BigFletch All American 3302 Posts user info edit post |
Will someone find me a video of's performance last night? I was pretty fucked up but I remember it being pretty cool.  1/1/2012 12:52:08 PM
AxlBonBach All American 45553 Posts user info edit post |
i watched it.
definitely the best performance of the night. 1/1/2012 12:54:43 PM
Kickstand All American 11773 Posts user info edit post |
does not compute 1/1/2012 12:55:00 PM
WolfAce All American 6458 Posts user info edit post |
I just came here to mention what an absolute dogshit singer Nicki Minaj is live. A 100% product of good studio producers and auto-tune. 1/1/2012 12:56:52 PM
BigFletch All American 3302 Posts user info edit post |
I also dislike her. 1/1/2012 1:09:39 PM
BigFletch All American 3302 Posts user info edit post |
there has to be a video 1/1/2012 1:33:13 PM
merbig Suspended 13178 Posts user info edit post |
1/1/2012 1:43:23 PM
Netstorm All American 7547 Posts user info edit post |
Gym Class Heroes sang the one song that they literally can't replicate without a guest singer (not that their other songs are really all that great on their own legs anyway).
I also didn't know Florence + The Machine would be playing. 1/1/2012 2:12:34 PM
WolfAce All American 6458 Posts user info edit post |
I was actually glad they had someone in their own band sing it instead of playing a recording of Adam Levine. He did a decent job, if not an octave lower, but was alright.
It was a little weird having Pitbull sing by himself in 'Tonight,' with so much of the song by other artists, but he brought the energy.
Gaga was weird as shit as always, but has a genuinely strong voice and can actually sing. 1/1/2012 2:56:52 PM
Big4Country All American 11921 Posts user info edit post |
He didn't mess up the count for a second year in a row now.  1/1/2012 2:58:57 PM
Smath74 All American 93281 Posts user info edit post |
Nicki Minaj is terrible. I had never heard her music or seen her preform before last night. 1/1/2012 3:02:55 PM
d357r0y3r Jimmies: Unrustled 8198 Posts user info edit post |
And her outfit seemed to be designed specifically to shield her ass. Bitch, that's the only reason you're on the stage. 1/1/2012 4:11:32 PM
BigFletch All American 3302 Posts user info edit post |
She sucks but can't someone find a video of 1/1/2012 4:12:26 PM
DivaBaby19 Davidbaby19 45208 Posts user info edit post |
fuck all y'all
I love Nicki 1/1/2012 4:13:33 PM
saps852 New Recruit 80068 Posts user info edit post |
aha, you losers watch garbage music on tv 1/1/2012 4:25:04 PM
BigFletch All American 3302 Posts user info edit post |
Das not nice 
1/1/2012 4:25:43 PM
saps852 New Recruit 80068 Posts user info edit post |
Im kidding I <3 lady gaga
but seriously I had no idea who most of the performers were
also lmfao sucks so much cock 1/1/2012 4:35:25 PM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
wtf is this Nicki Minaj shit and do people actually listen to it? 1/1/2012 5:01:35 PM
se7entythree YOSHIYOSHI 17379 Posts user info edit post |
so was that really lady gaga? it sounded like her, but idk something struck me as off (besides the fact that that person was like 20 lbs heavier than the last time i saw gaga on tv) 1/1/2012 5:47:02 PM
GREEN JAY All American 14180 Posts user info edit post | sucked, dancers with ipads on their heads, blah 1/1/2012 5:56:56 PM
saps852 New Recruit 80068 Posts user info edit post |
also are the early 90's back in fashion? seemed like everyones outfits would have looked right at home on the fresh prince or salt n pepa 1/1/2012 6:05:26 PM
willembahh All American 2378 Posts user info edit post |
thats the first time I've seen/heard Dick Clark in a while...old guy sounds rough. Did he have a stroke recently? 1/1/2012 6:11:41 PM
BigMan157 no u 103356 Posts user info edit post |
a few years ago 1/1/2012 6:12:31 PM
Fhqwhgads Fuckwads SS '15 20681 Posts user info edit post |
yeah, he had a really bad stroke a couple years ago
Quote : | "He didn't mess up the count for a second year in a row now." |
He was off by a little bit at the start of the countdown but somebody must have motioned to him to speed up cause he kind of ran 6-5-4 all together to get on time with the rest of the countdown 1/1/2012 6:15:56 PM
BigFletch All American 3302 Posts user info edit post |
Thread did not deliver 1/1/2012 6:30:15 PM
Bweez All American 10849 Posts user info edit post |
Nicki Minaj is amazing: 1/1/2012 6:36:21 PM
lewisje All American 9196 Posts user info edit post |
I had the ♥ for Florence + The Machine~ 1/1/2012 10:07:43 PM
Big4Country All American 11921 Posts user info edit post |
^^^^Oh...I guess I was wrong then. I couldn't hear it too well because the tv was turned down since my sister's baby daughter was sleeping. 1/1/2012 10:13:24 PM
Roflpack All American 1966 Posts user info edit post |
Lady Gaga was def on ell ess dee. Anyone see her reaction to the ball dropping? She responded with: "I can't hear you over the music." But like... the crowd was singing auld land syne.... 1/1/2012 11:44:53 PM
Roflpack All American 1966 Posts user info edit post |
Secondly, I might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure Dick Clark may have swallowed his tongue in recent years. May be the reason for his speech. 1/1/2012 11:46:11 PM
saps852 New Recruit 80068 Posts user info edit post |
he had a stroke dummy 1/1/2012 11:53:27 PM
Roflpack All American 1966 Posts user info edit post |
Thanks captain obvious. I appreciate that. 1/2/2012 11:19:51 AM