1/2/2012 7:22:38 PM
1/2/2012 7:25:19 PM
1/2/2012 7:30:50 PM
For reals? He was the swordmaster of my heart.
1/2/2012 7:37:35 PM
everybody swing around a wrapping paper cardboard tube in remembrance
1/2/2012 7:39:27 PM
Really weird coincidence on this. I had never heard of him but love LoTR and SW. Firing up Netflix on the Roku to go to bed this Monday I found Reclaiming the Blade, which featured him prominently and learned who Bob was and that he did the lightsaber scenes as Vader. Ironic we randomly stumbled on a movie about him the same day he died.
1/3/2012 9:31:15 PM
interesting, tell us less
1/3/2012 9:33:30 PM
make a nigga LOL
1/3/2012 9:33:56 PM
1/3/2012 11:04:55 PM