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 Message Boards » » So I just got hit on at Arby's Page [1]  
11097 Posts
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by a dude.

Not cool

1/19/2012 1:06:19 PM

3870 Posts
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O hey

1/19/2012 1:07:09 PM

All American
24527 Posts
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that's almost as bad as the food at Arby's

1/19/2012 1:07:19 PM

All American
77386 Posts
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1/19/2012 1:09:10 PM

no u
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1/19/2012 1:09:53 PM

11097 Posts
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And I say not cool not because I'm homophobic. I say not cool because this dude was a real creeper.

1/19/2012 1:10:02 PM

All American
6786 Posts
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^ what an ignorant homophobe

1/19/2012 1:13:16 PM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
34079 Posts
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How Puddy's pushing Hondas and that cowlick douchebag is pushing Arby's, I'll never know

1/19/2012 1:13:30 PM

All American
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1/19/2012 1:15:10 PM

All American
7289 Posts
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Your first mistake was going to Arby's.

1/19/2012 1:42:58 PM

3870 Posts
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I used to love Arby's but their food is garbage now.

1/19/2012 1:45:19 PM

All American
3260 Posts
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he just wanted to nom nom on some of your roast beef

1/19/2012 1:46:25 PM

All American
8570 Posts
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You were probably asking for it by the way you were dressed.

1/19/2012 2:00:30 PM

All American
6256 Posts
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Was he hot as fuck?

1/19/2012 2:06:00 PM

11097 Posts
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I first noticed when I was in line that he was staring at me. Then he sat down at a table so he was facing me (About 40 ft away). I brought my textbook so after I was done eating I began reading. He finished eating and just remained there staring at me most of the time. I contemplated taking his picture and posting it on twitter in case I went missing. Finally when I left I decided to go out the side door to avoid walking by him. I get to the truck and all is good, so I think. He comes out shortly after and walks to his truck. When I drive by he is standing by his truck, winking at me. I pretend like I didn't see him and just kept going. Then I get to the main road and have to wait for traffic. He comes up beside me, stops, and starts winking at me and making kissing motions. I again looked away and finally he turned and was gone. Creepy!

1/19/2012 2:06:36 PM

All American
3260 Posts
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dude really wanted to donkey punch you

1/19/2012 2:42:06 PM

1310 Posts
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That reminds me of this one creepy story. We were leaving some bar to get the wolfline night service. Well on the bus there was this older guy with glasses, just kept staring at us. He was on before us, but got off the same spot as us(we got off a stop earlier on accident). So of course we had to talk longer than we wanted to. Probably only an extra 5 minutes, but he followed us and by the time we turned down our side road, he was still going. Maybe he legitimately had to go somewhere, who knows. I pulled up to the house about 7 or 8, and I yelled to the cabby "Yo homes smell ya later". I looked at my kingdom I was finally there, to sit on my throne as the Prince of Bel Air.

1/19/2012 2:48:08 PM

Bee Hugger
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There is a really upscale restaurant here in Greensboro that my GF loves, so we always go there for birthdays and valentines day.

She always requests her favorite waiter that is VERY gay, and he loves to make me uncomfortable. All rubbing on my shoulders and shit. If he isn't careful I am going to have to put it in his ass.

[Edited on January 19, 2012 at 3:04 PM. Reason : a]

1/19/2012 3:03:52 PM

11097 Posts
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Quote :
"You were probably asking for it by the way you were dressed."

It was probably the wedding band

1/19/2012 3:05:05 PM

All American
63547 Posts
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if you were straight you would take the ring off and constantly try to cheat on your wife

1/19/2012 3:05:43 PM

1310 Posts
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I work at an upscale restaurant in Greensboro. This one couple comes in all the time and requests me. I am VERY gay and love rubbing the boyfriends shoulders and shit. If I'm careful, he'll put it in my ass.

[Edited on January 19, 2012 at 3:10 PM. Reason : -]

1/19/2012 3:09:31 PM

Dick Danger
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1/19/2012 3:47:17 PM

8379 Posts
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Quote :
"She always requests her favorite waiter that is VERY gay, and he loves to make me uncomfortable. All rubbing on my shoulders and shit. If he isn't careful I am going to have to put it in his ass."

it would be creepy as shit if it were a guy doing that to a girl. tell him to fuck off.

1/19/2012 3:48:16 PM

All American
14296 Posts
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I have to partially disagree with you, it really depends on the situation. The difference is intention. Obviously in this case since he is being made uncomfortable then it may be a little wrong. Its not all bad to be thrown out of your comfort zone in 'safe' situations though, and again it all comes down to intent

1/19/2012 4:05:14 PM

All American
8649 Posts
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Quote :
if you were straight you would take the ring off and constantly try to cheat on your wife


1/19/2012 4:07:41 PM

8379 Posts
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Quote :
"I have to partially disagree with you, it really depends on the situation. The difference is intention. Obviously in this case since he is being made uncomfortable then it may be a little wrong. Its not all bad to be thrown out of your comfort zone in 'safe' situations though, and again it all comes down to intent"

but we're talking about djeternal's situation, not these types of situations in general

in general, though, it is not okay to hit on someone if your advances are unwelcome

1/19/2012 4:10:32 PM

11097 Posts
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I truly felt uncomfortable today. I guess that is what it is like for womenz a lot of times.

I had something similar happen in high school. One dude even wrote me a letter.

1/19/2012 5:05:27 PM

All American
1966 Posts
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Shouldn't have been looking gay.

1/19/2012 5:32:44 PM

All American
1955 Posts
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just feel flattered and continue on with your life

1/19/2012 5:53:45 PM

All American
14984 Posts
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This has happened to me. Not at Arby's, but at a bar/club. It's a little bit uncomfortable, but also kind of flattering if you think about it.

1/19/2012 5:54:46 PM

All American
9196 Posts
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The two of you look like you'd easily fit the "gay biker" stereotype...
Quote :
"I say not cool because this dude was a real creeper."

1/19/2012 6:04:10 PM

All American
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1/19/2012 6:53:41 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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I almost typed out a long similar story, but then realized that at least a few people would say "He wasn't hitting on you, you're just a homophobe."

Then I'd say "Not true! I love the gays!"

And then for the rest of my life people would think of me as "Mr. Joshua, that fabulous dude that loooves the gays"

1/19/2012 7:00:09 PM

All American
25609 Posts
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yes, d7freestyler, catalyst, JTMONEYNCSU, halfwit, colter, Fail Boat, Førte, [user]JustGotWickd[/user], BEAVERCHEESE, cynosural, O RLY, and KG were all riding in a jeep cherokee on their way to arby's when they were struck by a train...all died instantly, except for Førte, who is in critical condition at wake med

1/19/2012 7:15:21 PM

41759 Posts
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Quote :
"I used to love Arby's but their food is garbage now."

1/19/2012 9:19:16 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » So I just got hit on at Arby's Page [1]  
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