orderly
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I think I was ~$2k per eye and then a 10% discount for cash payment. Well worth every penny.

Should be cheaper now. I had it done about 4 years ago

[Edited on December 20, 2011 at 4:37 PM. Reason : Dr. Dean Dornik (?) in Cary]

12/20/2011 4:37:26 PM

All American
5853 Posts
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usually around 2k per eye for a decent one. Intralase and CustomVue

12/20/2011 4:48:23 PM

Sup, B
53288 Posts
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^ this man knows

12/20/2011 4:49:15 PM

All American
44691 Posts
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I too am looking at Lasik for the 2012 hot shit

12/20/2011 5:01:33 PM

All American
12710 Posts
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I can't get this stuff jealous

12/20/2011 5:08:10 PM

All American
52917 Posts
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I had PRK done about 8-9 years ago; it was about $3500 (total for both eyes).

12/20/2011 6:58:36 PM

All American
15213 Posts
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my wife's was $3500 a few years ago but she said her astigmatism made it a little more than it usually is

12/20/2011 7:35:01 PM

All American
2061 Posts
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My mom and brother both had the Lasik eye surgery done by Dr. Lori Travers in Raleigh.

Cost $3000.00

Both said it was the best money they ever spent.

12/20/2011 8:10:12 PM

488 Posts
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^It's funny you say that because I made an appointment with her office for next week before you even posted that. I just searched on google and read a lot of positive reviews about her and her office.

12/22/2011 1:10:08 AM

41759 Posts
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bend over

12/22/2011 1:43:27 AM

All American
43429 Posts
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^^The two doctors I went to see were Dr. Travers and Dr. Dornik (both mentioned here, lol). They both offer 0% financing for one year, but if you need to finance more than a year get ready to bend over and deal with 15% interest. This is why I'm going to wait a year before having it done, so I can do it over just 12 months.

Quote :
"I had PRK done about 8-9 years ago; it was about $3500 (total for both eyes)."

I know someone that had PRK done by Dr. Dornik for $2000 (total). Not as many people are eligible for PRK and I've also heard it's more painful than LASIK.

[Edited on December 22, 2011 at 8:43 AM. Reason : k]

12/22/2011 8:43:38 AM

soup du hier
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my question is, do you go to the places that do a shit-ton of them that probably advertise on the radios or do you go to your regular eye dr?

I have pros and cons for each.

12/22/2011 8:50:03 AM

All American
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I'm pretty sure that most eye doctors don't perform the surgery. None of the ones I've ever had (for my yearly checkups) did.

12/22/2011 9:13:21 AM

All American
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people generally get PRK bc they dont qualify for LASIK. Usually their corneas are too thin. You would never choose PRK over LASIK otherwise. Although PRK works, it is more painful and takes awhile longer to get results. Some takes months to get "clear".

12/22/2011 10:41:32 AM

488 Posts
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I just had my exam and they said I am borderline on which I can get, PRK or Lasik. Either way it is going to be $3500 total for both eyes. I can't wait to have it done and my eyes healed and never have to worry about contacts again. Plus if I ever go down in a plane wreck Cast Away style I won't be a totally worthless human being.

12/28/2011 7:30:17 PM

148880 Posts
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are there any ways to get a discount if you have health insurance, like if your job requires good eyes or some shit

12/28/2011 7:45:58 PM

All American
15416 Posts
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anyone with VSP? do they cover a %?

12/28/2011 7:54:45 PM

488 Posts
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I'm pretty positive that if you pay for eye insurance through your employer (separate from health and dental) then they may cover some percentage of the procedure. After talking with some people though the general opinion is that most insurances will not cover more than 50 percent of it.

12/29/2011 2:46:02 AM

All American
19599 Posts
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I'll hook you up for about tree fiddy

12/29/2011 3:14:46 AM

All American
43429 Posts
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Quote :
"I'm pretty positive that if you pay for eye insurance through your employer (separate from health and dental) then they may cover some percentage of the procedure. After talking with some people though the general opinion is that most insurances will not cover more than 50 percent of it."

Seemed to me that most eye surgery places give you a 15% discount through your health insurance. I have separate vision insurance as well and they're willing to help out... 0%. Nothing

12/29/2011 9:49:44 AM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » Laser Eye Surgery. What's a rough price estimate? Page [1]  
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