Ryan Gosling, Jim Carrey, and Eva Mendeshttp://www.funnyordie.com/videos/d044421cd6/drunk-history-christmas-with-ryan-gosling-jim-carrey-and-eva-mendes?playlist=featured_videossomeone embed plz
12/20/2011 2:22:13 PM
12/20/2011 2:32:16 PM
Definitely awesome
12/20/2011 8:27:41 PM
haha I love Drunk History.
12/20/2011 8:54:39 PM
hahaha thanks! Drunk history is great!
12/20/2011 9:18:02 PM
the end is the best part
12/21/2011 11:30:56 AM
This is one of my favorite ones: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqzUI1ihfpk
12/21/2011 3:52:01 PM
12/21/2011 4:04:34 PM
that chick is waaaay too into it
12/22/2011 9:52:03 AM
i don't get this at all. why are these considered funny?
12/22/2011 10:53:51 AM
did you watch the video in the first post?
12/22/2011 11:40:01 AM
yes, it was kind of funny the first time i saw the re-enactors follow the drunken narration, but after a minute or two i got bored and couldn't even watch the whole thing. is there any more to this than high production values and famous people or is it really just a joke being stretched too thin?
12/22/2011 5:10:46 PM
damn you really need to find that corncob and pull it out
12/30/2011 4:02:38 PM
I can't tell if rufus is trolling or just a miserable human being.
12/30/2011 8:11:18 PM
Warren Wilson graduate Duncan Trussell does the best Drunk History (Nicola Tesla)
12/30/2011 8:26:11 PM