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 Message Boards » » Man shoots at mouse, hits roommate Page [1]  
All American
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Quote :
"Man shoots at mouse, hits roommate; another roommate arrested for rape

TAYLORSVILLE — A 34-year-old man has been arrested for investigation of multiple counts of sex abuse against a 13-year-old girl.

The four-month relationship was discovered after a bizarre incident at the man's house in which one of his housemates was shot by a third housemate who was reportedly trying to shoot a mouse in his kitchen with a 9mm handgun, according to investigators.

Paul Daniel Kunzler was booked into the Salt Lake County Jail for investigation of two counts of rape of a child, three counts of sodomy of a child and three counts of sexual abuse of a child."

Utah, you so crazy!

12/22/2011 5:10:48 PM

wear sumthin tight
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that's one way to get your pedophile roommate out

12/22/2011 5:25:32 PM

All American
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Quote :
Officers arrived to discover that a man who was in the bathroom had accidentally been shot in the chest by his 27-year-old housemate who was shooting at a mouse in the kitchen with a handgun, said Taylorsville Police Sgt. Tracy Wyant.

The bullet went through a wall and struck the 28-year- old man while he was in the bathroom.

During an ensuing search of the house, officers found a 13-year-old girl hiding in a basement closet, Wyant said. The girl told police she had sneaked out of her house without her father's knowledge to see Kunzler, according to a jail report.

After further questioning, investigators learned Kunzler and the 13-year-old had been having a relationship for four months. The two had met through a common friend, Wyant said.

It was not known Wednesday whether any of Kunzler's three housemates were aware of the relationship."

12/22/2011 5:38:09 PM

All American
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12/22/2011 5:41:36 PM

All American
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what kind of a 13 year old girl willingly gets into a relationship with a 34 year old? that's just sad, on her part.

12/22/2011 5:59:38 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
35386 Posts
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the same kind that hangs around with tards stupid enough to shoot at a mouse indoors. just plain old trash.

12/22/2011 6:01:04 PM

All American
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12/22/2011 7:14:31 PM

All American
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^^^ The kind without parents who was manipulated into a relationship by evil, bad people.

[Edited on December 22, 2011 at 8:20 PM. Reason : Or, at least, with shitty terrible neglectful parents.]

12/22/2011 8:18:01 PM

56200 Posts
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this happened in Utah you say??

12/22/2011 8:21:31 PM

All American
3729 Posts
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U so crazy Utah

12/22/2011 8:41:47 PM

All American
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12/22/2011 9:53:43 PM

All American
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12/23/2011 7:44:24 PM

5290 Posts
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these gifs got me lollin

12/23/2011 7:47:56 PM

All American
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Paul Kunzler Arrested: Utah Police Call Mouse 'Hero' In Rescue Of 13-Year-Old Rape Victim

Quote :
"And, what of the mouse -- the small mammal at the center of the entire case?

"I've had more inquires on the mouse than anything," Wyant said. "It is my understanding he missed the mouse, and it fled."

Regardless of the details, the creature is considered by some to be a rodent of great valor.

"We had one call suggesting the mouse receive an award," Wyant said. The veteran police officer added, "I guess the mouse is the hero in this matter.""

Haha awesome!


Quote :
""At this point, it appears the young female victim had been sneaking out of her home, which is about 12 to 15 miles away from where this incident occurred, during [the course of] this relationship," Wyant said."

12 to 15 miles away... WTF?

Seriously, there should be some kind of parenting eligibility test before people are allowed to become parents.

[Edited on December 27, 2011 at 8:36 AM. Reason : ]

12/27/2011 8:13:32 AM

All American
2385 Posts
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What kind of "mutual friend" does a 13 year old and a 34 year old have?

12/27/2011 8:18:01 AM

All American
4343 Posts
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A 23.5 year old.

12/27/2011 10:19:20 AM

All American
31140 Posts
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Quote :
"what kind of a 13 year old girl willingly gets into a relationship with a 34 year old? that's just sad, on her part."

Ughhh...I knew a few in junior high. Mostly I think they just had a void in their relationship with their parents and wanted to feel loved. It's pretty easy for some slimeball with a p.o.s. car and $150 in his pocket to impress a 13-17 y.o. girl.

12/27/2011 10:36:42 AM

wear sumthin tight
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Bitch just got Lolita'd.

12/27/2011 11:46:38 AM

All American
22489 Posts
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Quote :
"what kind of a 13 year old girl willingly gets into a relationship with a 34 year old? that's just sad, on her part."

No surprise here, he comes from The Land of Blame the Rape Victim (Also Known As the The Land of Smegma).

12/27/2011 11:54:18 AM

All American
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^ fuck off troll.

where did i blame the victim here? but you have to acknowledge that she wasn't abducted and violently raped... she was willingly in a relationship with someone much much older... that's why i said it was SAD.

SAD, motherfucker, SAD. Look up SAD in a dictionary. It is SAD that a girl of 13 would do that... that's blaming the parents and the culture, not her.

Where do you come from?

The Land of Hack Off Limbs and Rape Women with Guns?

12/27/2011 2:21:24 PM

All American
11805 Posts
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^I think he's from Charlotte homie...

12/27/2011 3:39:44 PM

All American
25834 Posts
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Yeah, where Opie is from, 13 is old to not be married off yet....

12/27/2011 3:55:30 PM

All American
22489 Posts
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^^^ Hahaha look at this lame-ass... blaming rape victims is your nature, you don't even think about it do you?

Hey, a lady was raped and is now being forced to marry the guy who raped her. But why was she wearing that short burka am I right Opie!!????

12/31/2011 8:17:44 AM

41759 Posts
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Quote :
"Hey, a lady was raped and is now being forced to marry the guy who raped her. But why was she wearing that short burka am I right Opie!!????"

I loled then I felt bad.

12/31/2011 9:31:48 AM

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