SchndlrsFist All American 5528 Posts user info edit post |
A new year and a new challenge. Last year's challenge motivated me to read more books than I ever have before and I really enjoyed it.
Come on people share your book readin' lists.
1) Currently Reading - The Passage - Justin Cronin 1/1/2012 11:20:04 AM
LunaK LOSER :( 23634 Posts user info edit post |

^ and i hated that book 1/1/2012 11:30:14 AM
bottombaby IRL 21958 Posts user info edit post |
I'll start, but this may become silly as the year progresses. I read pretty furiously.
1. The Duke Is Mine- James, Eloisa (Started last night.) 2. Duncan (Vampires in America) - Reynolds, D. B. (Queued.) 3. Warlord Wants Forever - Cole, Kresley (Queued.) 1/1/2012 11:30:43 AM
SchndlrsFist All American 5528 Posts user info edit post |
^^Okay, I'll post in your thread. I never get to start good threads.  1/1/2012 11:35:05 AM
gunzz IS NÚMERO UNO 68205 Posts user info edit post |
First locked thread of 2012? 1/1/2012 11:37:56 AM